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Let's test your body (attn: Leawen)


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Bryon had been seen by Ginae, she had another trainee for him to oversee.  It seemed this lad was farther into his training than many of the others he'd seen.  It made Bryon wonder what had happened to the lad's mentor before.  But that it didn't surprise him, the Aes Sedai always seemed to be on some mission or another taking Guards and their Warders with them.


Bryon looked out over the yards and found the lad sparring his shadow in the early morning rain.  "Leawen?" 


The boy turned and nodded.  "Yes."


"Good, let's get started.  I see you have your weapon with you good.  Strap it on and take a lap or two around the yards to warm up.  We'll get moving on making your body a better weapon and much more worthy of that weapon you hold."



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Leawen knew he was a slacker. In fact he was quite fond of that part of his personality. Of course, the way he had grown up it was really no surprise. He had never known a father or mother or any relatives he could have looked up to.


But this morning he had woken with one of those rare bursts of energy and had gone out to train, no matter that he was on his own or not. Leawen did not mind the light drizzle coming down. Being born in Altara, he actually still quite liked rain. Of course, rain was not that uncommon up here as it had been down there.


But he did not get far with training forms. Master Byron approached him. It seemed he had other plans with him. His body a weapon? Well, if the man said it…


Normally Leawen would have grunted. This morning he actually looked forward to the run. He strapped his sword and started to go slowly around the yards. He was warmed up, but he knew, should he go too fast in the beginning he would be hard pressed to complete the turns. Once he was half way round his first lap he had reached his normal speed.


His pulse started to hammer like some drum. His breathing was rasping, but sounded like another instrument.


Out of its own a little tune came to his mind. And words formed easily to that:


Ginae and Byron are masters

I think they are real disasters

They‘re strong and brave

They treat me like a slave.


I have to run long laps

I will Probably earn slaps

While I just want to kiss

My little sultry miss. 


Of course, by the time he came close to Byron again, his little made up song had long seized, and he was nothing but a devoted trainee. Well, a rather out of breath, devoted trainee.


But, somehow, he had managed the whole two laps.

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Bryon watched the lad run.  "Good come with me, now for some fun."  It was work in reality but it could be fun if you looked at it that way.  Bryon lead Leawen through Tar Valon into the Ogier Grove at the northern tip of the island.  It was a good walk, and it would keep the lads muscles warm, he didn't want to tire him out too quickly it would be far more dangerous for him if he was tired and couldn't swim.


Bryon lead the lad to the deepest spot in the creek that taversed the grove, a stack of barrels stood at the waters edge.  Bryon kicked one into the water then turned to his trainee.  "Your goal today is to try and stand on that barrel for one minuite with out falling."


Bryon indicated for the lad to get to work as he started to collect some fallen limbs and sticks to start a fire for the lad to warm by when he was done.  This was always a favorite exercise of his, he still could not do what he'd seen others do, balancing and doing simple forms like Heron Wades in the Rushes, but his mass was to cumberson to make it happen on such a wobble perch.



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