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To defy a warning Sohvi and John


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Seated on the branch of an old oak tree that looked out over the lake Nightsfire smoked his pipe and studied the placid waters.  It had been several days since his encounter with Sohvi and subsequent confrontation with Anton and the swing of emotions he felt when he thought about each could not be more like night and day. 


The afternoon he spent with the young Wolfkin had been one of the most pleasant and carefree in recent memory.  He had connected with her on a level he had not experienced with anyone in a long…….well ever.  When he let himself dwell on the encounter with Anton however it left him simmering at wishing he had the man in a sparring ring for 5 minuets. 


His promise to the Tracker leader had not been empty and in the days that had followed he had used Quickening to keep an eye on Sohvi.  Anton was doing his best to keep her as busy as possible and avoid her having a chance to run into him again.  Nightsfire was patient and he knew it was just a matter of time.


Skipping a flat stone over the smooth waters he blew a smoke ring and watched it drift off. 


~Shimmer walks alone~


An imagine of Sohvi walking through a field that Nightsfire knew just to be to the north of him entered his mind.  With a smile he swung down from the branch and landed on his feet.  Picking up his pack leaning against the trunk he set of at a brisk pace toward the field.  As he walked he rummaged through his pack until he found a perfect wooden carving of a rose bud he had made.  Whistling as he walked he emerged into the field and saw Her walking toward the tree line 100 yards away.  As he began to catch up with her she stopped suddenly and turned almost surprised to find him walking toward her. 


The sight of her eyes almost melted him, they were as beautiful as he remembered and even more so if possible.    She had stopped and waited for him looking as if she had something in mind to say to him but whatever it was it was forgotten for the moment.  Smiling as he reached her he held out his hand giving her the wood rose.


“The flower I picked for you the other day was beautiful indeed but I carved this one which will never wilt.”  He felt  the fool for a second but shrugged it off.  “I was hoping to see you for our training sessions Sohvi I have very much missed your company.”


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Over the past few days, Sohvi had barely had a moment to catch her breath, let alone have a moment to herself to gather her thoughts and make up her mind on certain things. She still didn’t really understand why her bow practise with John had been such a big deal, but Anton was determined to keep her as far away from it as he could. Which meant that she’d been working herself into a sweat, learning about herbs and senses and the history of the world. On top of that she had her own house to keep. By the time the sun dropped below the horizon she was often too tired to even think of wandering off or going into the dreamworld.


That didn’t help much though. Her dreams of late were almost as confusing as the dreams she had had during her howling. Most of them revolved around the meeting she had had with John, and Anton’s warning after that. She was too young. She was too innocent yet. She had to learn what it meant to be wolfkin before she could go and run off with other wolfkin first. It frustrated her to the point of tears. She liked John. She didn’t want to against Antons wishes.


In the end her dilemma was solved by pure luck, or so she thought. Abandoning her home and anton’s lessons for an afternoon to gather herbs, she found herself walking in a field, enjoying the warmth of the sun. It was his scent that told her he was standing behind her. She savoured it for a moment, before turning around and looking John Dunbar in the eyes. She froze, thinking of what Anton had said before. She shouldn’t. She shouldn’t. She was no better than Rita and Rema combined. But really, there was no harm in some bow practise. None at all.


“I’d gladly practise with you, John.” She said, smiling at him. What Anton didn’t know couldn’t upset him further. Their hands touched for a moment when he gave her the carved rose, reminding her of the dreams she’d been having lately. Her cheeks coloured instantly, something John seemed to like if the look in his eyes was anything to go by. “Can we practise away from the training ground? I promised Anton I wouldn’t go there until my other training is finished at least…”


~Sohvi Darwin



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Feeling giddy as a teenager at Bel Tine when Sohvi said she would be glad to practice with him Nightsfire knew his pleasure must surely be obvious.  He understood why she did not want to practice at the training grounds even if she did not voice it.  In fact it was ideal the way he saw it deciding to take her to his hunting lodge in the woods.  It was not a far walk but well off the main roads and secluded. 


Guiding Sohvi toward the woods and a very faint path that lead upwards into the hills she fell in beside him.  Without thinking his hand found hers and held it as they began their way up.  He thought She might have let out a small squeak of surprise but she did not pull her hand away and a few moments later gave his a slight squeeze. 


They traveled in silence content to enjoy one another presence as they walked.  The sounds of birds and other wildlife surrounded them easily discernable to their sharp Wolfkin senses.  Finally the trail opened up on a clearing where a single small wooden cottage sat surrounded on all sides by trees.  A single practice target sat in front of the house and nothing else. 


Sohvi looked around the lodge curious and Nightsfire reluctantly let her hand go.  Waling inside the lodge he gathered a bow and quiver of arrows carrying them back outside.  “I built this place several years ago.”  He explained as she joined him her delicate features seemed pleased to be there. 


“I come here when I really want to be alone.  The woods around here provide excellent hunting.”  Looking up at the sky he added.  “On a clear night the view of the stars is magnificent and I often loose myself in their beauty.”  Chuckling he looked back to her.  “But with you here I think they are overmatched.” 


Sohvi flushed again cheeks coloring they way they always did when he complimented her making her more beautiful still.   


Clearing his throat Nightsfire handed her the bow and quivers.  “Lets see if you can find the target.”  Guiding her so that she was a respectable distance away he stepped back.  “If you prove good enough I promise to take you into the woods to hunt and we can have a delicious dinner here at the lodge.  If you like I can even show you the view of those stars, it promises to be a cloudless night.”


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John was every bit as wonderful as she remembered. She felt a bit guilty for not doing as Anton said, but really, what could go wrong. John had proven to be very willing to teach her to use a bow, and he’d been very respectful the entire time. There was still the scent though. At times it made her want to close her eyes and breathe it all in, and at other times it made her want to run away, back home where she was safe from all her wolfish instincts.


Again he stood close to her as she loosed the arrows on the target. The first few she missed, but with a few pointers from John she started to hit the target at least. Closer and closer to the centre until she finally placed one into the black circle in the middle of the target. She let out a triumphant laugh, before dropping the bow and turning to John. On impulse she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I’ve defeated the target!” she said as she let go of him, not really noticing the look on his face.


“Shall we go hunting now?” Ah, but she’d dreamt of that so often that she could almost feel it now. The chase, the way her teeth would seek out the jugular of her prey. She shook her head slightly, trying to get rid of the thought. It was pointless. Unless she suddenly sprouted a tail and a muzzle, there was no way she could ever hunt like that. Something in the back of her mind told her that this was what Anton had warned her about, when they argued about having wolves inside the house. Perhaps you did start to think too much like one if you spent too much time with one. She shrugged at the thought. She could handle it. Besides, she had John with her. He’d look out for her just as well as Anton did.


~Sohvi Darwin



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When Sohvi threw her arms around him and he felt her lips brush his cheek Nightsfire wanted to shift his head until his lips met hers.  Instead he lifted her off her feet in a great hug and sat her back down.  The scent coming from her was one of joy and excitement.  At the mention of hunting a hunger showed in her eyes that made her at once sensual and wild and he thought he understood her thoughts.


“You long to hunt as a wolf don’t you?”  Sohvi’s cheeks flushed and she nodded slightly. 


“You can’t be a wolf nor should you try but you have your companion.”  He winked at her helping her strap the quiver on her back before putting one on himself.  “Lets go.”


The two set out into the woods and Nightsfire cleared his mind and found Quickening. 


~It is time to hunt~


The thrill he felt from the big she wolf was matched by the eagerness he saw on Sohvi’s face.


“Reach out to Quickening and see through her eyes as she helps us flush out a deer for us.”


The two set off through the dense woods on cat’s feet walking quietly through the sounds of life the forest held.  Shafts of sunlight illuminated the land about them through the canopy of think branches overhead. 


In his mind Nightsfire saw Quickening spot two deer grazing on some wild mushrooms and she approached cautiously.  The big grey was not trying to make the kill herself but rather drive the quarry toward where he and Sohvi approached.  The deer sensed the wolf and hurried off in the other direction to where they thought safety awaited them.


Nightsfire and brought Sohvi to a halt behind an old fallen oak and the two crouched waiting.  He placed a finger to Sohvi’s lips to indicate quiet and was startled when she pursed her lips to his finger.  The excitement and thrill racing through her oozed out of her pours and it made his skin tingle.  Long moments they waited until a movement just ahead caught their attention.  He nodded to Sohvi indicating the kill was to be hers.

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Sharing her mind with a wolf other than Eyes High was an interesting experience, to say the least. Quickening was as different from her own merry companion as night was to day. Still, it mattered little as she watched through the wolf’s eyes, and saw her prey. Ah, this was how hunting was supposed to be. She could feel John at her side, his breathing low and heavy as he pointed out a good place for them to wait for the deer to arrive. She crouched next to him, pressing her shoulder against his as they peered over the fallen log.


Quickening was close now, snapping at the heels of the deer. Two of them, both well fed and ready to be caught and consumed. “Yes…” Sohvi whispered, her breathing swift and shallow. When John nodded, Sohvi pulled an arrow out of her quiver, and drew her bow. For a second it seemed the deer she was aiming for looked straight at her. She could see it’s hind muscles tense, and she the scent of its fear was so heavy on the air she could almost taste it. Then she released the arrow. It flew true. It was her best shot yet, hitting the deer right in the throat. It leapt off, but it didn’t get far. Reflexes. It hadn’t realised it was dead yet, but when it sagged through it’s knees it was definitely aware of that fact.


The other deer stood frozen for a moment, before leaping off into the woods, not to be seen again by Sohvi and John. After a few moments of silence, Sohvi got off her knees and leapt in the air. “That was amazing!” she cried out, grinning broadly. “did you see that? It was looking at me, right before the kill. It looked at me and saw a wolf.” She made a full turn on her heels, twirling her skirts. “Well? What do you think? Does one lucky shot make me a hunter?”


~Sohvi Darwin



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Sohvi’s delight was infectious and Nightsfire found him self laughing and clapping as she danced around.  “In my experience the only luck is that which you make for yourself.  We will make you the best hunter in the stedding before long you cunning she wolf.”


Quickening had emerged and stood over the carcass sniffing her eyes hungry for a taste of the fresh kill.


“Be patient my furry friend.”  Nightsfire told her with a smile as he rose to retrieve Sohvi’s prize. 

They hauled the deer back to the lodge where he hung it from a tree and explained how to gut the animal.  For her part Sohvi showed little interest in this and only paid attention to please him he suspected.


When he was done cutting some steaks for them he tossed a big fat haunch of meat to Quickening who grabbed it up in her strong jaws and carried it into the forest to dine.  Washing the blood from his hands in a nearby stream he rose and found Sohvi looking at him with a gleam in her eye.  Knowing she found the thrill of the kill exhilarating made her more desirable still.  Without thinking he walked over to her and kissed her on th forehead. 


“You are a quick study, we will have you skilled on other weapons in no time.”


A short time later found Nightsfire sitting before a campfire in front of the house while the venison roasted on a spit above it.  The hiss of the fat hitting the fire smelled wonderful and his stomach rumbled in anticipation.  Sohvi sat close by he knees pulled up to her chest lost in thought. 


Rising he went into the lodge and found a bottle of red wine he had procured from a merchant some time back.  It was a Illian vintage and he popped the cork and retrieved two cups and carried them outside.  The meat was ready he himself preferring his more rare than done and he removed it before serving Sohvi a thick piece and pouring her a generous cup of the red. 


They ate in silence and soon the bottle was consumed and Nightsfire produced another.  Their hunger sated the two sat sipping their wine and enjoying just being with one another.  The day had stolen away from them and the cry of an owl announced dusk as the days shadows lengthened and the first stars began to dot the sky. 


“It does this humble Rangers heart good that you spent the day with me Sohvi.  To have the company of one as engaging and beautiful as yourself is a treat that I relish and I thank you.” 


Placing his hand on hers he squeezed it softly and wondered where their friendship would lead.  Realizing that he wanted it to become more but to afraid to voice that desire as the thought of rejection and losing her friendship would hurt him deeply. 


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Though Sohvi had enjoyed the kill, she had no love for the actual gutting and skinning of the beast. Back home that had always been something her father and brothers had done behind the house, away from the eyes of the squeamish women. Sohvi had never minded it as much as her sisters, but it would take her a while before she felt up to the task of doing it herself. Perhaps she should start with something smaller, like a rabbit first. Mmm… rabbit. She could see Eyes High chase after a particularly fat one, not too far from where she and John were.


She shook her head slightly, pushing back the urge to get caught up in that chase as well. Invigorating as it was, she would rather spend time with John. The day was passing swiftly enough without further distractions. They shared a quiet moment as the deer roasted above a fire, sipping their wine. Sohvi tried to ignore the way the fire reflected in Johns eyes. She could get lost in those. So lost that she’d never find her way out again, and wouldn’t that be a hoot? She’d never heard the end of it if that happened.


The wine was starting to make her feel a little lightheaded. So lightheaded that she welcomed John’s hand on hers with a smile, and accepted his compliments with little more than a faint blush, almost hidden in the dusk. Sohvi looked up and saw bright stars dot the darkening sky. With a sigh she shifted slightly, sitting next to John and putting her head on his shoulder. “This is beautiful. Thank you for showing me this.” She whispered, smiling up at the sky and John. Life had definitely gotten better since she left Amadicia, and found Anton, who had in turn lead her to the Stedding. Even though she had many things left to learn and to discover, she finally felt like she was somewhere she truly belonged.


~Sohvi Darwin



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The feel of Sohvi’s head leaning against his shoulder was a surprise but a welcome one and awoke an ache of longing deep inside Nightsfire.  Letting out a deep sigh he let her head rest against him and drank in her smell. 


“Thank you for allowing me to bring you here Sohvi.  Out here it almost seems as this canopy of stars was made just for us on a night like this.”


The night deepened and the half moon’s light bathed Sohvi in its rays causing her pale skin to glow..  Placing an arm around her Nightsfire drew her closer to him and felt her sigh.  Running a hand through her hair he pushed a dark strand behind her ear and smiled down at her.  Her golden eyes caught his and for a moment the two stared wordlessly into the depths of each others neither wanting to speak fearing to break the spell. 


A wolf howled in the distance and for a moment Nightsfire felt a longing to take Sohvi and lead her into the woods and run with their brothers and sisters.  If a night could be said to be perfect this was about as close as it had come for him in as long as he could remember.  Leaning back he let her head rest agains his chest and continued to hold her close not knowing if it was right or wrong but not really caring either. 


A part of the Ranger realized what was happening and welcomed it.  Sohvi had made the hardened man care when he thought that beyond him on this level.  Oh he cared about the wolfkin and the wolves very much he would die for them if need be.  But the feelings she was bringing out in him were on such a personal level that it left him heady.  He knew the night would end but wished it did not have to.  Bending his head he kissed her on the shoulder let his lips linger there for a moment.


“I don’t know if this makes sense but a part of me wishes we could both move up here to live.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somewhere in the back of her mind a little warning bell sounded. It was easy to ignore, especially with John sitting right beside her. She welcomed his lips on her shoulder the way she had welcomed all of his attentions so far. It was right, in a way no other touch from any other boy or man had ever been right. She had never welcomed those, choosing to run from them instead. This was different. She felt that she would run with John this time, with John and quickening and Eyes High until her legs burned with the effort and she was as far away from everything that had ever bothered her as she could.


It would be easy to agree with John’s wish. The setting was beautiful, and she could feel a strong desire to hide away with him, right there. They could hunt when they needed food, and they could have all the peace and quiet they ever needed. Part of her realised that the wine she had had was urging her thoughts on this matter, but another part of her didn’t care. That part of her was the same part that had relished in the hunt, and had loved the thought of running into the night with John. Again little warning bells rang in her mind, and this time she could hear Anton’s voice.


They had argued long and hard about allowing Eyes High into Anton’s home. He had always said that it would bring out the wolf in her too much, and she had never believed him. Now, sitting at John’s side under the dark sky, she finally started to see a truth in it. It was the wolf in her that wanted to stay there with John, to have him by her side and touch her and hunt with her. The Sohvi she once was would have ran from his attentions. She had changed much over the past months. It would be easy to forget Anton’s words, to let herself get caught up in the moments. Both her instincts and the wine sang to her, calling out to her in a pleasant way.


It felt natural for her to turn her head and brush her lips against Johns. It felt right, as if it was something she had been aching to do since before she met him. It felt right, and yet even as he returned the gentle kiss, she couldn’t get rid of the warning bells in her head. Now more than ever they distracted her from the present, taking her back to Anton’s warnings about letting the wolf in too much, and further back even, to Ephrons eyes that followed her around all the time. With a gasp she pulled away from John, leaping to her feet and backing away from him slowly.


“I’m sorry… I… can’t.” she said, looking pained for a moment. “I just… I don’t know if this is what I want. I mean… if this is what I want.” The look on his face was even more confusing than her own feelings seemed to be. “I have to go.” She said, before turning and bolting in the direction she had come from. With some luck she would reach her hut before Anton figured out she was gone.


~Sohvi Darwin



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The abruptness of Sohvi’s departure right after their lips met had Nightsfire’s head swimming.  His emotions had gone from one of excitement and desire to confusion and a need to plead with her not to go.  Before he could find his voice she was gone and he sat alone staring at the woods feeling a rising sense of loss.


He sat alone well into the night staring at the stars and thinking of Sohvi.  He could still smell her scent on his clothes and taste her on his lips.  Finally he rose and went into the cabin gathering his camping gear and set out into the night.  Who was he fooling nothing good like her would ever last in his life.  It never had why should he delude himself and think it would be any different this time.  Shutting away his emotions he disappeared into the night determined to put time and distance between himself and Sohvi.


She did not need him anymore than anyone else did and he had been a bloody fool to even think there could be anything between them.


Weeks passed as Nightsfire lived in the wilderness ranging and scouting the stedding as he was sworn to do.  He had become bitter and when his thoughts turned to Sohvi he would always feel a pain of regret. 


Quickening tried to help him and for that he was forever grateful to the she wolf.  Two months passed until he finally returned to the stedding.  Walking toward the Ranger grounds he caught a glimpse of Sohvi and Anton walking in the distance and quickly turned away before he could be seen.  He would not live in the past and Sohvi had what she wanted and he would respect that.  Still he felt a soft place in his heart when he had seen her.  Reaching the training grounds he vowed to loose himself in his training. 

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Much time had passed since she last laid eyes on him. It had been dark then, the stars providing only a little light, but being who they were, they hadn’t needed more. Last time she looked at him she had seen both confusion and hurt in his eyes, over her decision that she could not go against her mentor’s wishes. Not at that time, at least. He had been right, then. Her instincts had been overwhelming, and she hadn’t known what was happening to her. A talk with Timewalker had cleared a lot of those things up for her, but not all of them. In the end she just couldn’t brush off the attraction she had felt to John Dunbar as a mere hiccup from her instincts. There had been more.


With some luck, there would be more still. Friendship, at the very least. The Light knew they could both use all the friends they needed, being what they were. She could use a friend. She just hoped he wouldn’t reject her in turn, even though she probably deserved it. Then again, Anton had warned John as well. Maybe the Ranger should have known better. Shaking her head slightly, Sohvi tried to get rid of the thoughts that had occupied her for well over a week now. It had been long enough since she last saw John, and though she wasn’t a full wolfsister yet, she was convinced that she could handle being around him well enough.


Still, she was worried. She’d hidden downwind for a while, content with just watching him as he trained vigorously. He had changed since she last saw him. His smile was gone, and his body was leaner than it had been. While she could spend a long time watching him, she decided it was time to show herself. Silently, the way Susanne had taught her. She felt she could sneak up to him completely without him noticing. Not something she wished to do though. She stopped at the edge of the clearing, and placed the basket she had brought on the ground next to her. “Ehm… John?” she finally said when it turned out John hadn’t heard the sound of the basket hitting the ground. “It’s me, Sohvi.” She said, lacking anything better to say.


~Sohvi Darwin


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He was one with the sword as he danced around the clearing sparring with invisible enemies.  His bastard sword cleaved the air and Nightsfire was alive with the blade in hand.  Feeding his emotions into the spring it took him a moment to realize the musical voice calling his name was real. 


Turning he had to fight down the urge rush over as he found himself looking at Sohvi.  The plethora of emotions that assaulted him threatened to overwhelm him for a moment and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself.


In that one moment he had felt anger, resentment, regret and a deep longing he thought he had hidden in the deepest recesses of his being. 


She looked as radiant and beautiful as ever her pale skin framed by her dark hair.  Her hair had grown out since he had last seen her and made her even more of a vision which he did not think possible.


Realizing he was starring Nightsfire sheathed his bastard sword on his back and walked over to her.  A basket lay at her feet and there was a look in her eyes he could not describe. 


“Hello Sohvi I had not thought to see you again anytime soon.”  Sohvi quietly began to spread out a blanket from the basket and arrange food on it. 


“I brought you lunch.”  She said offering him the hint of a smile.


Nightsfire felt an instant of jealousy and snapped.  “Are you sure Anton won’t be along to lead you away once more?”  He regretted it the moment the words left his mouth and felt the fool. 


Sohvi’s cheeks reddened slightly but the fire in her eyes burned with intensity.


“I...I…..I am sorry Sohvi I should not have spoken to you so.  You did what you felt you needed to and I won’t taint the precious time we had together with bitterness.” 


Sitting down he watched as she set out a lunch of cold chicken, cheese and berries. 


Emotions ragged within the Ranger and suddenly all the time he had spent alone trying to put Sohvi behind him was suddenly for naught.  He wanted her as much as he had then and even more he realized.


“I am sorry I caused you any hurt or confusion Sohvi it was not my intent.”  She looked up and gave him a knowing look and reached over and squeezed his hand. 


“I care for you very much Sohvi and I would have you any way you will let me be a part of your life.”


Leaning over he kissed her then.  Hard and full on the lips and drank her in so that he would never forget the taste of her in case it was his last.


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It was easy to forget that weeks had passed as Sohvi sat on the ground with John close to her. She could smell him clearly now, her senses sharpened by the training Susanna had given her. The emotions rolling from him were still confusing though. Sohvi couldn’t figure out whether he liked her or loathed her very existence, even though she was only sitting a few feet away from him. And then there were the things he said. One moment he seemed glad to see her, the next he was making snide comments about Anton. Didn’t he understand that her mentor was just being protective? Sure, there was bad blood between him and the rangers, but in the end Anton wanted to see Sohvi happy.


Now all she had to do was figure out how she could become as happy as possible. She had come a long way since first discovering she was wolfkin, but she also realised she still had a long way to go. With some luck, she would have John as a friend to walk with her along that path. She was beginning to believe it was possible when he told her he understood her reaction. Reaching across the basket to hold his hand, she was content just to sit there with him. Well, except for the berries… couldn’t let those go to waste.


She had just bitten down on one when she sensed something change in John. When she looked up at him, she saw an almost grimly determined look on his face. “Wha…” she started, unable to finish as John leaned over and crushed his lips against her. “Mrph.” She uttered, which was supposed to sound more like ‘What? Are you sure you want to do this?’ John’s intentions seemed clear enough though, as he persisted in his kiss. For a moment Sohvi’s hands lingered on John’s shoulders, doubting between pushing him away and slapping him for presuming that she… that she would just…


Well, that wasn’t much of an option anyway. It wasn’t as if she really minded. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders instead, and pulled him in closer. Last time she had been the one to kiss him, and it had been short and hesitant. This was better. Much better. Endlessly better. How could she ever have thought that this wasn’t exactly what she needed? Still, there was a little voice nagging in the back of her mind. For once it was neither Anton nor any of her sisters, calling her a hussy. It was Timewalker, telling her about silly things like ‘the right time’ and ‘the proper way’ and whatnot.


With a sigh she pushed John away. The look on his face was such a mixture of emotions that she couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not going to run away this time.” She said, picking up another berry and feeding it to John. “I… uh… am not entirely sure what this means though… I mean, I like you, but it’s still pretty confusing.”


~Sohvi Darwin



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