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Ok guys, I really would like to join. I dont know where else to post this, so here it goes:


I've sent an email to the Mistress of Novices (farsea@iprimus.net.au) but I cant get it to send properly with my AOL, and the Windows Vista thing makes it too complicated to send the other way.


So can someone send an email to whoever needs it, to get me enrolled?


Or is there something else I should be doing?


And what is the difference between the path of the novice and the path of the algai?

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Welcome to the WT...   :)



It's best to just visit each Ajah because they are very loosely based on the books.  They've evolved over time into their own thing.  If you are deciding to go down the Aes Sedai route, you wouldn't be able to choose an Ajah until you are Accepted, so you have plenty of time to get to know all of them.


Edit:  Lor is on LoA for the weekend, but she's definitely still MoN, lol.  She said she probably won't get this Sunday's roll done, but will try to have it done later in the week.  Until then, you can still jump in whereever you want.

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Sorry for the double, but I had to ask...Some recipe project was mentioned as giving 100 points for one submission.


If this is the case, all I need is to do that and I can get raised, correct? Because dont I only need 10 points to get Accepted and another 10 to become an Aes Sedai?



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good ones, too  :D


And did I mention that each recipe is worth 100 points?  Not that the points are useful for anything.  But I know you org folks like your points and your rankings, so . . . yeah, each recipe is 100 points.  Get enough points, and you go up in rank.  Sure, why not . . .


On the recipe submission thread...

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lol Bad Kivam!!


Ealdur... please note in that quote that he said "Not that the points are useful for anything".


You can get real points by archiving- contact Daruya;

posting at the beginning of the month in the activity thread;

If you look in the lecture hall you can join the class getting ready to start (don't worry it's fun);

Go to the yellows and look at the home remedies thead.  If you submit 3 or 6 new ones to Tigara you'll get a point or two;

Ask around at the Ajahs... they sometimes have projects you can do for points, such as welcomer for their quarters and recruiting for them (posting in the newbie threads at the top of Dragonmount to check out the white tower and that particular ajah),

sometimes joining an ajah's monthly discussions gives you points.


That should be a start... feel free to ask if you have questions.  Most everyone is nice and will be glad to help you out.




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Hiya Ealdur, Welcome to the Tower Insanity.


Im Head Nutt of the Red Ajah and you can find all the things you can do for the Red Ajah as a Novice/Accepted here. As offsites are going to be brought under the DM wing, I'm hoping to get a proper board for these on here as well, but the Admins are having their hands full setting everything up so for the moment you can still use that one to check up and sign in for something you'd like to do.


Meanwhile you are very welcome to the Red Ajah and I'd like to see you around our boards frequently and dive right in to anything you see going on.


Do NOT be afraid of the snugglebites. Yes you WILL get them and yes they ARE addictive. But in a good kinda' bad way, if you know what I mean. And if not, just pretend you do ;)


Having said that.... *grabs the new Novice and snugglebites up and down both sides of the neck*

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Also do not fear the Yellow Ajah's resident nudist :D I think he's away right now anyway, but you'll meet him eventually. We all love newbies, so I hope you'll come visit us once you're added to the usergroup. *nods*

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