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Z Minus Five


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Some of you will remember just how annoying my last series of "Z" posts were ;D Well hopefully this series will be just as annoying for you all.....but the result should be worth the wait.....i am so stoked i just cannot get this huge grin off my face....there are just good times, and then there are brilliant times....i am having the latter right now...five to go....YES!!!!!


Ahhh but to what i hear you mutter...actually it sounded like, "oh no not again" but hey, it will be worth the wait 8)





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Guest Arie Ronshor

What are these? Why do you do this? Are you asking for a friendly cometitive game of annoyance? Cause i can Annoy most people without blinking.. :D


or do i jst toss pies at you?



*innocent grin*

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*nods solumnly* nothing is better then a little domestic abuse between enemies...









*Whacks James with a Cuccumber she borrowed from Jade*

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Guest Arie Ronshor

GAH!! See?!?!



*pulls out a clip of pickles and proceeds to fire at Jade*





Domestic abuse. :D

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