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Anyone Wanna Help Out WolfLover??


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I've put up a new post about getting the garden ready for new planting. It's gonna be an herb garden. I want to create another garden a little farther from her house for regular produce. Helping me out with the garden... I can probably work in a little herb training for those of you that need it.


I am also looking for someone or more who may have the skills to help me add on to my little house. I need another bedroom for the children. My idea is a large room that can be both a sleeping area and play/study area. They will also need to have beds and little nightstands made. So if anyone of you wolfkin out there happen to be carpenters and masons either now or in your past lives... I could use the help.


Thanks all




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Anton oddly enough does have some experience in carpentry :)  No master by any means, something he practiced when he took a break from thiefcatching or simply couldn't find that work, but ya.

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Anton... would love your help to add on a couple small rooms to the cottage.  Tell me how we can meet up.  My email is sageleader@yahoo.com or you can pm me through here.


Sil... I saw your post and will respond soon... thanks for jumping in there :)


Estel... soon as you are ready hun let me know.


Thanks to you all :)



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