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Let Those Who Till... (Open)


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The days passed quickly as WolfLover began the work on the inside of her little house. Cleaning and repairing what she was able. Procuring new dishes and supplies for her and the children. She had also begun work in the Infirmary again. She had done a complete inventory of supplies and made a list of what was running low. No one seemed to have a problem with her presence there, even though she had yet to even recognize one face. They did keep their distance, and as of yet no one had approached her.


Today was the day to begin the work on her little garden. She knew what needed planting and the weather was right to begin. She pulled back the dilapidated makeshift fence that kept the wild animals out. “This is definitely going to need to be repaired.” She said aloud to no one in particular. The children were playing with Dust and Storm on the other side of the cottage and their laughter rang loudly. Off and on other wolves had come to join in the play. At first, WolfLover had been nervous with them around the children, but as the days went on she became more and more sure that the children would be accepted.


Digging the hoe in to the ground she began the long tedious work of tilling the soil to prepare it to plant. Till the soil, remove the weeds, was the pattern that would take up most of this day. Usually there were students to help make this go faster, but WolfLover had not yet begun to train any of the new wolfkin. She wasn’t sure she was ready yet. “Soon,” she told herself. “Soon I will begin training the others again.”


Till the soil, remove the weeds. Till the soil, remove the weeds…




OOC: Anyone feel free to jump in here. This is a great opportunity for some herb training.


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Despite not being a beacon of social prowess, Sohvi found herself out and about again, looking to see if she could find some of the people she had met since she first left home. She had met Anton first, who was… odd, at times. He was the wolfkin that didn’t like wolves. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t accept that. how could you not like wolves. As she thought of Anton, she subconsciously reached out for the wolf that had accompanied her from the very day she left her home. Eyes High was close. He always was. Then again, he might not be the only one.


The Candarr sisters might be out and about, which meant that Sohvi had to step lightly. In a way the three sisters reminded her of her own sisters, only the three wolfkin were a lot nicer than her own adoptive siblings had been. Even if they were a little odd at times. And there was Timewalker, who was also quite odd. Then again, with her past it made a lot of sense. Sohvi was sure that if she’d gone through the same things as Timewalker, she’d be odd too. As it was, she was glad to just be herself. Shy little Sohvi, the girl who was never going to fit in with her family until she got chased out of the home, and adopted into a new family. A family with a lot of four legged members, that was true, but she felt at home anyway.


Today Anton had mentioned to her that one of the huts that had previously been abandoned had once again found an inhabitant. One with children. The prospect of seeing a wolfkin with a child excited her. If wolfkin had children like everyone else, then they weren’t as odd after all. And that was good. Soon enough she arrived at the hut Anton had mentioned, only to find it’s inhabitant in the garden, tilling the soil. Now that was something Sohvi recognised. She had always loved garden work when she was still in Amadicia. “Ehm… hi.” She said, waiting outside the garden for the woman to acknowledge her presence. “What are you doing?”


~Sohvi Darwin



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WolfLover had heard the approaching footsteps.  Sensing no danger however she continued to till until the young wolfsister addressed her.


“Ehm… hi.”  She said staying just about the garden area.  “What are you doing?”


WolfLover stopped tilling and turned, a soft smile on her lips.  Wisps of hair were escaping from the braid that hung long down her back, the end of the braid touching just  below her knees.  Auburn and gray strands tickled her face were lines of age were starting to show.  WolfLover wasn’t to be considered of old age yet, but she was the eldest in the stedding she was sure.


“Well young one, I am attempting to return this lovely little garden to it’s rightful state.  I have many seeds to lay in the ground so that we may easily replenish the Infirmary with common herbs used in both healing and cooking.”  WolfLover straightened her back stretching a little and listened to the slight cracking.  “And it seems these old bones just are not very happy with me at the moment.  If you are interested in helping an old woman out, I would love the help and in turn I can teach you a little about the different herbs I intend to plant here.”


Just then Strider and Ariset bounded around the house chased by Dust and Storm.  “Mama mama!” they shouted playfully.  “There’s lots and lots of wolfies here!!”  They both turned and looked and the young woman standing next to the fence staring at them.  “Mama, who’s that, she’s pretty.” Strider said with a big grin.


WolfLover grinned.  So much like his father and uncle, she thought.  “Well Love, I was just about to find that out.”  She turned to the young woman.  “I am WolfLover, and these are my children Strider,” she said indicated the young boy with light brown dreadlocks, “and Ariset,” she said pointing to the little girl with long auburn hair tied in two simple braids.  She held out her hand, “We are pleased to meet you.”




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Sohvi’s eyes widened at the sight of two children bursting out of the small home. She hadn’t smelled them in there yet. When they came closer she realised why. They smell of wolf. she thought to her companion. With a grin she accepted WolfLover’s hand. “I’m Sohvi. The wolves call me Shimmer. I think that has something to do with me being a little shy. But I’m working on that.” she assured the woman. Still, she couldn’t keep herself from blushing again, something she seemed to be doing quite often.


She watched for a while as WolfLover continued working on the garden. She had always liked gardens. Her mother had had one with flowers and one with herbs, and the one with herbs would always smell lovely in the evenings. Her sisters never liked working in the gardens, saying that it was servant work, but Sohvi disagreed. WolfLover seemed to be enjoying herself well enough, and the maid had always hummed when she worked in the gardens.


“ It would be lovely to have my own garden someday.” She mused aloud. As it was the ground around her hut had been cleared from the most invasive weeds, but that was all. “Could you teach me something about how to keep one? What things should I plant? When should I plant them? What are they good for?” she asked. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw the other woman smile. “I’m sorry.” She said, blushing again. “I just tend to get a but excited about things.”


~Sohvi Darwin



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“It’s lovely to meet you Sohvi.  Shimmer is a lovely name.”  WolfLover smiled.  “It may not be about your shyness at all, dear.  Perhaps the wolves see the shimmering beauty you have yet to allow others to see.”  She watched Sohvi blush and smiled softly at her.  “The wolves see more in us than we sometimes see in ourselves.  Listen to them Sohvi, they can teach you a great deal.”  WolfLover turned and continued to work.  It wasn’t long before the young girl began speaking again.


“ It would be lovely to have my own garden someday.”  She said absently to herself before speaking to WolfLover. “Could you teach me something about how to keep one? What things should I plant? When should I plant them? What are they good for?” She fired off each question rapidly without waiting for an answer.  WolfLover smiled to herself.  She remembered another young wolfkin who used to ask questions in a similar fashion.  She hadn’t seen Telnor in a very long time.  “I’m sorry.” She said, blushing again. “I just tend to get a but excited about things.”


WolfLover chuckled softly.  “Excitement about life can be a positive strength.  I’ll tell you what.  How about you pick up a hoe,” she indicated the extras leaning against the cottage.  “You help me ready this plot and I will teach you about the preparation of the garden area and the plants I plan to cultivate here.”  She waited for Sohvi to pick up a hoe and join her.  “The first step is to ready the ground.  We must till the soil and remove all the unwanted growth.”  WolfLover began to till the ground again showing Sohvi how it was to be done.




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  • 2 weeks later...


Sohvi blushed a little when she heard WolfLover’s explanation on why the wolves have her the name Shimmer. Anton had always said that he thought the name suited her very well. Especially when she had met him the first time, she had been so shy and so eager to avoid all contact that at times it seemed as if she was barely there. She found she liked WolfLover’s explanation a lot better.


Still feeling a little shy around the other wolfkin, Sohvi readily accepted the chance to get the woman’s attention on something other than herself. The hoe was easily found, and soon enough Sohvi found herself tilling the ground alongside WolfLover, paying attention to what the other woman did, and taking care to remove all the rocks from the ground. She got the impression that the other wolfkin knew what she was doing, which was a comforting thought. Her mother had always loved working in the garden, but she rarely let Sohvi assist for fear that her dress would get dirty.


“So…” she finally started, hoping to find out more about the mysterious wolfkin whom she hadn’t seen around before. “I… uh… I always thought this house was abandoned. I mean, I never saw anyone live here. Not that I really came here all that often, but… well… you know. Wolves gossip about things like that. I’ve never heard my companion mention anything about you or your children before.”


~Sohvi Darwin



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  • 2 weeks later...

WolfLover continued to work the ground as she considered the young woman’s question.  “The stedding was my home for a very long time.  About 4 years ago I felt the need to leave for a time and handed my responsibilities to someone younger and very eager to lead.  I was surprised actually that my cottage was not taken by another in need of a home, for that is the way things are at times.  I only just returned here 6 days ago and reclaimed what once was mine.”


WolfLover paused for a moment and glanced to where the children were playing.  “They were a surprise and a gift.  The Wheel saw fit to let their father live on through them.”  She turned and looked at Sohvi, a soft smile on her face.  “It is not common to see Wolfkin with children.  I know in my many years at the stedding, children were a rarity.  I could say that was most likely because at the time there were so few of us, and romantic relationships seemed out of place.” 


Sohvi nodded as if she understood.  “I suppose the reason your companion has not mentioned me or my children could have been that they felt it unnecessary.  I had left home and cut off all contact with the Wolfkin.  Until my return, only those with me knew about the children.”  WolfLover chuckled a little.  “I am quite surprised I haven’t had more people here asking very similar questions to yours”  She smiled softly at the look that crossed Sohvi’s face.  “Do not fret child.  Curiosity is common nature for us, especially when the wolves won’t tell us what we want to know.  Perhaps your companion told you nothing because you were meant to seek me out for yourself.”


“Come, I think the soil is ready.  Let us break for the day and let the ground breath.  I will collect what we will need.  Let us go inside and have some tea and then you can return on the day after tomorrow just after the sun rises and we will begin.”  WolfLover propped the hoe against the side of the cottage and went inside.




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