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Forms and Focus (Attn: Jaydena)


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Joined: 18 Mar 2006

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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:10 am    Post subject: Forms and Focus (Attn: Jaydena) 




Dinner, he thought as he took a seat in the glade, was perhaps the cruelest form of entertainment the Dark One had ever invented. The idea of sitting down with the people you cared for in order to discuss the goings on was really... well the only word that came to mind again was cruel. If you wanted to talk about your life and all that had come to pass, wouldn't you seek them out? Last night had been one of the most painful in his life. Having to sit alongside Sahra while explaining thing to Aran, well that hadn't gone well.


It didn't help that he still had Cairma's words in his head or the looks that Sahra had given him for the past few days as he had found more and more ways to keep her training without directly involving him. He knew he could continue to train her without his personal feelings getting in the way, but he just needed a little more distance to sort it out.


He hadn't been celibate as he had waited for Sahra to get through her training, but Sahra had understood. He thought she had anyway, but her comments the other night showed that no matter what she had been hurt by it. As for what she had done...


Light, he didn't know how to deal with this. He'd never been involved really. Who knew what would have happened if she hadn't become a trainee when she had, but as her mentor he wasn't about to touch her. Perhaps the fact that he had been able to get to know her so much better had made this so hard. He knew she'd never been with anyone else before and he had always thought it would be he that experienced that with her the first time. Instead, not only was it some young fool.


Sighing, he stood up and paced. His thoughts weren't helping any. He got up and even though he had no weapon with him, he began working forms anyway. Just the balance and the form were enough to consume his thoughts so much so that as another person came to the same part of the glade, he wasn't aware of her presence, anymore than he was aware of the look of loss that seemed to stay with him.





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Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:46 am    Post subject:   




Jaydena muttered darkly as she regarded the reports in front of her, it was there in black and white for her green eyes to see. Things weren't getting any better; in fact they were getting worse. The world was in chaos and it was going to be full out mayhem before it was done. She quickly pulled out her writing materials and wrote a report for the other two Sitters. It was about time to train someone to deal with the Eyes and Ears job; she had enough to do on her own without adding more to it. She thought fondly of Kaylan Sedai and how well she had done the job before her. Perhaps she would return and take over her job, though at this point she just wasn't sure. Signing each of the reports with a flourish she sprinkled sand on them and then blew on them. A quick weave of fire had her wax melting and she set her seal into each of the reports with a firm stab. When she had finished she laid them on her desk and headed to her room to go get ready for some much needed bow practice.


Turning toward her room she gazed around the beautiful surroundings. Growing up in a farmhouse, she never would have guessed she would end up in what looked like the rooms of a palace. Yet she still didn't know if it had been worth it. Oh yes she had dreamed of it as a child, but she had lost so much. She touched her scared face which lacked the mask at this moment and winced. Her beauty, her friends, her lovers, she had lost so much over the years. She closed her eyes at the pain that rolled through her at the thought of those missing pieces in her heart. Jade stood up and walked to her room, she quickly changed out of the dress she had worn to her meetings this morning. A pair of skin tight britches made of a soft leather, followed by a loose shirt which she tucked into the pants. Over that she wore a green vest with roses running up the lapels. Her hourglass figure bulged above and below her tiny waist but she rolled her eyes. Not that it mattered that she ran twice a day and worked forms every day.


No one would ever again look her with desire; she might as well get fat and waddle around the Tower on legs like chicken drumsticks. She stomped her feet into a pair of knee high leather boots in a green color the same as her vest. Her auburn hair which hung below her waist was secured on top her head and she stuck sword pins in it to hold it in place. She strapped her sword her waist and picked up her crossbow from its place. Striding from the room she almost forgot her mask. She walked back to it and picked it up off the nightstand. Hate would be too mild a word for what she felt for whoever had done this to her but she couldn't dwell on it any longer. The mask was hooked on her face with a quick weave which she tied off; it allowed the mask to breath and kept it from moving around while she was working out.


She walked from her room and picked up the reports from off her desk. Her long legs ate up the ground before her as she tied the wards off on her room and set the reports on the table of each Sitter. Jade looked around quickly and then snuck through the secret entrance for Ajah heads. It led her to yard where she nodded at several people, including her own warder. She sent her a wink and then walked off to the glade where she always practiced her bow. When she got there was shocked to see a young man pacing back and forth. Hmmmm I wonder whatever is wrong with this young pup, she thought. She walked toward him, her footfalls light but obviously not light enough as he raised her head and looked at her. Ohhhh he's good! Arching her eyebrows she spoke, "Hello there, I usually use this glade to practice my bow, I hope you don't mind."


Jaydena Mckanthur






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Joined: 18 Mar 2006

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Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:34 am    Post subject:   




He was almost too far gone in his forms to notice the small footsteps but as it creeped into his consciousness he couldn't let it go. He stopped the form in mid motion and looked over at the woman who stood before him.


Aes Sedai, he could tell from the look of her face, though only part of her face was visible. A mask covered one side and that in itself told him who lie behind it. He had always been told that all Aes Sedai wear a mask, but he had only ever heard of one with a mask like this.


He gave a proper bow to show his deference to her. "Please Aes Sedai. Your presence would lighten this darkened glade tremendously." The minute he said it he wished he could take it back. The only dark thing in the glade was his mood and Aes Sedai were supposed to be able to read truth from a single nod or gesture. The last thing he needed was an Aes Sedai getting into his affairs.


Ursana Tahn Sakhr



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Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:30 pm    Post subject:   




He pulled up short from the form he was doing and turned to look at her, she hefted her bow as though showing him that her claim was real. He bowed low to her and she wondered what he was about, she had seen recognition flash into his eyes before he had concealed it from her. He knew exactly who she was or had heard of her, it wasn't often you saw an Aes Sedai with a mask covering half her face. She knew for sure that she had never met him, so he must have seen her from afar or heard of her. "Please Aes Sedai. Your presence would lighten this darkened glade tremendously." Jaydena chuckled at the look that flashed over his face a moment later. He was shocked he had said that to her, well the wheel weaves as the wheel wills, she thought.


She nodded and spoke, "Thank you very much, my name is Jaydena Mckanthur, and I am a Green Sitter." She turned away, giving him the chance to leave in case he couldn't stand the sight of her face. Jade walked over to the trees she used and pined her target to one of them. She stepped back and began to sight her bow, she pulled the string back and loaded a bolt onto it. Jade could feel his presence behind her so she knew he hadn't left the glade. She shot several bolts and was frustrated to see that she wasn't hitting the bullseye. Something wasn't right or she was distracted, suddenly the man walked up behind her and began speaking to her...


Jaydena Mckanthur





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Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:22 am    Post subject:   




He was more than a little surprised to find the Aes Sedai move onto her practice without any more words. In fact, he'd never had much contact with Aes Sedai and he though it might be interesting to speak to one. His sister had been promised to a woman who was once a Green Sister. It made a little more intrigue for him. His former mentor had been sleeping with a Green Aes Sedai as well. He smiled at himself even as he was shaking his head. Well, curiosity killed... but it had yet to do worse than put him in a dress so far. It was certainly better than moping about his life, or lack thereof.


He watched the Aes Sedai for a few minutes, then decided to speak. "My name is Ursana Tahn Sakhr. Though most call me Sana." He said. It was a start anyway. The name might mean something and it might not. Maybe she knew his sister, but if she did he'd never heard Rosheen talk about her. Not that he knew everything she did or anything. Nope, just one little brother looking to find his own way thank you very much.


Ursana Tahn Sakhr



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Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:23 am    Post subject:   




He was more than a little surprised to find the Aes Sedai move onto her practice without any more words. In fact, he'd never had much contact with Aes Sedai and he though it might be interesting to speak to one. His sister had been promised to a woman who was once a Green Sister. It made a little more intrigue for him. His former mentor had been sleeping with a Green Aes Sedai as well. He smiled at himself even as he was shaking his head. Well, curiosity killed... but it had yet to do worse than put him in a dress so far. It was certainly better than moping about his life, or lack thereof.


He watched the Aes Sedai for a few minutes, then decided to speak. "My name is Ursana Tahn Sakhr. Though most call me Sana." He said. It was a start anyway. The name might mean something and it might not. Maybe she knew his sister, but if she did he'd never heard Rosheen talk about her. Not that he knew everything she did or anything. Nope, just one little brother looking to find his own way thank you very much.


Ursana Tahn Sakhr



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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:27 am    Post subject:   




Jaydena waited for him to speak, her thoughts on the coming days duties and the things he needed to get done before the day was over. She needed to write some reports, speak with Sitters, work on training the new Eyes and Ears lead, she really should take some time for herself and draw or paint something and she should also work in Rashima's garden, the roses needed tending. In fact she also needed to go into the city and pick up some new pastels and several new brushes as well as have some new clay delivered to the kiln room. She also needed to pick up some snacks for her quarters like jerky and nuts, and also needed some ingredients to make soap and candles. She looked at him again and finally he began to speak, "My name is Ursana Tahn Sakhr. Though most call me Sana." She regarded him as she pondered that name, he had brown hair and eyes that seemed to shift from blue to gray. He was actually an inch taller than her which was shocking and very young. She still couldn't grasp where she had heard the name so she spoke quietly, "Well I know I have heard of you somewhere but I just can't remember from who or in what context. Perhaps you know my gaidar, her name is Cairma?" She stopped and waited as she felxed her fingers, keeping them loose for the bowstring...


Jaydena Mckanthur





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Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:44 am    Post subject:   




"I have met your Warder a few times." He hoped that Cairma wasn't how she knew his name. It was bad enough that she knew what had happened between he and Sahra let along telling her Aes Sedai. "Mostly I know her because she was friendly with my mentor, Aran. You might know the name from my sister as well, Rosheen Tahn Sakhr. She's been in these parts far longer than I have."


He smiled at her, hoping to hide his nervousness. He doubted that he was suceeding. In fact he was fairly certain he was failing, but he tried anyway. It was a bad trait he got from his family, the need to show emotions on your face as clearly as if someone could read your mind. He worked on it, but even being one of the more laid back Tahn Sakhr's left him showing more than he wished.





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Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:45 am    Post subject:   




Jaydena eyed him as she waited to get back to her practice, he was obviously unsure of how to deal with her. She hadn't spent years playing the Great Game, not to recognize reluctance and someone being uncomfortable. "I have met your Warder a few times." Jade nodded, she had heard his name mentioned a couple times by Cairma but not anything bad and even if she had heard something bad she wouldn't have said anything. She didn't betray her gaidar's confidence like that, "Mostly I know her because she was friendly with my mentor, Aran. You might know the name from my sister as well, Rosheen Tahn Sakhr. She's been in these parts far longer than I have." Now that was a name she remembered well, she thought back to events and different things that had happened while she was in the Tower.


Deaths that could have been avoided and things that needed to happen for the wheel of time to keep turning. The man smiled at her and then she spoke, "I know her, she is bonded to someone in my ajah and she almost bonded someone who was a good friend and died to young. It's a sad thing to think about. She is a good woman and someone any Aes Sedai would feel lucky to be bonded to. I even considered asking to bond her at one point, I have two female gaidar and I had decided I wanted to bond a man this next time around. So I didn't persue her or any of the other female guards." She smiled and then said, "So how long have you been at the Tower?"


Jaydena Mckanthur


ooc- Sorry about the lateness, dang topic replies.





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Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:41 am    Post subject:   




How long had he be there? It was a good question. Time passed by far too quickly here and it had become all too easy to understand how his sister had lost track of time when it came to her poor younger brother who had waited impatiently between every letter and visit. How long had it been since he'd written his own parents? Too long. He'd surely written then when he'd been promoted, hadn't he?


"Too long it seems." He said with a grin. "Some days I feel I have just arrived and others, it seems I was always here, though the years pass whether I recognize them or not. My sister would have been pleased to know you held her in such high regard, though if I might ask a question?" He waited for a small nod before continuing. "Does it make much difference to have a male or female Warder? I know the women of the Yards are as capable as the men so i'm interested in why you would be looking for a male warder in particular?"








((No problem hon  No rush on my end))



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She waited silently for him to speak, "Too long it seems. Some days I feel I have just arrived and others, it seems I was always here, though the years pass whether I recognize them or not. My sister would have been pleased to know you held her in such high regard, though if I might ask a question?" Jade chuckled and nodded, she knew exactly the feeling, she had often felt that she had been at the Tower far to long. In fact she was one of the older women at the Tower. She took the rest of his words and then nodded in answer to his question. "Does it make much difference to have a male or female Warder? I know the women of the Yards are as capable as the men so i'm interested in why you would be looking for a male warder in particular?" She smiled and took a seat on a rock that was nearby, she thought for a second and then began to speak, "There are actually differences in the bond, a bond with a female is like a mirror, it's more vivid that the bond with a man, I think it has something to do with being of the same sex. There's also the fact that men gaidin often end up involved sexually with their Aes Sedai, this I think is because of the heightened feelings within the bond, imagine being able to fell it, then feel it again."


She blushed, light she couldn't believe she had just said that to him. Clearing her throat she adopted her look of serenity and spoke again, "With a man it's a different bond, it's a different relationship. The bond with a female is very intense and I need something not as intense, something that is a bond but not a mirror of my bonded. I know that might be confusing but that is the easiest way I can explain it, it's something you can't understand I think unless you are bonded to a female warder. So why is it that you haven't bonded yet?"





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Ursana smiled at the unexpectedness of the Aes Sedai's response.  There were rumors about the Green Ajah surely, but he wouldn't have expected such a comment from any Aes Sedai.  From the look on her face she hadn't expected to give it either. 


His smile continued at her question of him.  "It would be hard to be bonded to an Aes Sedai.  I have hardly met one, let alone known one well enough to think on bonding.  And to be honest, I am not so sure I will find an Aes Sedai that would be willing to put up with me.  I am more than willing to die for a bondmate, but I am not so willing to be a pet on a leash as I have heard some might want.  I have my own life and my own loves and I couldn't accept an Aes Sedai who couldn't accept those things.  Perhaps that will make me a Guard forever, but it is who I am." 


He didn't know why he'd said it.  He loved Sahra, no matter that she had chosen another, and he knew that if he ever did bond it would have to be someone that could allow for that sort of thing.  His conversation with another Sister not long ago made him wary that such a Sister might exist.  It felt good to be honest though after Jaydena Sedai's earlier comment.



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Jaydena saw his smile and she almost blushes as she wondered exactly what he was thinking about her, Light does he think I am some kind of Green Ajah slut or something, I am not making the ajah look better here. That just totally gave the ajah a bad name and I should know better, she thought. She almost turned away in embarassment and he smiled again and then spoke, "It would be hard to be bonded to an Aes Sedai.  I have hardly met one, let alone known one well enough to think on bonding.  And to be honest, I am not so sure I will find an Aes Sedai that would be willing to put up with me.  I am more than willing to die for a bondmate, but I am not so willing to be a pet on a leash as I have heard some might want.  I have my own life and my own loves and I couldn't accept an Aes Sedai who couldn't accept those things.  Perhaps that will make me a Guard forever, but it is who I am." Jaydena smiled and nodded, she had dealt with this with her other warders, they had all been very independent men and women who wanted their freedom, she had never expected them to bow and simper before her as some Aes Sedai did.  Her Warders usually ended up bowing as a sign of respect but she was just as likely to nod her head or bow it if her Warders did something worth respect or admiration.


She looked back at him and smiled a secret smile, she wouldn't mind bonding this one at all, not that she was looking actively at this point. She wanted to get to know someone before she bonded, she had made that mistake before. "I know what you mean Ursana, I tend to look for the strong and independent type for my gaidin. I am not looking for a dog, if I wanted one of those I could purchase one, not that I would, dogs don't like Aes Sedai for some reason." She smiled and then continued, "A bondmate is to me a helpmate, someone that is there to back me up, to protect me, and even to tell me off when they think I have done something foolish. Believe me I have had Cairma tell me off for risking my life before, in fact more than once in memory." She chuckled and grinned, her eyes lighting up, "So I have to say that not all Aes Sedai want a trained dog, in fact some of us prefer not too, you can bow and simper to other Aes Sedai, just not me. I have a question for you, it's been years since I was instructed in the art of the forms, those people are long gone that taught me, would you show me them so I can make sure I am doing them right. I would hate to lose my head in a battle because my sword form was rusty."



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He was surprised at the request, but he nodded all the same.  Good thing because he wasn't sure what to say to her words.  He wasn't sure where he had gotten the idea to speak to an Aes Sedai, let along to speak as he had, but his honesty had been met by the same he felt.  An interesting topic if nothing else, but he felt that Jaydena Sedai was different from the other Aes Sedai he had met.  He'd been honest enough with one who had thought it unlikely he would ever bond if he wished a love life of his own.  It was good to hear that perhaps someone else thought differently. 


Not that he was the type set on bonding.  He'd been around the Yards long enough to hear the stories and the awe-struck whispers of trainees as they dreamed of glory and power and anything else they thought an Aes Sedai would give a warder.  There was only one thing that a Warder was guaranteed to get from an Aes Sedai, and that was death.  It didn't mean the price wasn't worth paying, but it was something to consider none the less. 


"Of course, Aes Sedai." He finally managed, glad that his voice sounded clearer than his thoughts on the subject.  He began working his forms then, clear and concise, nice and even as he had always been taught.



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  • 2 weeks later...

She sensed his surprise, you didn't get to be her age without knowing a thing or two about peoples body language and facial expressions. He was very good and very betrayed anything but a subtle shift. She watched as he nodded abd waited to see what he would do. He seemed to debate and she wondered what he was thinking, it wasn't entirely pleasant from his expression, finally he spoke, "Of course, Aes Sedai." He began to work his forms right in front of her and she watched him for several minutes before she spoke up. "Perhaps if you watch me do them you can tell me what I am doing wrong with them, you seem to know what you are doing, granted you are a little young to be a Blademaster but you seem to be good at them." She waited for his agreement and he nodded she began to work through the basic forms. One by one by one, waiting for him to signal her to stop. Finally he did and he began to tell her what he saw her doing incorrectly. She nodded and tried not to remember back to the other times someone has instructed her on the forms. The last time she had been working and Aran has shown up and smart mouthed her. He had lied about who he was and after being quite intimate with him, she had found out he was the man her gaidar was in love with.


A man that latter would be the father of her warders child. Jade shuddered as she remembered that time in her life and then thought further back, to learning the forms with Seia, the woman had been her lover and she had ended up cutting her clothes off with the One Power, oh she had paid for it in the end up it had been worth it. Before that she had learned from Jared, he had shown her and her mentee how to work the forms and then latter she has watches as his broken body fell below them into the pits of Namandar. Shaking her thoughts she turned back to listen to the young man who was instructing her. She wondered if he was interested in getting something to eat when they were done, it was getting close to lunchtime.


Jaydena Mckanthur

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Ursana took a few steps back as Jaydena Sedai decided to run the forms herself.  He wasn't sure how to take it anymore than he was sure how to take anything else that had been said between them, but he'd never been one to step aside just because of uncertainty.  He liked the unpredictable and this Aes Sedai was showing a bit of that.  So he made sure he had given her enough room and started watching her at the forms as if she were a trainee in the Yards.  He was, of course, hesitant to say something the first few times, but when no invisible bonds dangled him in the air and no unseen hands swatted at him, he felt a little better about what he was doing.  He'd seen more than one veteran in the Yards at the mercy of another's eye and he thought perhaps it was for the same reason as she did now.  Too much time doing forms without an appraising eye tended to make one's errors worse.  If they weren't caught you could keep doing them improperly for years before it might catch up with you.


He found it easier as he went along though, the Aes Sedai taking his corrections in good faith.  He found himself smiling more as he spoke to her and worrying less about what she thought.  In fact, he was certain that if she disagreed with a correction she'd tell him straight out, not even humoring him about it.  In fact when she  was done with the forms he found himself wishing it wasn't quite over.  He smiled at her as she finished and looked up at him.  "You move very gracefully through the forms.  I would expect it of an Aes Sedai of your stature, but it is one thing to know a thing and another to witness it.  Thank you." He said with a small bow.



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  • 4 weeks later...

She started the forms and he spoke softly, offering her words of encouragment as well as correcting her hold and stance on several of them. Jaydena nodded at each of his suggestions and adjusted what she was doing until he said she had it right. Time passed and soon she stopped moving and he spoke, "You move very gracefully through the forms.  I would expect it of an Aes Sedai of your stature, but it is one thing to know a thing and another to witness it.  Thank you." He bowed at her and Jaydena bowed her head to him, a sign of extreme respect coming from an Aes Sedai. "Well that was an interesting morning. Are you perhaps interested in going to get something to eat in town, it's getting close to meal time and I don't often met many interesting people as young as you, especially in the yard, other than my warder that is." She chuckled and waited to see what the young man would say...




ooc- Gone until 9/11 in Cali, see you soon!

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It was an offer he couldn't refuse and wouldn't have no matter what the cost really.  Jaydena Sedai was far more personable than he had expected after his last experience with an Aes Sedai.  Not that the other experience had been bad, but the other Sedai hadn't necessarily been a warm person and Sana was the sort of person that almost expected it from others.  There was nothing in him that was cold and few things in life could instill even a moment of coldness in his personality. 


"I would be delighted to accompany you Jaydena Sedai." He said with a true smile.  "Though I can only hope that you continue to think me interesting.  I'm just a lowly Guard," he said "and my travels through the world were those of a trader.  I would be too happy to bore you with my stories though, until you grow weary of me and send Cairma to chase me off."


Ursana :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

He seemed to mull it over for some time and she started to fear he was going to say no, she hated being turned down. Honestly she knew it had to do with Seia but it hit her self confidence hard when people didn't want to spend time with her. She knew it was something she needed to work on and she was, but the woman that had sworn to love her for all time and no one else, had left her for that woman. It had been like getting her heart ripped from her chest and a rock dropped on her pride and ego. "I would be delighted to accompany you Jaydena Sedai.  Though I can only hope that you continue to think me interesting.  I'm just a lowly Guard, and my travels through the world were those of a trader.  I would be too happy to bore you with my stories though, until you grow weary of me and send Cairma to chase me off." She chuckled, "If there was anyone that could chase you off it would be her, and with that huge sword of hers at that. Wouldn't be the first time she has chased someone through the yards with a sword." Winking she thought about the stories she had heard about Cairma chasing Aran soaking wet with that sword over her head. He was really lucky she hadn't killed him; her warder was fierce and crazy at times. Of course she had ended up in love with him and having his child, so strange how things worked out for all of them.


She smiled at him and continued, "Well I know of a couple of really good places to eat in Tar Valon. I just need to go get my money purse so that I can pay for something to eat. Would you mind waiting for a moment while I go get it?" Turning away she started to head off toward her rooms when his reached out and gently cupped her arm, he spoke from behind her, "No, please. You have no need of coin tonight.  Consider it a trade off, if you must. I will pay for dinner, if you take me to someplace new and allow me at least one dance." She almost blushed, for it had been some time since anyone had asked her to dance or flirted with her. "It's a deal then, although I may step on your toes more than once, it's been some time since I danced." Winking she looked down to see his arm held out, she took it and walked with him out of the yard and out into the city. She smiled at the Tower Guards on duty and nodded her head respectfully; they protected them and deserved their respect. Motioning to the right she led them down some strange turns until they ended up in front of an inn painted purple in the shape of the Aes Sedai symbol.  She smiled and said, "This is the Purple Ajah Inn, a lot of Aes Sedai won't go here because they think it's a farce, but I love their food and my raising party was here, so there are some fond memories." Of course there were some not so fond memories, like anything that had to do with the traitorous wrench named Seia. Walking into the building she nodded to the innkeeper and he led them to her favorite table but one of the windows. She often came in here and just sat with a cup of tea and a book, they all knew her on a first name basis. He pulled her chair out for her and this time she did blush. Lowering her head she tried to cover it up and waited for the one of the serving girls to come and take their order...


Jaydena Mckanthur


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She seemed a bit more subdued as they entered the Inn and Ursana hoped that it was a passing moment.  He wanted to see her smile again.  He waited for the serving girl to come over and they ordered wine with their dinner.  Wine came immediately, as if they had already known what the Lady would ask for.  Since she had chosen this place, he could only guess that she had come often enough that they did know.


He held the wine glass in hand and raised it in toast.  "To good company and even better times." He smiled at her then took a long drink.  He was still a little anxious that he behave well in front of an Aes Sedai, but at the same time felt himself being more and more  natural.  This Aes Sedai seemed to encourage it and he wasn't of a mind to argue.  He'd done guard duty before for Aes Sedai that were so formal he barely felt able to breath. At least Jaydena Sedai seemed like she might have a fun loving side, if he could get her to loosen up here.  She had seemed OK in the yards, but something was making her quiet here.  He'd just have to make sure it didn't stay that way.



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