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The Raising of a Menace (Aran, Sirayn, Deneira)


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Deneira woke up with the sun that morning. She looked around her room, one last time, then looked out the window. Light, she would miss her room. She would miss being a trainee. Yes, she was glad to be done with all of that pointless training and being considered the low of the low, but after four years, she had fallen in love with her way of life.


She would have to get new friends, new rooms, and new work. She might even have to teach on occasion. But at least she wasnt always on the lookout of being in trouble. She knew she would spend a few days in some office, but at least she wouldnt be stuck there day in and day out.


She spent her entire morning, just staring out of her window. She never left to get breakfast, she just sat there, and thought. Her roommates had left her alone that morning, knowing that she was sad enough. She was leaving a good position too. She was the Lieutenant of the Blue Team, and roomed with some good friends. The Captain would be raised soon too, but until that point, she was by herself.


Midday was fast approaching, and she got into her uniform. Some how, she made her way out to the Glade of Rememberance. She could see Sirayn, an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and Aran, her only Tower Guard friend, up ahead. The commander was even there. And so, her ceremony began.


ooc: just post your thoughts and worries about the trainee and her raising, then i will post the ceremony.




just in case you wanna see it

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Aran looked into the mirror with a slight sense of disgust. He intensely disliked what he saw, the Tower Guard uniform with the crimson cloak and clasp marked with Tar Valon's seal. If there was one thing he disliked, it was the uniformity of, well, uniforms. He was much happier dozing against Faith than he was decked in full military regalia.


Still, he had been asked to do it. In that, Aran had been quite surprised as he was not Deneira's mentor. So it was mainly her he was doing this for, there were only a few who could have asked it and she was one of them. After the mischief and the like that they had gotten up to since they had first collaborated to give Ginae her blue dye, they'd become rather good friends.


It'd be good to have her as a fellow Tower Guard, she could drink with them on a full time basis for one. On the otherhand, there was the possibility her free time could lead to trouble. Not that Aran disapproved of that sort of thing, but he didn't want to be the target of that trouble. She was developing quite the prankster attitude ever since he'd met her.


Deciding that he was finally ready, after having spent an hour making himself pristine, Aran left his room and before long was out of the barracks. It was nearly midday, though there was time. Making his way at a relaxed amble, he passed under the trees that marked the grove that held within the Glade of Rememberance.


Krelsa he recognised instantly, though it took him a moment to place the sister that was standing with him. Sirayn Sedai, a high ranked sister of the Green Ajah from memory. After nearly two years, he was able to place most people, and Green and Yellow Ajah sisters were easiest to place because of the time they spent on the yards be it to mingle practice their healing or train in weaponry.


Smiling as the pair saw him, Aran waved to them as he kept walking forward. The Aes Sedai was unreadable, but the glint that came to Krelsa's eyes was all too familiar. Aran laughed inwardly as the thought came to him of Krelsa pleading with Deneira to pick anyone but him, not a chance of it but it still amused him.


Getting closer, his smile lapsed into his usual impudent grin. "Morning, she hasn't arrived yet I see. You're looking rather sharp today sir, and that dress is just fabulous Sirayn Sedai."




Tower Guard

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Guest Celes

OOC: Sorry to butt in like this, but I wanted to tell you about our new policy. To have a trainee RP being assigned to their Company as a Tower Guard on their Promotion thread!


You are the first trainee to be raised under this new policy, so Congrats! I hereby place Denaira in the Company of Talyn Rashad, Kiserai ti Tai Dai Din!

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The mirror reflected back only serene composure. An elegant white gown in keeping with the colour of the Tower’s cause she wore cut as conservatively as a Cairhienin: little wonder there considering the message her diminutive height and pale colouring told. Some lace at the wrists concealed her stump from the casual glance. She had never had much liking for lace in the past, too delicate and too flowery, but in the past months enough scornful looks and whispers had been directed her way to beat into her the necessity of covering up that disfigurement if she ever wanted the courage to leave her halls again. Fortunately the gossip had died down a bit. She had thought mortification to be an over played card until some novice asked her, in loud, carrying tones, if she had truly severed her own hand when the Blight corrupted it and bludgeoned somebody to death with it. In hindsight possibly her response had been a little severe …


Memories and regrets. Carelessly she twisted dark hair into a knot and pinned it back, somewhat hampered by not having the necessary number of hands for this task. If she hadn't accustomed herself to that lack by now she might as well give up. She had more or less mastered writing again, although she suspected she was always going to pick another medium for her scathing missives after the endless frustration she'd been through, but harder and rather more necessary gestures such as the intricate motions of weaving still eluded her on occasion ... not a secret she had confided in anybody lest they draw the obvious conclusion. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve and meant to display them before her career ended. An emerald green shawl she arranged about her shoulders, if others had to wear uniform it seemed only proper that they all suffer together, though she drew the line at full dress garb and campaign medals such as somebody had once proposed. It was an oaths ceremony not a bloody torture session.


Deneira l’Spada was the perpetrator of this particular offence. On their encounter the other day the child had seemed willing enough, if shackled by some curious refusal to improve herself, and though she had previously known little enough about her quarry she had made inquiries after this request came through. A prankster apparently, with no political allegiance and apparently no prospect of a career thereof, thus posing little interest to her; the folk around her all seemed to be equally unaffiliated Tower Guards. To her knowledge they inhabited an entirely different world free from such concerns as who was likely to turn double-crossing traitor next … but then they would doubtless think that she had it easy free as she was from repetitive drill and wall duty. And maybe they were right.


The sun sparked along glass and stone and metal while she crossed through the city toward her destination. Tar Valon thrummed around her caught in the grip of a day’s business; once she entered the glade the cool silence welcomed her in. Tall trees towered about them. A cool breeze filtered through the branches and the warmth, stirred about this calm place, and the stillness eased her tension somewhat. The new commander … and why there had been so many Commanders of the Tower Guard of late escaped her entirely … waited there; he presented an intimidating Borderlander front to the casual glance, but scarcely posed a problem to the likes of her, and Sirayn greeted him with a civil nod. Some reprobate of a Tower Guard with an insolent smile completed their assembly for the moment.


His greeting raised her dark brows a fraction: how did one respond? None of those present were players on the political scene, but it was difficult to remember how ordinary people spoke without the Great Game weighting the smallest word or gesture. "You are gracious, sir.†A cool response derived from courtesy seemed somewhat insufficient to the situation. Somebody had actually made an attempt to engage her in conversation, although possibly with an ulterior motive … and Light but this constant suspicion irritated her as much as anyone else … and it seemed harsh not to respond in kind. Humour was not her strong point: she made a cautious attempt at a rejoinder: “Those sideburns must have been the height of fashion in Paaran Disen. Had I known this was a fancy dress occasion I would have come prepared.â€

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- - - - - Another blade for the Guard, another cloak of crimson to stain with the blood. Krelsa fastened his own cloak about his neck, his breastplate gleaming. The rituals of pomp and ceremony. A special day, for one young child. He turned on his heel from the mirror crisply, slowly putting on his sword. As he stepped out of his quarters, his boots rang against the hard stone. Once a child, fashioned as a weapon, and would now be honed against the stone that was life in the Guard. And it was always good to have another sister -- women were not all of the gentle types, he had learned from the Aiel especially.

- - - - - The Glade was lush with greenery, comforting and soft. Krelsa wore his traditional smile, a slight turning of the corners of his lips. These here were his people, his Guard, his children, so to speak, no matter how old they might be. The first arrival was the Sedai, one Sirayn of the Green. Regal, confident, and the epitome of a Sedai, perhaps. Highly political, highly selfish. Not his to comment on. He tilted his head and made a half-bow to her -- he served the Tower, not any one Sedai. The Guard in the ceremony, he who would present Deneira to Krelsa for induction was next, wearing the cloak about his shoulders, and, typical of Aran, looking like he felt it to be more of a noose. The sun pushed across the sky as Sirayn and Aran bantered lightly, Krelsa pushing them out of his mind for the moment. That must be Deneira now... a few moments late, perhaps, but no matter of it. Krelsa raised his voice as the girl approached. "Are you ready, Deneira L'Spada, to present yourself?" He nodded to the other to, as they assumed their positions for what was to come.

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Deneira walked forward, nodding to her commander. Her feet seemed to lead her to the stone slab, and she kneeled before it, the light hitting her. The words flowed from her throat, her voice a little scratchy at first. “I come here unarmed, offering to give myself to the defense of those who serve all."


And so the ceremony began. "Who would speak for you?" She looked at Aran, her one good friend. "I would speak for her, she is fit." Thank you Aran, for remembering the words. "Who would trust you?" She turned her eyes to Sirayn Sedai. "I would trust her."


"Who would accept you?" And back and forth went her eyes. "I would." Once again, she mentally thanked Sirayn. She also thanked the Aes Sedai, who seemed to be glaring at Aran. "Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?" "I will." Now, it was all up to her.


“Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound

to a rule of defense? Defense of all Aes Sedai, the defense of the

White Tower?" Deneira nodded her head, then spoke. "Yes." "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai?" She nodded her head again before speaking. "Yes." "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?" She nodded one last time. "Yes."


"Then give your oath now."


Light, she hoped she didn’t mess up. She clenched her eyes shut"I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home. I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me. I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day.†And it was done.


â€We welcome you to the Tower Guard, you that were known

once as Deneira l’Spada of Saldaea." Sirayn stepped forward and clasped the Tower Guard cloak over Deneira’s shoulder with her hand.


"We welcome you as Deneira l’Spada of the Tower Guard, our sister in arms. Rise and stand as one among many." Aran stepped forward with a long dagger- the dagger of a Tower Guard. "You came to us unarmed, and as our mark of trust we place this steel in your hand. May you keep it as a symbol of the trust that has been placed in you, and may it serve you well."


Deneira felt the Commander’s hand on her shoulder and closed the ceremony. "Spare a moment for those who have come before you and to who you have become, as shall those who follow you."


Sirayn and Aran left with the Commander then, leaving Deneira there. She sat there, just staring at the stone, a little in shock. She had done it… she was a Tower Guard. After all of her problems, and after all she had been through, she had over come. After losing so much, what she had gained was worth it all.



ooc: party on the TV board… you wont be able to miss the title… its truly something only I would write ;)

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Laughing at Sirayn Sedai's rejoinder, he was about to say something when Krelsa noted Deneira's arrival. Taking up his position for the ceremony, he shot Deneira a quick grin and a wink before adopting the formal face that would ensure that Krelsa wouldn't give him a talking to afterwards. There was going to be a party to celebrate Deneira's raising and he wasn't going to miss it because Krelsa was being stuffy. Then again, it was the Commander's job not to cut him any slack, no matter who held the position at the time.


The ceremony proceeded smoothly, and he was rather thankful that he remembered all the words. It was the first ceremony he had ever had to stand in, and he'd needed Rosheen to run him through the words that were required a couple of times. Garbed in cloak and dagger, Deneira had only to spend a moment in contemplation for those who had fallen. That last bit of the ceremony didn't require their presence, so they left her to the glade to carry out such contemplation in quiet solitude.


Exiting the grove, Aran had his cloak off the moment he was outside and folded it. Krelsa looked somewhat irritated by Aran's haste, but he chose not to say anything at least. Looking to Sirayn Sedai, Aran gave one of his more impudent grins. "I always strive to be fashionable, though if truth be known, Foregate would be more accurate my lady."


"But, I must ask to be excused, there is Deneira's celebration to prepare for in the city. Perhaps I will see you there Sirayn Sedai." Bowing with a grin as he backpedaled, Aran turned quickly and made for the Barracks as quickly as he could. He couldn't be quick enough in shedding his uniform as far as he was concerned. That and the earlier he got to the party, the earlier he could hook into some drink.




Tower Guard

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Fortunately for her often taxed temper her current rank, exalted as it was, did not require her to venture into the Yards very often to mix with the likes of these; she had agents to gather intelligence for her, after all, and such matters scarcely required her own presence. Given past events she had little interest in Tower Guards and their bonded brethren save when they could be manoeuvred into doing her work. However, one point she had to award in their favour was that ceremonies here were a tenth as long as the Tower’s own glittering rituals. Once one had stood for four hours in full dress uniform, blazing with medals and feeling like a fool, beneath a scorching sun while a Captain General of times long past performed some unfathomable ritual quite beyond her interest … a moment’s work like this was a mere trifle.


Once all players in this small drama had positioned themselves the ceremony began. Smooth words flowed in well rehearsed cadences, back and forth like the surging of the seas, though a copper said that few present had participated in this before this day: the Commander was so new his boots were still polished bright as buttons, and, by definition, the child in whose name they gathered had never been raised before. Her brief and sobering attendance at the raising of one Corin Danveer to the red cloak, young and brilliant, suspect though his motives might be, had given her at least some ease in these surroundings. Once it was time for her entry Sirayn lifted her voice cool and even in the ritual words: “I would trust herâ€, thinking at the same time that it was lucky the ceremony did not require her to state in what. At least given the worth of Tower training she could trust Deneira l’Spada to swing a sword at something without decapitating herself and thus not break the First Oath.


Later she moved forward smoothly to clasp the red cloak about the child’s shoulders. One handed, she managed the movement with as little obvious difficulty as possible: all she needed right now was to fumble such a simple gesture and earn some more mockery. Some more words, a knife, a gesture and the ceremony stood complete. If she remembered correctly the child was to wait here in contemplation, how long mattered little to her, and her participation was done.


Her companion had pulled off his red cloak before they were two steps beyond the grove. Sirayn cut him a sideways glance, grey eyes narrowing a fraction in amusement, and briefly contemplated doing the same with her shawl; but that would be unseemly and Aes Sedai were bound by protocol above all. Besides, if anyone was looking for her, the presence of a green shawl would scarcely be a deciding factor … there weren’t that many crippled midgets around Tar Valon. She desisted from comment and instead spared a moment to congratulate herself on the success of her earlier remark. It was not usually her style to strike up conversation with strangers, prickly as she was, and she found herself oddly pleased that this attempt had gone well. Moments later the Tower Guard had vanished as abruptly as he had come. Rather puzzled, not certain whether to be flattered or worried, Sirayn returned to her business and did her best to put the whole incident out of her mind.

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