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ooc to the dreads please post ariving, you goten a note to tell you where to travel and when so there is no acident clashes cuting eachother up Wink, then come down to the soldier camp where we asume beeing breefed before planing how to strike back some of us to distract the wt wy and aid our forces, while the rest help the forces retreat under cover *s*


M'bela looked at the note, this was not happening, she needed to do half a dousin other things in preparance of what plans Semirhage had asumingly with Sammael by what she had understood. And above all, why hadnt they been warned, what was happening within the black ajah, she would be sure she would wring some necks if she could get her hands on some, in the end they even where to much Aes Sedai to her taste.


Looking at her bags she started restocking things, well some had did well upon reacting and managing to get the news to the rigth channels. And this could as it stood work to their benefit, it caused another strain, another confusion, another front if things worked out. Checking everything and beeing sure she had what she needed by the changes of plans to where she was going and what task lay ahead of her she set out the door.


Luckily she had a horse at the moment, it would come in handy, she hoped the others the letter talked about where there on time, if not this could be disasterous. Already many would have been lost, but they could still save some.


The gateway took shape infront of her, it was not to long ago the knowledge had been released into the dreadlord circle, before having been limited for ages to the mae'shadars. She steped through to the hill and looked warily around, saidar blazing and beeing ready to jump back and close the gate. The hill was empty, a quick look around confirmed the soldiers standing guard as the letter had described, and huridly she tugged the horse through, it was best to get down, timing would mean everything, by the letter they had limited locations and gone for timing, some would have arived already and others would soon in this very place.


Walking down she quickly asked directions to the headquarter, where hopefully the other dreads already arived would be waiting and the rest would turn up so the captain in charge could brief them on the losses and situation.


Her horse was stomping impatiently as she looked back at the small village she was preparing to leave. She hadn't settled into any place for long since leaving Sheinar for the Shadow over 17 years ago but it had been a nice little place to live. It was out of the way of the world, but since learning the travelling weave it had hindered her little. Now, she wished she didn't have to leave. She was just getting her barings in the town and had hoped to begin investigating her sisters when the letter had come. Blood and bloody ashes, she needed to see what had become of her sisters. They had all sworn to the Shadow at the same time and they had all been swept away from one another. She had been forbidden by her last teacher to look into it because of her training, but when she had taken his life at the behest of a better teacher, that restriction had ended. She had never been able to find the time for it after that though.


Now, part of her hoped that in her summons she just might find one of her Sisters. If enough Dark Friends were called to the same place, she might find one of the other 3. She kept the hope secret though and with a last sight, she grabbed the reins of her horse and opened herself to the One Power.


She took a deep breath and smiled as she took in her surroundings, the way she did whenever she was blessed with the feeling of power within her. She gave a smile as she wove the gateway and didn't hesitate to step through it, pulling her mount with her.


She found herself on a small hilltop overlooking a camp. She could see that everything was in order as the letter had told her it would be. It took only a moment to get the directions for her to head into the camp and she was quickly away before anyone else could arrive.


She looked side to side as she walked, trying to catch a glimpse of the familiar raven hair and jade eyes that blessed all her sisters. She wasn't about to start asking people about her sisters though in time she hoped to find someone among the masses that she could trust enough with her quest. Until then, she simply scanned the crowds and made her way to her gathering.


Draya Trusou



M'bela stood around the table looking at maps along with the others called out. A small group Dreadlords where standing in a circle around the table togheter with her, all listening to the information given by the captain.


She waited till they seemed to have been told all there was to it, then dismissed the captain. Making them all private she started to discuss plans with the others, they could scount and hit come dark, take the witches in their bed rolls if they where lucky, and create enough turmoilt to buy their forces the bether of next day to speedly move towards Arafel.


Her finger traced over the map as she asigned tasks, some would help with moving wounded as well more speedly throug opening gateways to be used, thus the camp following wouldnt slow them down.


Timing was everything, and she expected more instruct and inteligence to reach her before the day was over, now it was all about turning it till their use this lost battle, and keep the Aes Sedai in the blind of what was about to happen other places. She smiled and walked from the tent.

  • 1 month later...

She was looking into a fire while sipping a cup of tea someone had placed in her hand. She was awaiting news, so far all well and wounded was transported out, a few scouts had been coming in with captured Kandor soldiers or bands these last few days, but so far this camp she had been assigned to who was the post waiting for the tower witches had been mostly resting only hearing news of normal battles elsewhere.


The sound of running feet had her look up though, and she saw someone talk to the captain. He came walking over to their section of the camp, some was sleeping tired after aiding wounded move to safety, others sat spread out silently occupied with their own tasks or talking in pairs.


She nodded in acceptance when he arrived by her fire, and knew the others where listening as  he told them Aes Sedai had been spotted by the field a couple hills over, the one they had abandoned to stay hidden. She told him to go meet them, if they didn't meet resistance they would be suspicious, and she didn't want to charge into battle without knowing their numbers. What she quickly did though was grasping a straw of saidar and weave inverted weaves to hide her ability to channel. The fewer needed to distract the witches the more could be assigned to help evacuate the camp. She felt trickles of saidar around her until they all was gone, and as she looked at those among her kin that where women she saw no channeling abilities. Good with loose robes and deep hoods they could pass for males, and let the witches think they only met dreadlords, while keeping the secret of their weave that the white tower didn't know of.


Which would also make them more carefull as they wouldnt be able to estimate the number seeing how females couldnt feel the ability in a man, and it would make them all harder to locate in the field.

  • 4 weeks later...
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