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Ummm Hi


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Yeah... Hi everyone. I've been poking in and out of Dragonmount for a while now and finally decided to join. So, this is just my hello to everyone, I guess. Tomorow morning I'm leaving for camp for a week, so I won't make a character right away, but when I do he'll join the madmen. Hmm... A little about myself: I'm fifteen and started reading WoT when I was eleven. I haven't read the series in nearly a year and a half, but I own the whole thing including NS the novel, and I'll have plenty of time to catch up during the week that I'm away. Uhh, I've been RPing on various sites for about two years now, and I concider myself good at it. I have an idea for a character in my head but I have a few questions.


First, where's the bio format for making the character. I'd really apreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction here. Second: I know I read somewhere that after your bio is approved, you get something called an One Power Score that determines your strength and stuff, but how does that work? I managed to find what I think is the old off-board sight, so I have a good grasp of it, but I'm not positive. Just to make sure, this IS the right site: http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/home.php  Actually, I understand how that works completely, I just need to make sure that that's the right system there.


Hmmm... other than that, I think I'm good. I can't wait to RP and meet everyone, but don't expect to see me for a little bit!




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That's the right system. :D


Welcome! When you're ready to write your bio, just follow this format:




Place of birth/raising:

Physical Appearance: (about a paragraph)

History: (a couple of paragraphs detailing your character's life up until joining the BT)


Once you're done, email it to me at drpswbt@dragonmount.com, and we'll get you started. :D




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I'm glad I got that right then ;D I've got all of the bio done except for the history. Hopefully, by the time I come back, i'll have reread enough WoT that I can manage a good biography. I'll make sure to get it in as soon as possible and I hope it meets the criteria!


~Aiden :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's taken so long! Covai, our AGL promised me he would get your bio up, but has since disappeared, but I am looking at it now, and hopefully I will also have access to post and have your bio up :D


EDIT: Scratch that, I saw he replied to your email. Once you get back to the email, we'll get your bio up :)

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