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A mouse arrives to the lions den - MoN- (repost)


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The White Tower loomed ahead of her looking practically fearsome. Kalinde hopped off the merchants cart and thanked the man and woman as much as words could express. She had run out of money a long time since but the two had been generous enough to give her a ride all the way to Tar Valon, even though it was not exactly on their way. But now that Kalinde was here she was not so sure about whether this had been such a good idea. She had left her home so fast without taking time to leave no note or goodbyes to anyone. All that had kept her going was the hope that someday she could become and Aes Sedai and never be forced to marry.


She stood still as the cart rumbled past her and she was left alone in the largest city she had any recollection of visiting. She had been to Maradon when she had been little but her memory of that place was far from sharp. So there she stood in her rough woolen dress, wrinkled from the long road and dusted at the hem. Kalinde looked just like she was, a farm girl from Saldea, out in the real world for the first time. She had tied her curled hair out of her face with a brown ribbon making it look like a birds nest behind her head, but she could not do anything to help with her attire. She had not packed anything better with her when she had left and she was sure that the Aes Sedai would be generous people who would not look down a girl just because she looked a bit unkempt.


But the closer to the Tower she got the more she started to think otherwise. The marble staircases and the guards with shining amour that stood on the gates gave her only one glance. Kalinde felt her knees shiver as she slowly made her way up the stairs and inside the magnificent building. And there she stopped, as the sight was too grand for her to ignore. The purity of the place was more than Kalinde could take in one breath. She now felt like a sewer mouse when everywhere around her were ladies dressed in silk gowns and servants in white.


As she stood there one of those servant girls with stripes at the hem and sleeves of her dress approached her. “Are you here to be tested?” she asked in a high voice that made Kalinde think that perhaps this girl was more than a servant. But all Kalinde could do was get a squeak out of her and felt her face turn red. “Are you here with a wish to become Aes Sedai?” the girl repeated and to that Kalinde managed a weak nod. The servant rolled her eyes and bid Kalinde to follow her. She took her to a large door and knocked before slipping inside.


“There’s a girl who wishes to be tested, Aes Sedai.” she heard the girl speak and another voice giving a reply. Kalinde was ushered inside the room where an elegant woman sat by a large desk with a quill in hand. Everything she had ever been taught about how to behave when meeting a highborn lady escaped her mind then and Kalinde could do nothing but stare and wait for the other woman to speak.





Pia summoned a smile for the girl who appeared fear-stricken, standing before her, eyes wide. Setting down the quill carefully, the Mistress of Novices waved away the Accepted, the door closing softly in her wake.


"Be welcome, child." Pia waved to an empty seat before her desk, indicating that the girl should sit. The lack of curtsey or other deference could be overlooked for now, she would quickly learn to bend the knee to any Aes Sedai, whether she liked it or not.


"My name is Pia Tovisen, and I am the mistress of novices." Pia fetched a clear green gem from her drawer, leaving the grey she had inherited from Faerzyne Sedai where it lay. "What is your name, child?" Faerzyne listened to the soft reply as she rose, stepping about the desk to kneel before Kalinde.


"Do not fear; this is merely a means of testing you for the ability." Pia held the gem aloft, dangling from a simple silver chain between them. "Focus on the stone. There is nothing else but the stone. Clear your mind of everything, and just focus." Pia spoke softly, hypnotically, carefully watching as Kalinde did as she was bid.


It did not happen immediately; it rarely does, but as Pia's knees began to ache, a small flash of light illuminated the gem, before twinkling out. Only a moment to be sure, easily missed to the unaided eye, but see it or not, Pia had felt the girl channel, the faintest breath of Saidar. A smile split her smooth cheeks as she rose, moving to her desk once more.


"Congratulations Kalinde. You have the ability to channel."


Pia Tovisen

Mistress of Novices



As the door closed the Aes Sedai bid Kalinde to sti, which she did in a hurry to be out of her feet and ba able to hide her hands that had started to slowly shake in her lap. Kalinde managed to utter her name and have it written in the huge book on the desk. When the name was written the Aes Sedai stood up. She seemed to tower over her now as she walked to Kalinde's side before kneeling by the chair.


She held in her hands a green gem of some sort dangling from a cord. Kalinde listened to her words. They were soothing and Kalinde tried her best to obey the words. Clear my mind, she thought. But all she coudl think of was her hands taht were shaking and her teeth that would clatter if she did not press them together so hard.


She did not even know what to expect, but after a while she did manage to clear her mind once she stopped forcing herself to do that, and a tiny glow of light seemed to surround the gem. Kalinde had thought it a flicker of the sun outside, nothing of meaning, but the Pia Tovisen was satisfied and smiled at Kalinde. "Congratulations Kalinde. You have the ability to channel."


The words rung in her ears. She could channel! She had hoped that she might be. After hearing that not everyone can become Aes Sedai if they want to, Kalinde had almost given up all hope of joining the ranks of the ladies in the Tower. The Aes Sedai's smile was contagious and Kalinde found herself both gapina nad grinning, if it was even possible.


"I can stay then? I dont have to go back?" she asked, the fear vanished from her voice, her hands still shook but with excitement and not fear anymore. "I mean, can I really become an Aes Sedai, like you." she felt her eyes glitter and blinked to get the mist away from them. The grin would not fade and Kalinde decided on just keeping it there not even trying to hide her happiness.




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Pia could not help but smile at the girl's enthusiasm, the fear that had seemed to overwhelm her only moments ago fading rapidly. "You will stay here child, and learn. And if you apply yourself to your studies, then in time yes, you too can become an Aes Sedai." Her smile widened somewhat. "Like me."


The position of Mistress of Novices helped to keep Pia young, she was sure. It took her back to when she had first come to the tower, how she had worked hard, like her sister, to become an Aes Sedai. Not all the memories were good ones, but it was wise to be mindful of how it was to be a new initiate. "Let us make your stay more permanent, yes?" Moving back behind the desk, Pia once again took up her pen and set to write.


"Your age and place of raising?" Pia lifted her brows enquiringly, and wrote as Kalinde replied, each stroke of the pen sealing the new novice to the tower, setting her on a new path. Noting the date beside the entry, Pia signed it with a flourish, and dried the ink with air. "Welcome to the White Tower, Novice Kalinde." Sending a smile at the girl, Pia penned a quick note. Striding to the door, she handed it to a passing novice, ordering them to have it delivered immediately into the hands of the intended mentor. With a quick curtsey the girl was off, and Pia turned to the large chest by the wall.


Gathering two dresses, Pia handed them to Kalinde, adding stockings, shift and belt to the pile before resuming her seat. "You will wear these at all times. Be sure to keep them clean and well mended." And thus Pia proceeded to give Kalinde a bried introduction to life at the White Tower; rules, classes, and a little of channelling. "But more, your mentor and teachers will tell you." A knock sounded, heralding the arrive of said mentor, and Pia invited Evaida in, introducing the pair to one another.


"Evaida Sedai, this is Kalinde, our newest novice. I trust you will be able to guide her as she begins her studies?" Closing the Book of Novices, Pia dismissed the pair with a glance, nodding to their curtseys as they left. Another life, sealed to the tower. It was going to be a good day.


Pia Tovisen

Mistress of Novices

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Kalinde listened as the Aes Sedai explained that she could stay there, and in time become Aes Sedai as well. She felt her mouth turn to a grin again as she thought of wielding the One Power and never growing old. She was so deep in her own thoughts about her possible future and becoming Aes Sedai that she almost missed the next question. She shook herself back to the present and muttered a reply.


"I'm 15 years and come from a town near Maradon in Saldea." Seh felt silly now after having added Saldea to her reply. Of course the woman knew where Maradon lie. She blushed and lowered her head so hide the reddening cheeks. Pia Sedai seemed not to notice or did not pay much attention to her blush, Kalinde assumed that many girls who came here would not control their emotions.


As Kalinde was handed the dresses she realized that the girls clad in white had not been servants but novices who aspired to become Aes Sedai. She lifted her eyes to Pia when the woman continued her explanation. Kalinde looked back at the dresses that she was to wear at all times. They were plain, but she had never been a fan of high embroidery and bright colors. A plain and useful dress, though she was not so sure she though the color white to be the best fitted for the novices, especially doing chores. But she assumed that the novices wearing some other color than white might clash with the establishment being called the White Tower.


"But more, your mentor and teachers will tell you." Pia said just as a knock sounded on the door. Kalinde turned her head to the door, wondering if the Aes Sedai had sensed her mentor approaching. When she Aes Sedai entered Kalinde immediately remembering whom she was stood from her chair and gave a faltering curtsey at her mentor.


"Evaida Sedai, this is Kalinde, our newest novice. I trust you will be able to guide her as she begins her studies?" Kalinde looked at the dark haired woman who had just entered and waited to see what was expected of her next.


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OOC: Apologies for the late reply




The stack of papers on Evaida's desk seemed to have grown since she last looked, she had only been out a little while but more work had managed to find it's way to her. Since returning from a reasonably short trip south, Eva's rooms had become more like a prison cell than living quarters. From sunrise to sunset she perused reports, wrote letters, planned, met, organised and filed, yet still the pile of work continued to grow. She let out a disheartened sigh and almost jumped when a tingling sensation crept across the back of her neck. "Come in" she called before the visitor had the chance to knock. Eva always got a little amusement out of the look of amazement that usually accompanied the Novice or Accepted through the door, it was a simple alarm ward but quite effective - she was never caught off guard.


The white clad girl scurried in and handed Evaida a note with a quick curtsey and scurried back out again. Novices' under the duty of the Mistress of Novices knew not to dawdle lest they earn themselves some form of punishment. Such notes brought a smile to Eva's lips, it was a joyous occasion when a new novice joined the tower and it also meant she could leave her desk for a little while longer. With a quick check in the mirror as she passed Eva straightened her dress and fixed her hair before heading to Pia Sedai's office. She did not hurry rather glided along the marbled floor basking in the various tapestries that lined the walls.


Pausing but a moment when she reached her destination Eva knocked on the door. Pia's clear voice rang out sounding her cue to enter. With a brief nod to her fellow sister Evaida turned her attention to the initiate. A little dishevelled and travel weary the girl managed an awkward curtsey as Pia introduced them ”Evaida Sedai, this is Kalinde, our newest novice. I trust you will be able to guide her as she begins her studies?”


Eva smiled “Of course. It is lovely to meet you Kalinde, if you’ll follow me we will get you settled into your room”. With that she led the girl into the hall “Best pay attention so you will not get lost in the future. Many of the halls can look the same particularly when you are new to the Tower.” Some Aes Sedai frowned on Evaida’s more liberal approach to initiates but it was just not in her nature to high minded or strict. She could be firm when she needed to be, otherwise she preferred the more subtle approach. There was no need to be overbearing particularly with those only fresh to the novice whites, they were usually overwhelmed enough already.


“I should properly introduce myself, I am Evaida Sedai of the Gray Ajah. I will be your mentor at least for the first little while in the Tower. If you have any questions or troubles do not hesitate to ask, after all that is what I am here for.” She gave Kalinde a reassuring smile as they continued through the halls to the Novice quarters. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”


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Kalinde followed the Aes Sedai that was her mentor out of the room and felt a sudden wave of anxiety upon her again. Her name was down, she had the dresses and everything and an Aes Sedai to teach her to the ways of the tower.  She had not been paying any attention to where Evaida was taking her until the woman mentioned that she probably should. Kalinde quickly pulled her mind back to the corridors and glanced behind her to see how far they had walked. She still saw the door of the MoN that disappeared behind a corner. She sighed in relief and noted the various paintings and statues on the corridors. Left at the painting of the pompous looking king, she thought to herself as they made their way forward. But at the next corridor there was another painting of a different pompous looking King, and Kalinde gave up trying to memorize the paintings.


Instead she turned her entire attention to her mentor, as she was introducing herself to Kalinde.  She nodded and smiled at the comment that she could ask Evaida for help in troubles and questions. She had heard that Aes Sedai were cold and regal women, but Evaida certainly did not seem to be a proud sort of a woman at all. She seemed pleasant and welcoming. “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”


“Oh, well,” Kalinde said taken off guard by the prospect of speaking. She had never been the best for small talk and chatter. “I come from Saldea. My father keeps an ice-pepper farm a little south of Maradon. I’m 15.” she added and then glanced at the Aes Sedai in horror. “I don’t know how to write,” she admitted. “I can read, a little. Will writing be required of me?” she already knew the answer, but had to ask the question anyway. She felt embarrassed for having admitted to something like that, and even more embarrassed for not taking upon learning the task on the farm when father had taught her brothers. She scuffed the dresses in her hands trying to find someplace to avert her eyes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eva listened carefully as the initiate spoke, making mental notes as they walked. Every little piece of information someone shared could be useful, particularly when teaching, to know their background often hinted at their limitations. It did not surprise Evaida in the least when Kalinde admitted that she could not write "Do not worry yourself child, you are most definitely not the first and you will certainly not be the last Novice to arrive with little or no literacy skills. I was not all that educated when I came to the Tower. We will work on these as well as your channelling and weaving" she kept a brisk pace nearing the novice quarters, occasionally dipping her head to a fellow sister or acknowledging the wave of curtseys as she passed those in white and banded dresses. "The Tower has the largest collection of books and manuscripts in the World, I am sure that will be motivation enough to expand on your reading skills" she gestured down one of the wider halls as they passed, the great doors to the library stood open showcasing it's grandeur.


They passed the kitchen and the dining rooms, and Eva pointed out the more regularly used classrooms. “If you don’t remember where to go, just ask. It will take time but you will know these halls like the back of hand. Until that time be sure you leave for class early, there is no excuses for being late even if you are new, I learnt that lesson the hard way.” She smiled to herself remembering the numerous times she spent in the Mistress of Novices office, punctuality had never been her strong point. She came to a halt as the walkway opened up into a large chamber with levels upon levels of doors. “Here we are” it was disheartening to know that the majority of rooms stood empty. With the new initiate behind her she walked around the alcove before finally reaching their destination “This is it, your home for the next few years. Now I will leave you to get settled in, dinner will be on soon, just follow the other Novices to the dinning rooms if you loose your way. I will see you at first light tomorrow in the entry hall, from there I will show you the rest of the grounds and perhaps start your lessons”


Gliding back to her rooms and her ever increasing stack a paper work, Eva contemplated what tomorrow may bring. Teaching someone to channel was rewarding but it often presented itself with numerous obstacles and there was no telling what they might be…


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Kalinde was surprised at how common and friendly her mentor was bing to her. She and thought Aes Sedai not to care for lost fools in the Tower, but she also did manage to reason that if everyone got lost on their first few days and were never found it would bring a bad name to the Tower itself.


As her mentor left her standing in her room Kalinde tried to shrug away to thoughts of living in a castle buried with lost girls. She gave a silent curse to her brothers for making her thing this way before collapsing exhausted on the bed and drifting to sleep. She had not even noted the two other beds occupying the room.


When she woke up the next time it had been to the door slamming shut. Kalinde opened her eyes to the still murky air outside. The sun had not even started to show herself. But both the beds in the room were empty and the residents long gone. When she sat on the bed fiddling with the new white dress, Kalinde remembered that she was to meet with Evaida Sedai right at first light. She quickly tied her hair in a palm and rushed out the door, only to stand outside it, lost and confused. She needed breakfast, but could not remember which way the kitchens were. Instead Kalinde rushed to the entry hall and after only four wrong turns she found the sitting area and slumped onto a chair and waiting there, her stomach grumbling for her mentor to arrive.



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The day started well before sun up, but for Eva there were never enough hours in the day no matter what time it started. She picked out a deep green fine woollen dress with divided skirts - as most of her dresses were - before sitting back at her desk. By the time she got dressed and scanned through some eyes and ears reports that had found their way to her, the first rays of sun were beginning to peep over the horizon. She made her way to the entrance hall of the Tower to find her mentee sitting waiting for her. A slight hint of satisfaction entered her smile to see Kalinde there on time.


"Good morning Kalinde, looks like it is going to be a nice day outside, perfect for a walk in the grounds" she waited for the novice to rise from her partly startled curtsey before she continued out of the Tower in the general direction of the main gardens. "I've always found the grounds to be a peaceful place to study particularly when the library is busy. There is always a quiet corner where you can find some solitude."


Evaida paused for a moment in front of the gates to the Warders Yards "Now, the Yards are strictly forbidden for Novices and Accepteds unless on an errand for a Sister. Remember that and you will avoid a trip to Pia Sedai, which I guarantee you would not be as pleasant as yesterday.” Continuing on further into the gardens Eva decided to take the opportunity to probe deeper into Kalinde’s background “Maradon is a fair distance from here, what drew you to Tar Valon and the White Tower?”


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Kalinde stood quickly as Evaida arrived and managed an awkward curtsey to the woman. She followed Evaida out of the entrance hall and into the sunlit gardens. Kalinde had to smile at the smell of roses and other fragrant flowers that embraced her as she walked into the fresh air. She had all but forgotten about her hunger and nodded enthusiastically at Evaida at her comments of studying in the Library. As Kalinde had spent most her years outside in the farm, she thought it stuffy to be crammed up in a library her nose in a book. She was sure that the fresh air would make her studies better.


As they paused at the large gates to the back, Kalinde glanced through and noticed men in a yard sparring with each other and some women as well. She stared at the shock of how close the Warders were to the Tower. Of course they would be but she had not even stopped to think that the Aes Sedai, as powerful as they might be, would also need manly support and protection. Kalinde quickly pulled her eyes away from the sight, hoping that Evaida thought her a silly girl drooling over the men, and not see past her shell to the fear that the sight had caused. She was glad to hear that she would not be needed to go to the Yards often.


“Maradon is a fair distance from here, what drew you to Tar Valon and the White Tower?” she heard the Aes Sedai ask as they continued. Kalinde almost missed a step and hit her toe on a rock out of place. She glanced at Evaida, but the Aes Sedai looked calm and smiling, she just seemed to be making conversation. Kalinde forced a weak smile from her own lips and forced herself to speak.


“I heard of the greatness of Aes Sedai, and wished to be able to become like them, and the life on the farm was not really made for me.” No lie there, she thought to herself. Surely she need not tell that she had run away from home. “Is it true that you live forever?” she asked suddenly surprised by the words that blubbered from her mouth.


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