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The Smallest Incidents Have the Biggest Consequences...


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The only thing that could have made the situation any worse was rain. Thankfully, Lavinya was spared the added humiliation of trudging through the wet, though it was a small mercy. She scowled to herself, practically stomping as she left the house; she would never call it home, though Rion had told her to treat it as such. No, not while ever she was held against her will, and forced to obey that...that she-cat. The woman seemed to fair beam at Lavinya's horror. That she could condone leashing Aes Sedai like animals was abhorrent to her, let alone willingly marry a mad man and voluntarily bond - the idea was enough to make Lavinya feel violently ill.


Even being ill had not allowed her to escape menial chores. That damned Jocelyn seemed to find it amusing to treat Lavinya like a slave. Even now, Lavinya's stomach rolled slightly, no doubt a result of the stress and terror she had endured. Humiliating as it was to have that girl see her lose her breakfast, but to have her request to be excused from her chores shot down made Lavinya bristle anew, remembering.


"Sick or not, Aes Sedai," Jocelyn had sneered, "real women must still look after the home." Lavinya had been unable to disobey, thanks to whatever it was that wretched Rion had done to her when bonding her. Try as she might, she found she simply ended up doing the chore anyway, despite her strong desire to defy.


It was the lack of channelling that cut Lavinya the most. Saidar was her life-blood, the reason she breathed and woke in the morning. To feel the source, so near, and yet unable to reach out to it, unless given permission...well it was no wonder she was in such an ill temper. In fact, there were numerous reasons. Her once beautiful white silk gown was soap-stained from scrubbing pots and clothes, her once smooth hands red and tender from forced menial labour. Her furious red curls refused to be tamed without assistance from saidar, so instead she'd had to settle for pinning it in a jumble at her nape, and even now tendrils escaped, irritating her as they danced in front of her vision.


She was not made for such labour! Wood chopping? Who in their right mind sent a woman to chop wood, when it could be done in a matter of minutes by a man, or even better, with saidar or even tainted saidin? It was sheer cruelty, that's what it was. Curse her bloody hide.


"Watch where you're going, you bloody oaf!" Lavinya cursed unthinking, as she barrelled into a man in black, simply because her ire had blinded her to where she was walking, axe in hand. Belatedly she bit her lip, wishing she could take back the angry words as her eyes met those of a man she had only glimpsed before on the battlefield.




In Biiiig trouble



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Delicate steps, checks and balance were the order of the time now. That sudden appearance of witches on the outer border had changes so very many things in his home. He had felt safe, secure. A place where he could learn how to survive this gift the Creator had blessed him with, only that had changed. Now the witches; those that hunted his kind; had hunted him, they were here. Worst still, one of them was in his head, he could close his eyes and point to the exact location in Isha’s house behind him where she sat. He wanted to stab the knot of frustration and anger that was nested in the back of his head. How much of his private thoughts could she sense, did she know about the voice? A tendril of fear rose and was swept quickly away. He could not afford the emotion. Not if there was a chance she could figure out what it was associated to.


The new item that sat rotting in his craw was Isha’s reactions. He had not expected his mentor to take the care of the witches so close to heart. The meeting in his house had proven that fact. It meant he would have to put more planning and thought into the education of these witches. If his own mentor was going to put him self out in front of the witches then Linten would have to find a way to get around the imposing wall. He was not yet ready to face the man that had once been like a father to him. Not yet, but if need be, soon. I pray that it never has to come to that between us. There were others he still needed to train, to lure in to the knowledge he held. Then there were those who needed an education in just what exactly a witch was capable of given the opportunity, and how they should be properly broken to server the Lord Dragon at his calling.


The sudden jar to his side caught him by surprise for an instant until abundant wild red hair flicked into his view. Her words brushed across the clear surface of the void, training had infused it to his reactions; though it could not hid the fevered look that flashed in the glint of his eyes. She was familiar to him, he had faced her, or she had faced him. He was unsure now of a lot that had happened that day. But the stench of scorched flesh and fresh flowing blood lingered in his mind, brought to life once more with recognition of her.


Flows of air slipped quickly around her as his vision caught sight of the axe in hand. Tendrils that pressed arms to side tightly, and secured her feet to the present piece of earth they stood upon. Who’s insolent child is this?


~ Do you wish to tempt your fate with the giant so soon? Are you so confident in your skills that you can take the whole tower on your own? You fool; do you even remember all the ranks that had arrived, that had bonded these … these creatures? ~


The venom in the voice as it hissed it’s displeasure of them echoed in his head and fed the hatred already present. Between the insane ranting of the voice and the ball of agitation and cold fury in the back of his mind, anger held a firm hold on the voids surface and screamed to be embraced.


“You seem to have lost your way wi …. Woman.” There has no warmth in his voice as he addressed her, barely correcting his term for her before his tongue brought it to her ear. Faile may learn his true term for them in time, but until he knew who held her leash it was a caution that he would be forced to accept. His hand closed over the one she held the axe with and began to apply increased pressure until he felt her try to remove it from his grasp. Only then did he relax his grip enough to remove the axe. His thumb slipped lightly along the edge, “rather dull to be chopping wood. Or was there something else planed in that little mind of yours.” His wrist twisted quickly sending the axe through the air and edge first into the dirt between her feet. “Tell me trinket, who holds your leash?”






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She was a long way from the White Tower. The instant the words had left her mouth, Lavinya had regretted them, had known instinctively they would bring her nought but trouble. The feeling was concreted seconds later, as invisible bonds held her securely, rendering her as helpless as a child. Surprise shaped her rosebud lips into an o, before hastily clicking her jaw shut. This was not her home, not the tower where she commanded respect, where she walked with sure safety, well as sure as could be rendered. This was not a place to let her mouth run off with her like a spoiled child, she needed to keep her arrogance in check. If only these Asha'man weren't all so bloody barbaric! Wisely she kept that thought to herself.


Lavinya mustered whatever dignity she could as she gazed at the hateful man, though it was considerably less than she would have liked, bound like a fat pig as she was. Her dark eyes blazed in the smooth planes of her face as the barbarian deliberately left off the honorific Aes Sedai. Burn him, but he knew what she was! As surely as she knew he too was tainted, a wielder of Saidin and destined to insanity. Woman...it wasn't that long ago, really, that all she had wanted was for a man to see her as such, see the person she was behind the shawl and ring; but that might as well have been an age ago, for that dream and hope was as lost to her as her own grasp on Saidar was now. Bloody Rion! If she was allowed to channel, she could have freed herself, or something...instead she was forced to endure the open hatred in her captor's eyes as she stood helpless.


A hard hand covered her own and Lavinya recoiled inwardly, sickened at the touch. No, she wanted no man to touch her, she was not worthy of such simple pleasures, not after the way the last who had touched her had so spurned and turned his back on her. No, she wanted no part in any man, much as her heart may still try to tell her otherwise. The woman she had left behind at the Tower had been a fool; she would never make that same mistake again. It was hardly pleasure she thought of though, as the increased pressure sent fissures of pain shooting up her arm. Fear lanced through her, which she struggled to withhold; she didn't want to give Rion the added benefit of knowing her alarm. Curse him for abusing her in this manner as it was, she would not become a docile pet for him and his lioness.


Still the pressure increased, and Lavinya winced, struggling involuntarily against her bonds to be free of his vile touch, the imagined taint crawling over her skin. The axe was wrenched from her grasp and Lavinya faced the man defiantly, doing her best to hide her growing unease. If only she were not being held so; still, she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her wilt and simper, she was Aes Sedai, and was not so easily cowed.


"Rather dull to be chopping wood. Or was there something else planned in that little mind of yours?" There was no hiding the way she started as the axe thudded to land between her feet, indeed Lavinya would have jumped had she not been held secure. Swallowing on the lump in her throat, Lavinya fought down another rising surge of fear. She would not show this cur any weakness! “Tell me trinket, who holds your leash?” Oh but he already knew how to spur her anger. Flushing slightly in her ire, Lavinya faced him, chin held high. She was bound and bonded, humiliated beyond measure, but she was still Aes Sedai, and thus she forced her features into stony calmness, a trick only honed by years of use.


"As much as you would be improved by a blade between your eyes," she fair near spat, voice riddled with loathing, "I was sent to chop wood. The fact that the blade is dull merely adds to the merriment of the slave driver, I imagine." Lavinya had not thought to check the blade; one does not think of such things when one is so accustomed to wielding the one power for such mindless chores. No doubt Jocelyn was looking forward to seeing blisters upon blisters on Lavinya's once soft, smooth hands. Rion, well Lavinya still had yet to determine, he looked apologetic often enough, but he was Asha'man, and had performed an act akin to rape when he bonded her without her consent. Leash. Bah! She could spit, if she was so inclined.


"I'm sure other women just love your barbaric ways, but I prefer some finesse in my lovers." Lavinya glared, once again letting her words come without second thought, though she was far too irritated and angry to slow them now. "And I am no one's pet, to be held on a leash. I am an Aes Sedai, forcibly bonded or no. Now kindly unhand me, I have chores to do." Chores...she cared nought for them, but was growing increasingly nervous the longer she was restrained. Bloody men! All the did was cause her no end of trouble. Eyeing her captor defiantly, Lavinya waited to be free, a churning of anxiety beginning anew in the pit of her stomach.




Just can't help herself...




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A small thrill of excitement rushed through him as her complexion changed; and noted flush of anger and a raised chin. This one held defiance within, they all did. But this one worked to keep it controlled too as the haughty Aes Sedia composure swept over her. She would be a fun one to break; the picture of her on knee’s begging stoked the unnatural warmth in his heart. But he refused the grin trying to tickle the corners of his mouth. It was not yet time for it’s appearance. Not yet, but soon perhaps she would see the grin. See and know that her education here in the Black Tower was to get very personal.


The deepness of her hatred for him flowed out in her words unhindered by the mask that still tried to hold her face. Inside she must be yearning to be at his throat, boiling at being captured and enslaved to them. But that was nothing to the shame that would sweep her when he put her in her rightful place. The shame she would know when she became willingly submissive. He drew a deep satisfying breath as the vision once more bloomed in his head. The one side of his mouth quirking slightly toward that hidden grin. But before that he would have to ensure her leash owner was someone he could get around. Someone who would give him the wider range of freedom he would need.


“An Aes Sedia eager to be at her chores?” his finger rose to pursed lips as if in deep thought before they split in a sinister smile belaying his enjoyment. “I thought Aes Sedai had children and commoners for such menial work,” mocking contempt filled his voice. His hand grasped hers firmly again, “defiantly not the hands of someone familiar with such manual chores. No matter, I’m sure it will not take long for these to match your stature woman.” He had slowly been circling her as he spoke, the flows of air had been adjusted to keep her head facing forward. He released her hand as he slipped past the range of her following eyes.  “Make no mistake, here you are a leashed pet. Do your chores well and you maybe rewarded. Fail and you will most certainly be punished.” The tone held in his voice was akin to that of a casual conversation, nothing more then simple stated fact.


A tone that changed rapidly when fondness entered his voice at words of punishment. “There are no others to save you here, no people to cater to your every whim. Here your rights are below that of the average dog. So yes woman, you are a pet and the leash whether seen or not is attached.” He stepped in close behind her, his hand sweeping the red mass of curls to the side in a clenched fist. “You have not answered my question as to your new master.” He leaned in close to her ear, a smile so big it could be seen in the tone of his whispered words. “Don’t worry wench, finesse is something you will find a new meaning for. As for barbaric love,” he nipped her the edge of her earlobe with his teeth. “That I will make sure you are very familiar with … pet” the last was almost more breath then word but there was no mistaking his belief in her position.


He held the moment for the span of several breaths before stepping back and releasing her hair. His eyes darted around the yard quickly to ensure he had not brought too many eyes upon his little meeting. Most we busy at there own tasks and preferred not to acknowledge the women’s presence. As long as she was in the company of one of their own they would probably not pay that close attention. However if her leash holder were to see them, that could become a rather sticky situation. He reminded himself of the need for caution and discretion while in the openness of the yard.





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Lavinya's eyes burned into her captor as he openly mocked her, only sheer will keeping her mouth closed on her sharp retort. She was fair near quivering with anger and hatred. It was not in her nature to bend, especially to one such as this. She commanded respect, and few received it from her in return. To be so forced grated on every fibre in her being, made her want to lash out and bring this foul wretch to her knees. It was cruelty, plain and simple. Rion, bonding her and using compulsion on her...it made her skin crawl to think on it. Obeying a spoiled child like Jocelyn made her want to spit. Yet worse, much worse, was the surging fear at being bound by this man in front of her. He was enjoying this, toying with her like it was a game.


It scared her, there was no denying. The way his lip twitched as she grabbed her hand, his eyes like a rabid dog, talking fondly on punishment. Wanting nothing more than to wrench her hands from his foul grip, Lavinya was rendered immobile, forced to endure his touch. Regardless of the reputation surrounding her, she was no her. What she gave, she gave for her own benefit, and once for love. This beast sought to steal.


Biting hard on her lip, Lavinya fought to retain her composure, only barely stifling a whimper of fear. Revulsion ran down her spine and provoked her stomach; she wanted to retch and tear herself away. How dare he! Yet she was powerless to stop him, and no one else was around to save her. Even if there had been any witness, Lavinya didn't dare believe she could trust them for help. Tears swam in her vision and she blinked them away, closing her eyes as the warm breath of her assailant fanned over her neck and ear, his teeth sharp, moving in a parody of a lovers' play. Always she had been in control. To be so helpless, held by the whim of a madman...it was like a nightmare come to the flesh.


Lavinya's eyes flickered open as he released her hair, the threat still ringing in her ears. Light, she needed to flee. She did not want to be his pet, and the dark promise behind his words had her stomach clenched with raw fear. Curse her bloody mouth! She deeply regretted goading him, regretted ever leaving the tower for this mission...indeed, her life was becoming one big regret. If only she had never assumed so much, loved so deeply, dreamed such foolish, girly dreams.


"You forgot to say please." She said with as much coldness as she could muster, though wisdom bade she not wait for any such nicety before being obedient. If her voice wavered some, she prayed he did not notice. "Rion bloody Adamar holds my bond." Lavinya hissed the words, loathing for all men who would detain her, indeed very nearly all men contained in the one name. Instinctively Lavinya tested the invisible bonds that held her secure, despairing to find them still firmly in place. Her fear continued to rise, along with the bile that threatened to ruin any shred of dignity she still maintained. Swallowing convulsively, she kept her gaze steady and refused to give him the satisfaction of breaking.





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A smirk cracked his façade at her simple reminder of proper etiquette. There was a deep fire in her that he was finding intensely entertaining. It was a shame he hadn’t bonded her as well as the fool red already in his service. It could have been interesting to feel how there emotions swept along being bonded together and forced to each other’s company. Perhaps he could add that as one of his experiments. A glint flashed in his eye at the thought and was gone.


It was Rion’s name that had his demeanour changing without his control. His eyebrows climbed his face as his gaze swept to the location where the man’s house sat. Rion, Rion the witch lover controls her? He stepped back from her another foot before realizing the move and stilling his feet. He could not let the witch be the reason his plans were discovered. If Rion were to find him near her he … what could he do? There had been nothing that had specifically transpired between them that would call for further checks into his affairs. Still, his eyes swept the yard once more. If she was his then… a myriad of dark whimsical thoughts swept over him; a sinister smile growing on his face as he locked to her gaze once more.


“So, you are anxious to be at your chores then.” Flows of air lifted the axe from between her feet and floated it to her hand as the wrappings that held her loosened and dissipated save for those holding her rooted in place. “It would be a shame if you were late and had to be disciplined for it. I’m sure the punishment would be fitting the crime.” His voice was low and barren of emotion. He could not afford to play any into his voice now for fear his desire toward the other man’s blood rung true in it. “I look forward to our next meeting m’lady.” He offered her a mock bow, but the renewed glint in his eyes still spoke of earlier promises. “It will be memorable I am sure.” With that he released the final flows on her but held Saidin at the ready in the chance she fell to her foolishness and he need make an example of her.


His arm swept out toward the path she was originally headed on while his mind worked on all manner of things that could be dome to the body to inflict pain while leaving little trace. If Rion held her bond then bloody Rion was going to think the witch mad when he was finished with her and the emotions that would be sent to him. Once more his lips curled in an unpleasant smile. There was work to do before his next meeting. A meeting he planed to hold in private.






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