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It has been noted by several folks that Rand went from 0 to 100 with his antagonism of Moiraine - way faster than he did in the books.


We were not privy to Tam's fever dream in the show - yet.  Do you think Rafe is using this to amp up Rand's rebelliousness/stubbornness?  Rand is agonizing because he no longer knows who he is and he is lashing out at Moiraine.  More accelerated than the books but not different in the end.  Maybe we'll get treated to a flashback of the quarry road after another Moiraine confrontation...?

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Don't know how many days they had traveled at that point and what had happened before, but if I was told that I or one of my friends could be the DR and we were being taken to the White Tower I would ask some serious questions. Just like Rand did. Easy for Egwene to tell him to chill.


Tbh I really want a flashback to quarry road. We have a still image in the bonus material of Rand and Tam hiding.

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I definitely think we'll get a quarry road flashback!

I viewed his antagonism with Moiraine as tying into some of his conversations with Egwene in ep1. He wants to continue the simple life being a sheepherder and getting married and building a house in the same place he grew up. Egwene already disappointed him by saying she couldn't do that, but he knows her well and respects her choice even though he is hurting. Moiraine is a stranger who comes to town and all of those dreams are suddenly out the window. His anger is misplaced but it makes sense to me that he takes it out on her.

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21 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

Don't know how many days they had traveled at that point and what had happened before, but if I was told that I or one of my friends could be the DR and we were being taken to the White Tower I would ask some serious questions. Just like Rand did. Easy for Egwene to tell him to chill.


Tbh I really want a flashback to quarry road. We have a still image in the bonus material of Rand and Tam hiding.


Sorry I posted before I saw your post - thanks for mentioning that! 


Now that I've looked at that bonus content I see another still which could be part of a potential quarry road scene - a photo of a fade riding a horse in the woods looking directly at the camera

Edited by ArrylT
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That scene really made me smile, because up until then I was wondering if this (very competent) actor could even portray Rand's strong stubborness. And then he surprised me, and possibly Moiraine (I should look at her face next viewing), with this 'this is the line and here I make my stand' attitude. It was believable and it fit. I did not think it came out of nowhere, because you don't really build up to that kind of outburst. It usually just happens when you decide somehing has gone on for long enough.


... or is that just me?  ?

I liked it.

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I loved the scene because of how brilliantly it foreshadows the change in the power dynamics between Rand and Moiraine. And I think Josha has Rand's petulant temper down perfectly. I'm interested to see his paranoia now (which I don't think we'll get into much until S2).

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26 minutes ago, Deadsy said:

Ya, that scene probably turns non-readers off of Rand

I showed the episodes to my newbie co-worker yesterday (he liked them btw and will continue watching, yay) and he was frustrated with that scene. "Why are these teens always like that in tv series?!?" or something like that. ? I explained it just a tiny bit, don't know if it made him happier or not. Didn't think about the "DR going to the Tower" aspect then, that would have explained it better.

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29 minutes ago, Deadsy said:

Ya, that scene probably turns non-readers off of Rand but it had to be in there. I especially liked his question on what a man does in White Tower, and his diss of Lan. 

I feel they will work on making Rand more likeable by having some scenes btw. him and Lan late in season 1 or early in season 2.


One of my favorite reactions to Rand's diss of Lan from some non-readers that I've seen is along the lines of "Obviously, he is going to the Tower and he'll be Egwene's warrior companion." 



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9 hours ago, Daenelia said:

That scene really made me smile, because up until then I was wondering if this (very competent) actor could even portray Rand's strong stubborness. And then he surprised me, and possibly Moiraine (I should look at her face next viewing), with this 'this is the line and here I make my stand' attitude. It was believable and it fit. I did not think it came out of nowhere, because you don't really build up to that kind of outburst. It usually just happens when you decide somehing has gone on for long enough.


... or is that just me?  ?

I liked it.

I was fine with it for a similar reason: it's a character trait I share. From my perspective, the "sudden outburst" isn't coming out of nowhere, because I'm well aware of my own thoughts, but to the extent I'm bottling that up and not really communicating it, when I finally explode to another person, I'm sure it feels to them like it came out of nowhere.


That's a perfectly believable thing for a person to do. And Rand does bottle up too much, not really sharing his feelings and plans with others as they change. This is a challenge to adapt, though, especially with respect to EOTW, because we get so much of his internal perspective. The show is thankfully not doing character voiceovers to mimic first-person narrative, but it means they'll need to find other ways to make character developments believable without us being privy to what they're thinking.

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Also. He is still a teenager in many ways. You don't all of a sudden become an adult when you drop the 10's in your age.


... or at any other age. Rands was being a perfectly normal late teenager. And a stubborn Two-Rivers man/boy. (He still looks enough like a boy to me, tbh. But he will be an interesting young man to watch grow up.)

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Some interesting things going on with the lad in the first few episodes. Rand has a dark look on his face when Tam talks about past lives.

He shifts and looks around uncomfortably when Thom sings:

"I can still hear the way that he cried
For the ones he was missing

I can still hear the way that he cried
For the ones he had lost"


There's something bubbling underneath the surface, something he may not even be conscious of

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1 minute ago, mogi68 said:

Some interesting things going on with the lad in the first few episodes. Rand has a dark look on his face when Tam talks about past lives.

He shifts and looks around uncomfortably when Thom sings:

"I can still hear the way that he cried
For the ones he was missing

I can still hear the way that he cried
For the ones he had lost"


There's something bubbling underneath the surface, something he may not even be conscious of

Totally agree--either something unconscious or just not revealed to the viewer yet (like quarry road if we get a flashback). I think the actor is doing a great job bringing moments of warmth to Rand (banter with Mat, clearly immense caring and love for Egwene, opening up to Dana before the darkfriend reveal) but I think it's already clear something is going on with him beyond being a hormonal youth.


I like that it's subtle enough for people who have read the books to notice but there's lots of ways to interpret it for non-book readers. My friend, upon hearing Thom's song, immediately said "I know who the dragon reborn is!" and I asked in the most neutral voice possible "oh, who?" and she said "Perrin! He is very tortured and has lost his wife. This song is obviously about him." Was not at all the answer I expected...but I mean technically the song is about someone who accidentally killed his wife, so she's both very close to the answer and also pretty far off.

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14 minutes ago, ForsakenPotato said:

I like that it's subtle enough for people who have read the books to notice but there's lots of ways to interpret it for non-book readers. My friend, upon hearing Thom's song, immediately said "I know who the dragon reborn is!" and I asked in the most neutral voice possible "oh, who?" and she said "Perrin! He is very tortured and has lost his wife. This song is obviously about him." Was not at all the answer I expected...but I mean technically the song is about someone who accidentally killed his wife, so she's both very close to the answer and also pretty far off.

Awww ? That is indeed very sweet!


I love it when a story is new to someone and they go and make up their own theories!


...that is why I am not allowed to spoil anything for my guy. I have to sit there, clamping my hands over my mouth, while he makes weird but sweet theories about anything.

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Man its a good thing I finally got my gf to read the series (had to bribe her but hey it still counts). I'd be non stop laughing my head off at all the completely wrong theories she'd come up with.


That said she's the one who pointed out that Leyla might have been a darkfriend so ?

Edited by MasterAblar
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