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Gray Ajah Thanksgiving: what's in a side dish?


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so what's a get together without a little game? 


here's the deal. we all love the turkey, and the pie. but one of the things that really makes a thanksgiving is the side dishes. they're all regional and can change per family. the list of potential ingredients and dishes is almost infinite. 


the lists can also be mysterious. 


there are some sides that you look at and wonder 'what the heck is in this?' we've all done it at one point or another, its ok to admit it. 


thats where this game comes in. i'll pose to you a vague....unique.....mysterious description of some of our favorite Thanksgiving side dishes. you get to decipher was it is. first one to name it correctly wins a point. pretty simple yeah? good. 


sign on up below, just shout that you're hungry and i'll add your name to the list. the list will close on tuesday and the side dishes will begin!




james: 1


daruya: 1

ryrin: 3

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first side dish:



a happy little dirt clod plucked from his earthy home to be skinned dumped into roiling fluid, drowned and beaten into unrecognizable forms before it's scooped out and plopped onto plates.

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he was until he was skinned, chopped up and boiled then smushed. ? sad tale





beautiful little gems floating in their watery homes, tossed into the ever increasing hot tub of sweetness until their innards can’t take the pressure and they erupt from the inside out. pouring their guts into their bath.

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stripped of its cozy skin and chopped into pieces and buried under sweet brown soil before facing the heat of the sun, looking for reprieve it only gets further buried in napalm clouds

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i love it. just tried something a little different with my recipe today too. still needs work




the dried out remains of a drawn and quartered gluten staple are tossed with the dismembered bounty of earth and leaf. perfumed before the unformed young of the feathered splashes over it all. mixing and mingling before it all meets the cavernous innards of the dead

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