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[Harry Potter week 2018] Mafia game thread


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22 hours ago, Verbal32 said:


Go with the flow, don't take chances, and as scum she'll pretty much hide from the thread a bit.  As town she'll post thoughts and hold herself accountable if she's wrong.


That's my shoddy memory talking, though.


Verb's take on Lessa fwiw.

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21 hours ago, Katiora said:

Verb.. I am in fact reading the game and believe it or not, NOT SCUM. However, I don't agree with you. Take that as you want. I think right now you're wanting him to be scum or at least portrayed as scum. Not sure what that says about you. But nothing I've seen so far really makes me think he's scum.  Now you can believe that if you want but I need more than the superficial case you've put on him right now. Him sussing you isn't a reason for me. I need more. If I get more information I'm definitely willing to consider it. The thing is Verb, so far you're the only one that really thinks that. So by your case NO one is reading the thread or we're all scum. Or maybe we just don't think that's as big a deal as you... *shrugs*  Except for Dice... did he ever put why he voted for him last minute?? 


BTW if you think I would come in and openly support my scum mate and not come at him calling me out early D1 for something like that, yeah that's not how I work. Also, I would probably agree with anyone suspecting him for distancing. Or at least say something like "Oh yeah I can see where you're coming from" "Maybe" not an out right. I really don't see what you're saying and don't agree with you at this particular moment. Though I'm not scum and therefore not scum mates with Clov regardless of his alignment so... Who could say what I would have really done. Honestly I do think Chris would have played a much cleaner game as scum and would be more prone to mistakes as a town. As scum he's always been meticulous... it's one of the reasons I hate him as scum so much. So really until I get something better I'm probably not going for him. Unless he's still alive after n3. then he dies. lol 




The more and more I think about Kat is LEGIT sketching me out.....FML


The only reason Im not as confident is the fact I've been reading wrong lately and I dont want to again.

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19 hours ago, Zanatron said:

Sorry !*it got crazy at work...heading home now. 


Not sure when night ends  and havent got to finish reread.


Ive i get deaded im still not swayed too much from the last list i posted








If Im wrong on Chris that should prolly clear Verb and to a lesser extent Nessa and maybe Dice.


I know thats not overly helpful but its where I'm currently at.


If I'm alive with the flip in hand ill finish reread and see if i need to reevaluate.




Will be updating this once Im fully caught up

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Zander... you remember how you were with Cory last game....... you're doing the same thing this game. Chill out and lets do this.. or you're seriously going to start me tinfoiling on you and i don't wanna... I mean this would be an awesome attempt for you to try to pocket me into thinking you're legit confused as scum while accusing me at the same time. CHILL 

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18 hours ago, Clovdyx said:

Rip my top mason pairing


This makes more sense to me now.....lawl


18 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

Rip him being able to confirm who he was masons with. That robs us of a confirmed townie. 


Meh Im not so sure its that difficult to deduce it was before he died fwiw.


18 hours ago, Clovdyx said:

I mean, i guess mafia could take claim,  but assuming verbal and his buddy werenr stupid it should be fairly straight forward to catch them 


Why would Mafia ever fake claim in this situation?!??!?! 1 for 1 when theres only 2 Scum?!?!?!?



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Well, DM ate my post. I'll recreate it later. Vote Lessa for now. I'd be willing to switch to Kat or Hallia today, but Lessa's "you're scum if you voted Tress" post pinged. So she'll be where my vote sits for now. 

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2 minutes ago, Katiora said:

Zander... you remember how you were with Cory last game....... you're doing the same thing this game. Chill out and lets do this.. or you're seriously going to start me tinfoiling on you and i don't wanna... I mean this would be an awesome attempt for you to try to pocket me into thinking you're legit confused as scum while accusing me at the same time. CHILL 

Well would it really be a Zander game if he didn't tunnel someone?  ;)

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16 hours ago, Clovdyx said:

...maybe I should just throw my reads away and start over.



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at least you didnt say you were gonna rand.org it again....lolololol


16 hours ago, dicetosser1 said:



Only thing i remember of lessa is that she seemed unsure what she was doing but thats not a surprise really.


@kat  i already answered why i voted clov


As what alignment dice irt Lessa?

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1 minute ago, Clovdyx said:

And the fakeclaim tjing was in response to Iron sayinf we won't know who the mason is.  That implied we can't trust a claim, which is why I "..."ed him.


I was trying to rationalize his take

Which reminds me that I didn't respond to you. I usually count mason claims as confirmed only if each mason confirms the other, then one dies. I'm a bit of a hardliner that way when it comes to the mason role. 

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16 hours ago, Clovdyx said:


Is it bad if I pulled up the database to check my memory of Iron's play against Cory's take, and the big takeaway I came away with is "Iron isn't likely to be NK'ed so he might actually be mafia"?  


I know I've seen him play as town multiple times, but I really don't remember it.  Sailor Moon and Tainted Minds to a lesser degree are the games that stick out to me (both scum), and I remember being pretty impressed.  I thought he did well in both.  I'm...not really feeling that here.


I thought you hated what's almost the same as "The Reading Clov" rule?!?!!?!?

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16 hours ago, Clovdyx said:


Hey, you know I don't care if people aren't clearing me.  I don't care if people are suspicious of me.  I care whether or not people are honest.  I have no problem believing that you might be hesitant to right me off because I know how much you respect my game.  I had a hard believing "I feel good about players 1, 2, 3, 4... I'll lynch the rest" was something Verb struggled with.


That makes a lot of sense.


16 hours ago, Clovdyx said:


Believe me, I have thoughts on it, but none of them are nice.



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10 minutes ago, Clovdyx said:

Zander, I know you disagree but I reallythink Kat is town .   People can make fun of me if I'm wrong but I think she's genuinely just struggling along like she has in... A lot of games 

Thanks??? >.> 

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16 hours ago, dicetosser1 said:

actually i thought verbs reasons was pretty good.












am i missing anyone?  


You got raisins for these?!?!?!!?

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14 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

As a general note, Zander and I seem to be in sync about a lot of things. This might be the first time that's ever happened--we usually disagree on a lot. I'd say we argue, but it's more along the lines of this... (I'm the dog)






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14 hours ago, Ironeyes said:



If it wasn't based on game play, what was it based on? You two can't be masons since Verb was one, so what else is there? 




My pingdar just went off.


Tho I tend to understand little of what you say...lol


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14 hours ago, Ironeyes said:



Much WIFOM lies in this direction... cause on level 1, Scum!Chris shoots Verb for sussing him. On level 2, scum shoot Verb to get Town!Chris lynched. On level 3, Scum!Chris knows we all know he's too devious to go for level 1, so he shoots Verb to make himself look town. And so it goes... 

Actually level 2 doesn't make any sense at all, since left alive, Verb would have continued to tunnel and misdirected the town. I'm going to stop hypothesizing now before I get too confused. 

You can ignore all of this if you want. I typed it out to get my thoughts in order, but then it made no sense, but I decided to post it to show my thought process to anyone who's super interested in what goes on inside the maelstrom in my skull. 



These thoughts both crossed my mind too....

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14 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

Crap, I spent so much time trying to make that nested quote happen that I forgot to respond to it! 

@Zanatron Can you explain what pings you about Kat's post? 

My guess is you're thinking that being uneasy about a single train is an easy "empty towny statement" to drop, and becomes hypocritical when paired with not voting at all. The train in question was only three votes long, and she could easily have started another one with her vote alone. Am I right? 


Yes it was that post....it pinged because it felt like a foreshadowing post to me Town!Kat is always so unsure of herself awkward and generally very confused D1....this game feel's totally different from her imo.




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14 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

1. Tress

5. Verbal

7. Ironeyes

4. Zanderman

9. Clov
2. Dice

6. Katiora
8. Hallia
3. Lessa


I hate you......lololololol


Are the Scum in order???


Also not lunching Hallia likely ever today....

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9 minutes ago, Zanatron said:


My pingdar just went off.


Tho I tend to understand little of what you say...lol


I'll reword that. You said your read of Hallia was not based on game play. So my brain then jumped to roles, hence the mason comment. But that's impossible. So I have no idea how you could make that read. 

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