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Tower Guard Ceremony


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Anyone want to help Aiden out with his TG Ceremony.  I have need of 1 Aes Sedai witness and a Tower Guard witness as well as the Master at Arms/Commander.  Tay offered to play the MaA for me.  Then anyone can join in for the party!  This is retro'd since Aidan has been a TG for a few years.



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I have a Blue, which might serve your purpose.


She is quite young for an AS, and I don't think she knows your TG personally (Not sure if that's going to be a problem or not). She does like going incognito mode to the pub and umm... *cough*  get wasted  do espionage. It could be kind of fun to bump into each other once you're done with the ceremony.


Just an idea. It's your ceremony, so you get to pick :)

Edited by Sherper
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Well Aiden avoided the tower proper since his sisters and 'aunt' are all White Tower folks.  He only went when he had to, so unless she's down in the Yards he wouldn't know anyone personally.  Not sure it matters for the ceremony.


Though feel free to jump into the party afterwards.  Reqs require an Aes Sedai so I'm happy for both things to happen.

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By the sounds of it Ellisha will work to get you through your ceremony. Just seeing if you wanted to make the whole ceremony post a bit more interesting from a character interaction/ development standpoint.



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I have no problems with making it more interesting.  Aiden would be a bit strict with himself at frist used to his mother's training, then he'd lighten up some and hange out in the taverns with other trainees as allowed.  He'd be the type of person who would make sure sure got home alright if he was there. 

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Strict is good. Strict we can easily work with.


Now, be sure to give me a good head kicking if I cross any lines or are running off into unrealistic territory, but here's what I'm thinking...


We do the ceremony, and you can flesh out your character's musings and internal struggles etc. (Maybe, even now you're still unsure of the values of the WT).


Then once the ceremony is over, we hit the pub. You bump into Ellisha again, and she's already down a few drinks and starts debating tower politics with you. (She's a bit of a cynic, and has a lot of bad feelings bottled up inside her about the tower). We can work out the specific details of how we get there later.


Respond to the debate however you will (it really depends on how you intend to develop your character), and at some point I guess we'll have your character realize he's talking to an AS and that she's too inebriated to watch her tongue out in public.


As a newly minted Tower Guard, it's pretty clear that it's your duty to protect not only the wellbeings of the WT but also its reputation.


Whether getting a drunk AS home will reinforce your conviction or weaken your faith in the tower is up to you. Maybe hearing all the backstabbing and politicking will make you feel less dewy-eyed towards the tower, or maybe even despite seeing the Tower's shortcomings your character still decides that the Tower is doing the right thing by existing. 







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Hehehe... well, Aiden isn't dewey eyed at about the tower.  His mother was a former warder.  His father a former tower guard... dunno if he's still in the history but he was former Master at arms... 


But that sounds good.

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Not a drop. As I said, I'm just shooting off ideas.


Ellisha is super flexible in terms of her timeline, since I haven't grounded her current timeline anywhere yet (probably about to change soon).

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I'll get around to reading your character's bio before starting the writing process (btw, who should start the thread).


It is currently 2am here and I have work to do tomorrow, but I promise I'll get around to making some time available for this.

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I'll start the thread on the Tar Valon board.  Tay said she'd do the MaA for me so there's that too.  Hopefully I'll have a post up by the end of my day, but it's NaNo and that writing is my lunch break since I didn't get any in this morning before work.

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Following along with the convo. Tag me when the thread's posted and I'll hop in for the formal stuff. :smile: Mid evening here so probably won't be checking again before tomorrow. 

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Oh. So um... I just had the chance to read Aiden's Bio. He's a dark friend? Wow, alright wasn't expecting that when I proposed the original plan.


Ellisha is super anti dark friend, and if she starts running off her mouth as was my original intention with this arc, she might reveal to Aiden she knows their existence in the Tower and is actively hunting for them (kind of her main storyline thing). Do you want to do anything with this?


You can have your character pretend to befriend Ellisha (not hard if you get her drunk arse home before anyone else notices), and report her to a Black sister?

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Oh, she intends to do a lot of murdering.


If Ellisha finds a darkfriend she won't stop at just killing him/her, it's going to be full blown torture to dig information out of the victim.


On a sidenote, I don't quite understand why Aiden joined the Shadow even after reading his Bio. Does he hate the Tower? Is it because of his family? His mother isn't a darkfriend, so why is he one? Your initial ceremony post makes it seem like Aiden has a special connection with the place, despite effectively working for the other side.


Also, Taymist, do you want to do the actual ceremony part? I think only one of us should do it, as it would be kind of pointless switching between the AS and the MoA.

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Aiden's mother WAS a darkfriend who started out in the Light.  Matalina went through a lot of shit in the 10 years I played her.  She was bonded to Tari but Tari was stilled and their bond broking creating factures in Mat's mind that left different personalities.  Yveva bonded Mat shortly there after, and then she transferred it to an NPC green who died, thus creating fracture #2 and evil soul who swore Mat's soul to the darkone, she happened to be in the company of a black Aes Sedai Raeyn who bonded Mat to save Mat's from killing herself.  Mat eventually embrassed the darkness.... and when she asked to be released from the bond Raeyn did so freely....  I've left out a whole lot of things including where Aiden's father fits in.  Aiden was born IC, he grew up IC, he was an NPC for a great long time until I decided that Kate and Aiden were worth playing  but they didn't get far before I left DM.


Cari Namere was an assassin for the Great Lord.  She was a darkfriend.  Trust me she was evil.  Murder in the Yards was her end.


Aiden joined the shadow because it was what his mother was and he thought highly of her despite the fact that she was a horrible mother.  Though to be honest Kate and Aiden had a much better mother in Mat/Cari than her two kids prior to that.


Aiden went to the dark in an RP.  I'm foggy on the exact details it was a long time ago.  it might still be around here somewhere.

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Also, as a side note, Sherper... you're going to have to watch very carefully how you plan to have Ellisha killing and torturing people when she's apparently walking in the Light, hates the Dark and, most importantly, has sworn the 3 Oaths. Do bear in mind that, unless in defense of her own life or that of another, a Sister literally isn't able to run around killing people left and right, no matter how much of a Darkfriend they might be! Be sure to consult with Kat and Chae before implementing that kind of thing. 


And yes, I'll do the ceremonial part. There wouldn't be much requirement for my involvement otherwise. Will be posting soon, just updating some records first.





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