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My day was awful today because...

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Actually, I've had a good day. But several people mentioned they'd like a thread like this in the "My day was great" thread.


May you always have more to post in the first thread. =)

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My day wasn't bad but this bit sucked.


My day was awful because I started filling in my student loan forms. Fine and Dandy huh? No. I was born in Hong Kong which just complicates everything. They want to know exactly where I've been living for the last three years (In the same place as a the previous seven years) AND instead of wanting my passport they want the ORIGINAL copy of my Birth Certificate.


Un petit problem. My Dad in a fit of utter stupidity threw ought my original birth certificates about five years ago. (I have two)




With Ireland having thrashed Italy earlier in the rugby Six Nation, it seemed they had done enough to win the tournament. But no! Those damn French decide to spoil the party in the last minute! And what a dodgy try it was to win the match!


And to make things worse, England then lost to Wales in the final match in the tournament. I usually accept defeats, but the English performance was terrible.


Now hopefully the Irish cricket team can win to improve my day...

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Un petit problem. My Dad in a fit of utter stupidity threw ought my original birth certificates about five years ago. (I have two)



In the US, you can substitute an official copy, which is issued by the government of the county you were born in. Could you use something like that?


I do have an offical copy but they said they wanted the original! *sniffles* I'm going to call up the Student Loan people this week and see what happens =)


my day isnt bad yet but its going to be!


bf is going away today, and leaving me all alone in our "too-big-for-one-person-apartment" :shock: its going to suck so bad :x I have four siblings.. i've never been alone before in my whole life :shock:


I was living a life in blissful ignorance, thinking that all this melting snow meant that the weather gods had decided to be nice for once and give us early spring.


No such luck. We just had about an inch and a half of snow in the last 10 hours. *sigh*


We have a thread much like this one in the GA's offsite board.. Its heavily used. A great way to vent. *nods*


I am almost regretting going back home for a visit. Everyone seems to start fighting about our time and trying to yank us around. Now does that happen to you guys?




I've never been happier to see a thread like this.


In the last 24 hours...

- My boyfriend left and will be gone for a week and a half, and since he lives here I get scared on my own.


- The toilet in this room is clogged and overflowing, and neither the plunger nor toilet auger snake thing seem to be helping.


- The new people upstairs had some sort of pipe leak, so now our ceiling has a leak in the OTHER bathroom.


- My childhood sweetheart I went out with for 6 years, whom had to move away, has now suddenly reappeared in my life. We went out to eat, and he was a waiter at a restaurant. And he's now gorgeous and an absolute sweetheart, and wants to hang out in the next few days. Le sigh. (It doesn't help that he popped up at a time when the boyfriend and I are arguing a lot, and he's out of town)


- And, it's now Spring Break, so everyone's left me here alone and bored. :(


*huggles to all*


I've had a bad week....bad cold that now has gone to my sinuses, so constant pain and feeling nauseous and have been very busy at work...Just need my bed. :(


my heart doctor gave me 3 new meds, my primary doctor gave me 2 news ones and for the last 5 days I have been groggy and out of it, something must be conflicting. Missed 3 days of work no pay.


Yes, i too wish Healing can be done in RL :(


I'll just have to make do with some *hugglesmoochies* and hope that you're ok...am thinking of you always Shamaeso.... :D


awww Shaemeso, i'm really sorry to hear this ... just remember that there are many of us on here who care deeply about you and wish you the best *huggles*


MsDanya & Arya: you'll just have to spend lots of time on here and we'll keep you company ! :D


*huggles her cousin* Tessa, you didn't say ! you poor thing :cry: ...have you tried eating freshly made curry with lots of chillies ? They say it kills the flu virus ... maybe work for that ?


Anybody else i haven't mentioned by name, i offer Elgee Huggles to {}


ps: i think this thread is a very good idea. Quite often we don't want to bother others with our problems, but this offers us a chance to have a good "cheese and whine", which is sometimes all we need ! Don't know if it's ok to offer help or a shoulder here, but did it anyway :)

  • 2 weeks later...

My husband has been gone for a year and a half. He's missed out on a LOT with our kids while he's gone (including our second son's birth and everything since then). He was supposed to come home around now but because of Bush increasing the number of troops in Iraq he won't be home until around August. I'm so stressed out about him still being gone that I haven't slept well for weeks and I'm starting to lose my motivation to do anything. School is starting to get extra busy from the end of semester stuff and I'm going to fall behind really soon if I don't find some motivation. I don't even know for sure what month he's coming home because they haven't given us his new orders yet, even though we found out about the extension two months ago. I know things could be much worse but it still sucks.


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