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Report Spam help Mod's


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ok so far i get the spam by checking so and so often when online...however its not just a mather of them posting new treads they are also posting answers to excisting treads


and such i feel its just a mather of time till we dont see one by seeing new post sign beeing activated and see them as last poster of the forum


so if you see spam who gone undeleted for more then a couple hours please report it here


not sure how long it been there..bether report one to much then one to litle


We're doing as best we can reporting and deleting but we seem to be under an attack so should we miss something please report it to this tread or poke one of the staff who has mod powers for the group of boards its posted under

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Guest Arie Ronshor

If you need added staff to help keep up on the deleting and maintaining, let me know. :)


It also could be possible that with the new server and such some of the MODs for the board (or settings) have changed, that allowed so many to get through so quickly.. maybe take it up with the head Techie here about that... :D :)

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well we are 3 who have access to all the rolleplay boards now + the local mods aka the div leaders all have access for their own group or board


however we're but human and migth miss something since there is so much of it


as said how i deal with it when i am online is having the window set to the lower part of rp boards and update it now every half hour to hour so i can catch them as the newest posts on the boards and delete them so while i am online they disapear quickly down there..as well i scroll up to illuminators now and then *s*


but the last few days been extreme so untill the adm can figure out a way to put up a new line of defence the mods just has to be active less we will get drowned in it ;)


so i am on it but if i miss something i just want to know cause i dont like this kind of filt to stay up longer then absoloutly nesicary

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