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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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That vote was made under the impression that "breaking the game" meant trying to, well, destroy it, which was incorrect, and he since unvoted.



In other words (sorry, but I was managing 3 things at once), he had an incorrect impression of what was happening. And with the impression he had, that vote is logical.

Don't care, his stated reason for his vote isn't why I have a problem with it.



Update: I am feeling froggy.  


Also update: This post did terrible things to me.

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Hey, Nolder. Sorry I missed you.


This is my third full game. Still trying to grasp the ideas and I think I get scum hunting and such, but each game has had its own "element" to it, so I suppose that part sort of confuses me a bit, such as the cop and framer roles, and the insane cop. I'm not sure I get how those actually work. Trying to watch and see, and learn.


But for me, right now, trying to stick with scum hunting as that part makes the most sense to me.

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This is actually less about him and more not wanting to vote Ben (n0 town). Outside of him, my Do Not Lynch pool is probably Niniel, BFG, DJ, and Sooh in that order. Maybe throw in Nolder if I'm feeling froggy


for most obvious takes - BFG, Niniel & Nolder all look good to me


Perhaps Clov too


Oh, okay.

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That vote was made under the impression that "breaking the game" meant trying to, well, destroy it, which was incorrect, and he since unvoted.



In other words (sorry, but I was managing 3 things at once), he had an incorrect impression of what was happening. And with the impression he had, that vote is logical.

Don't care, his stated reason for his vote isn't why I have a problem with it.




His reason for the vote isn't why you have a problem with it? What does that even mean?


You have a problem with a vote for another reason than somebody's reason for it? Only other way I see one could have a problem with a vote which is unrelated to the person giving it is if that vote is on a scum mate.

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Why?  I see literally no point in this.

I don't want to play this like it's a vanilla game.

I want to play this like it's a game with a cop, an insane cop, a framer, and a mafia traitor.



That's fine.  That doesn't explain what benefit you think there is in discussing the contradiction. 


Two and a half phases from now when we have multiple flips and an idea of who was targeted?  It would be pretty dumb NOT to discuss it.  But right now, we have minimal information so any discussion on that specific difference (or any discrepancy between peeks) seems like it's going to do more harm than good.  It can lead to mislynches on cops, it can lead to mislynches on peeks, and it can lead to cops getting NKed.   


I think there's always benefit in discussion. Besides, a stagnant game is a boring game.

Just seemed like a contradiction was a good place for a starter discussion.

Better than the usual joke votes and mock outrage retaliatory votes etc etc that usually happens in most early games anyway.



Not sure I agree that it's any more useful, but I appreciate the variety.




If nothing else, it has me feeling ~good about you.  Really interested to see what takeaways you have from it, though.




Well you saw what my takeaway was initially. It melted my brain and left me unsure what to do haha.

I think that the usefulness of the information grows in time and so I see the side of people arguing that the discussion is useless I just don't agree that it's altogether useless.

For example even though we are no closer to having figured out what role Sooh or Ironeyes has my line of reasoning did seem to rattle Sooh, at least more than I would have expected.

That could be telling.


And that is why discussion is always useful because in the long term most people can't keep up the facade if you know what to look for. Not saying Sooh made a slip but then again maybe it was and if she makes more of them the first one looks worse and it only came about because I was going over "useless" information.


That's about all I have to say about that for the moment.



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for most obvious takes - BFG, Niniel & Nolder all look good to me


Perhaps Clov too

Agree on Niniel. Also Clov.


Uncertain on BFG (probably because she's out having fun in Paris and I'm not. Jealousy can be a scum-inducing feeling) and disagree on Nol.

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That vote was made under the impression that "breaking the game" meant trying to, well, destroy it, which was incorrect, and he since unvoted.



In other words (sorry, but I was managing 3 things at once), he had an incorrect impression of what was happening. And with the impression he had, that vote is logical.

Don't care, his stated reason for his vote isn't why I have a problem with it.




His reason for the vote isn't why you have a problem with it? What does that even mean?


You have a problem with a vote for another reason than somebody's reason for it? Only other way I see one could have a problem with a vote which is unrelated to the person giving it is if that vote is on a scum mate.



And that's part of why I said it did terrible things to me.  At first, I read as that's why he had a problem  - and was ready to crucify him for it.  Then I read it again and realized he said isn't why, and I was confused.  Then I thought about it with his previous post and realized it actually makes a lot of sense.

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So... I was going to find a coffee shop and read through, but that never happened lol :P


Onthe train back to the hotel, not really conducive to reading, but I may be able to chat real time (if I maintain signal)

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@SK the read on LZM is more a situational thing, at that point in the game there wasn't much going on. Difficult to tell from timestamps, but it looked like a fast response from someone paying attention. I'd have a stronger read if it was about something less mechanical, but for the point in the game it was a good look

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Cory can you talk through your read on Chris? :unsure:

I think he'd be making the reads he's made as a villager, liked some of his back and forth with me earlier, no issue with any of his content


Admittedly doesn't mean much

No notepad notes? :(

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Cory can you talk through your read on Chris? :unsure:

I think he'd be making the reads he's made as a villager, liked some of his back and forth with me earlier, no issue with any of his content


Admittedly doesn't mean much

No notepad notes? :(



your expectations of the amount of delicate care i put into the ~first half of day 1 amuses me :P

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Oh, Sooh the tinfoil is that the way you're treating Chris reminds me of the way you treated me in FF(? the game you were mafia with Nyn)


I have equally dumb reasons to think you're town (and less dumb reasons to do with focus and stuff)

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I don't have a read on Chris or Cory yet :dry:


Frustratingly I can read the same post from Chris twice and decide it's villagery one time and scummy another :dry:


I have a read on Cory.  It's


Cory, don't read this - 



A little disappointed with his overall contribution, but I'm perfectly willing to give him time to get involved and guess it's NAI.  I also have no doubt he'll get more involved as the game goes on.



Bold - Sure, but what are your thoughts on this game? :spoiler:

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