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Everything happens in threes

Players: Katrina, Korrena, Koramena, Anton, Timewalker,

Link: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12261

Plot: The three sisters are entering the stedding and will be looked over by the Sage before starting their training.

Time posted: March 2nd, 2007


It had seemed like a particularly long trip to Anton. He was used to finding one wanderer at a time and during the trip back getting to know them somewhat, even if some of the wanderers were a bit suspicious of him and slow to trust. One on one they were easier to manage and more importantly, keep an eye on. By the time he brought them to the stedding, he usually had some form of rapport with them and they were willing to follow him. Even Sohvi had and she'd been frightened of all people, Dautry had just been somewhat confused and Timewalker had felt completely out of place and alienated.


Speaking of whom, she had managed to develop a link with the youngest of the three wanderers they were bringing in, Nana. If only he had enjoyed as much luck with Rena and Mena, but the two were twins to begin with and with each other to lean on, they didn't 'need' Anton as such. Problematic, maybe they'd be split up once they received mentors, though with the bond that was between them maybe Miryana would decide against that. Either way, they would be someone else's issue while he worked away on Timewalker. She'd taken some positive strides while they had picked up the trio, and truth be told Anton wasn't sure whether it would have held together quite so well without her.


She still didn't reveal her real name though, a sore point that continued to trouble him. She wasn't allowing herself to be who she was, hiding behind her wolvish title because that was one she couldn't disguise. But there was time to work on that, and Anton was certainly not going to let her be without prodding her in the right direction. She was his student, he was responsible for her and he was not going to let her down, not after all the progress that he had made with her.


That was for the future though, and in the now Anton was more concerned with leading the way through the wood even as the sun began to disappear. For a normal human being it would have been much more difficult to see the way as a result, but Anton's golden eyes were able to catch what light was left and use it to see as clearly as if it were day. The wood was becoming denser with every step, and as they made their way Anton was able to pick out a few of the sentries. Burrich he caught the faintest whiff of, and Dunbar moved ever so slightly in his vantage point amongst the trees. Of course, if he only saw a couple, that meant there were more that he failed to notice, but someday he would be able to pick them all out.


Clearing the wood, they entered a clearing in which a small village resided. Well, not as small as when Anton had first arrived at the Stedding, but it would be a long time before it could ever call itself a towne. Turning to the trio of wanderers, Anton smiled. "This where the Wolfkin make their home, if you've been feeling a little calmer since you arrived that would because of the Stedding effect. Channelers can't use their powers here, and those touched by the Shadow will do anything possible to entering the range of a stedding though we don't know why. At anyrate, come, we shall continue on to see Miryana who will be in the infirmary awaiting us. She will be able to answer what questions you may have. Oh, and you may see some people but they will not speak to you yet, the tradition is that a Sage, Miryana in this case, is the first to speak to you when you arrive."


If Anton recalled correctly, Timewalker hadn't been particuarly impressed with that particular tradition but at least she didn't voice her disapproval now. Now was not the time to give the wanderers any doubts. Leading them into the village, there were a number of houses that were now familiar to Anton but there were two that would stand out to the wanderers. The first was the Inn that was two storeys in height and loomed over the rest of the village, and was also the source of a great deal of noise as most went there to eat at the end of the day.


The other was the infirmary that they had now arrived before. It wasn't that large, but the path to this particular building was exceedingly well trodden. Opening a simple oaken door to allow the wanderers and Timewalker to step inside, he closed the door behind him as he gestured to the seats in the waiting room. "Take a seat, I'll go and speak with Miryana and see if she is ready to receive us."


Disappearing through the doorway at the other end of the room in search of the Sage.



Anton Averdal



OOC: Ok, this is a good chance to sum up how the travel has been for you, any particular problems howling or otherwise you might have had and whatnot. I'll PM Steve to let him know its time for him to whip Miryana out, he'll probably post after all you guys have.


If there was a 'happy' vibe that could be felt, it most definatly was vibrating off of Korrena. She had here eyes sweeping everywhere as she clutched the pack that she had filled with anything she thought was neat. Shiny stones, feathers of colours that she had never seen before, leaves of bright reds. She wasn't entirly a pack rat, so to speak, but she did take the small simple pleasures in the outdoors and what was around her that she would never have seen outside of a book or from a wagon window. 'Nana' was just vibrant with bright blue eyed (with gold flecks!!) and pink cheeks.


Of course she often had to show Time these things as well, and convinved her to try fishing with her for the first time (well, Korrena's first time at least). As she never wandered from anyones sight, Rena and Mena made no arguement as they stuck closely to eachother which suited Korrena just fine. In fact she had only twice broke into the rage of the Howling, as Anton called it, and although it did not disturb her too greatly, she dismissed it as easily as anything else, and instead tried her best to get Time to smile. The girl felt like she needed 'fixing' and if Korrena was going to make any friends she wanted someone that she could at least help and befriend without worry of being told what to do. Like Rena and Mena.. She loved her sisters, but really.. they needed to lighten up!


The woods gave way to a very cute village, and Korrena couldn't help but grin. It was so cute! Passing the large Inn pulled Korrena to a small degree. There was a sense of 'peace' and 'home' there. But as they walked up the well trodden path, Korrena fell silent, her emotions nearly missing as she could feel somethng. Something that she could not put her finger on, and it unnerved her. Some thing strong, rich and feral in scent....





Anabel felt the unease from the girl at her side and she stepped a little closer, touching her shoulder lightly. It was just a small reminder that there were friends here, not enemies, but she understood how the strangeness of a new place could feel daunting and unnerving. She still felt it herself actually, though it wasn't happening all the time. There were some mornings when she still woke in terror and would reach out to the pack that had known her and been overwhelmed when she remembered that they were long gone. Other times she woke and knew exactly where she was. Those were becoming more and more familiar to her, as was the Stedding.


And there was Anton. He was the only person she had trusted until this trip. The twins that they had picked up were still an unknown to her, but the girl at her side, Korrena, she trusted. She liked her and had found herself becoming as fascinated in the small things the girl held as 'treasures' as she had. In fact, she had a stone in her pack that was the same color as Korrena's eyes. She thought it would be a good reminder that there were good things in this world that she still needed to see, good people and places, no matter how foreign it all seemed.


Anton led them in and as he went to fetch the Sage, she settled into a chair and waited. Her own first meeting with Miryana had been nice, but she had been too confused to be able to ask much. She wondered what these sister's with their questions, would be able to reveal to her.




Rena hadn't really opened up about what had happened to her on her trip, she was ashamed that the man had almost gotten the best of her, another part of her felt guilty. Had she opened herself up for his attack, had she been to sexual in the way she had sat that day, had she done something to make the man attack her that way. Honestly she didn't know but a part of her still feared that, but because of that she hadn't spoken of it with her sisters. Rena thought that maybe Mena had some idea what had happened, they were connected so closely and with the wolf images they were sharing, it was even harder to hide something. At one point she had had an image of a male wolf, holding a female wolf down with his teeth on her neck. The image may have been seen by Mena but her twin hadn't said anything about it.


The days passed after their decision to go to the Stedding and she hoped that Anton was taking them to the Stedding. She didn't truly trust him yet, but she had a feeling that he would never hurt her as the other man had but she still watched his every move. A few times she thought she saw him look at her with curiosity or even hurt in his golden eyes. Katrina looked at his back, he was walking ahead of them, his footsteps graceful, not making any noise. She saw him look up in the trees one time, she caught a glimps of a man, the next minute she smelled him. She tensed and tried her best to reached for her knife without being obvious about it. Suddenly she felt a sense of well being flood through her and she noticed that they were entering what looked to be a town.


"This where the Wolfkin make their home, if you've been feeling a little calmer since you arrived that would because of the Stedding effect. Channelers can't use their powers here, and those touched by the Shadow will do anything possible to entering the range of a stedding though we don't know why. At anyrate, come, we shall continue on to see Miryana who will be in the infirmary awaiting us. She will be able to answer what questions you may have. Oh, and you may see some people but they will not speak to you yet, the tradition is that a Sage, Miryana in this case, is the first to speak to you when you arrive." It explained the feeling she had gotten before they walked into the town and why those around them, didn't greet them of even look their way. He led them past an Inn and she saw Nana looking at the Inn, she shuddered at even thinking about going in there, where she was sure to see men, yet her sister was eager. She could smell the emotion coming off of her. Rena slowed her breathing and tried not to let her hackles rise.


The walked over a path that had obviously been used well and a building loomed before them. Rena backed up several steps. She head noticed she was scared of enclosed places, places she couldn't escape from and this place she couldn't escape from. Mena rubbed a hand in the middle of her back and said soothing words to her, it was obvious her sister had seen the images of wolves in cages that were rapidly flashing in front of her eyes. She took a breath and forced herself to walk through that door. Rena wanted to rejoin the human world and this was the only way for her, she couldn't go home and all she had left was this and her sisters. Anton spoke softly, "Take a seat, I'll go and speak with Miryana and see if she is ready to receive us." She blinked and watched him walk from the room, trying hard to forget the time she had tackled him and tried to beat him down. A sudden anger had consumed her and anything male had been her target, he had gently flipped her over and pined her. She had learned that he was stronger than her and much more skilled and the embarassment of that still burned deep.


Katrina Candarr



The town has a smell was attractive to her in the oddest way. She was unnerved to have a liking to it since many smelly things wrinkled her nose. She couldn't place a finger on it but it was like smelling wet hay. Pungent and pleasant, earthy and deep. Something that Koramena, the human would find revolting.


Imgages were moving in her head from Anton, Timewalker, Rena... and... was that image from Nana?! She may have seen something from her but wasn't really sure. This was all too clumbsy for her. But for Rena, this felt like a horror approaching and she has no where to run. Mena didn't know what to do except the one thing that she had always done to soothe her sister. She started with a small circular rub on her lower back and gently urged her on.


After hear what Anton had told them about what to expect Rena was feeling a little miffed that it was true. No one looked at them... waved. She was very disappointed in not be received with at least some homemade goods. A welcome basket was typical in their circles back home. Back home. An echo of something lonley and lost. Her heart instantly ached.


Images flashed in her mind of a wild wicked beast, something unnamed and something fanged and deadly. She knows she didn't think that... who, she wondered? She looked around and decided it had to be Nana. She looked... well...


"Nana, lets go with them now. There is nothing here that will harm you. I think"





The town has a smell that was attractive to her in the oddest way. She was unnerved to have a liking to it since many smelly things wrinkled her nose. She couldn't place a finger on it but it was like smelling wet hay. Pungent and pleasant, earthy and deep. Something that Koramena, the human would find revolting.


Imgages were moving in her head from Anton, Timewalker, Rena... and... was that image from Nana?! She may have seen something from her but wasn't really sure. This was all too clumbsy for her. But for Rena, this felt like a horror approaching and she has no where to run. Mena didn't know what to do except the one thing that she had always done to soothe her sister. She started with a small circular rub on her lower back and gently urged her on.


After hear what Anton had told them about what to expect Rena was feeling a little miffed that it was true. No one looked at them... waved. She was very disappointed in not be received with at least some homemade goods. A welcome basket was typical in their circles back home. Back home. An echo of something lonley and lost. Her heart instantly ached.


Images flashed in her mind of a wild wicked beast, something unnamed and something fanged and deadly. She knows she didn't think that... who, she wondered? She looked around and decided it had to be Nana. She looked... well...


"Nana, lets go with them now. There is nothing here that will harm you. I think."


Korrena huffed up her cheeks, ingoring the fact that her feelings were contradicting her words. "I'm not afraid." And she strolled in, but not before squeezing Time's hand.


Mena wished she wasn't afraid. But part of her character and something she has always known about herself is that, she worried about the whole world, her entire family, every little thing. She knew nothing but discovery of what was to become of them, still lay ahead and she never liked surprises.




  • 2 weeks later...

Ordering one of her apprentice to put hot water on for tea Miryana finished inventorying her herbs and closed the cabinet. Her long red hair hung down loose to the middle of her back today and as she locked the cabinet Anton appeared. The young man was all smiles as usual with a mischevieous twinkle in his eyes. Placing her hands on hips the Sage looked at him with narrowed eyes.


Anton quickly told her of the three Wanderers he had arrived with while Miryana smoothed out her skirts. “Light three of them.” It was rare enough to have one new Wanderer in the stedding but three? Anton led her to the infirmary waiting room and sure enough three young women sat there along with Timewalker. Eyes pausing briefly on Timewalker she still felt deep sympathy for the young woman.


Managing her best smile she welcomed the new Wanderers. “Be welcome you are at home children. Here you are safe and hot baths, warm meals and a soft bed will be found for you.”


Taking turns having each Wanderer get on the examining table Miryana carefully probed each one with her senses for any sign of injury. By the time she had finished Jenel her apprentice had appeared with a tray of teacups and a pot of hot water. Sitting in her favorite chair the Sage waited until her tea had been poured then sipped it.


“I am sure you have had a long journey and there must be many questions troubling you. I doubt that Anton has been able to answer them all for you as he has been seeing to your safety. If you would like you can ask any you wish and between us we will try and answer them. When we are done a place will be found for you to rest yourselves.”


A woman with long red hair walked into the room and Rena calmed down visibly, there was something calming about this woman, it was almost like she could smell how calm the woman was. “Be welcome you are at home children. Here you are safe and hot baths, warm meals and a soft bed will be found for you.” Rena almost moaned at the thought of a bed, though she wondered if she would find herself on the floor as she had started to do just before she left her parents. The woman motioned for them to get up on the table and she let her sister Mena go first. She saw the woman look Mena in the eyes and then do several things, she was deeply connected with her sister, so she had some idea of what was going on.


It was her turn next and she saw the woman look at her closely and then look at Mena. She didn't know if the woman had known they were sisters, but you could tell they were twins if you looked past the different hair colors. The woman than looked at Nana and a strange look passed over her face. It was obvious the woman was shocked by them being sisters, she wondered if they were going to get this at every turn. She finished with Nana and then sat down in a chair, Rena watched as a man brought in teacups, she held the growls down and managed not to spring out of the chair. “I am sure you have had a long journey and there must be many questions troubling you. I doubt that Anton has been able to answer them all for you as he has been seeing to your safety. If you would like you can ask any you wish and between us we will try and answer them. When we are done a place will be found for you to rest yourselves.” Rena nodded and thought for a moment, she didn't think she had any questions at this point, she waited to see if her sisters were going to say anything...




Sitting in the chair, she looked at both her sisters to see if the stress she was feeling from them was evident to any passerby. She was relieved to see their calm appearances but she knew for sure... Underneath that facade was a torrent of flooding images from Rena. At times her images ran right over her own thoughts in a way that she thought was possible for her head to explode. She realized the image she just thought up might be pretty ugly to Rena. Nana on the other hand was bundling up something in her that was very wary and very alert and careful. So they all should be, she thought.


In strode a lovely woman with such a bright smile and calm eyes, that she felt as if days of journey had been washed away. Even though she was explaining a few things verbally, most of her examination was through her senses. Mena tried to probe her as well and heard a growling from somewhere... a warning growl. Though she had no idea who had done it since she was in a whole room full of people... err... animals? No they were NOT animals.


She looked towards her sister Rena and realized that exactly where that growl had come from then. That warning look in her eyes told Mena that she was being rude or obnoxious to do something like that. Mena sniffed quietly in objection. After all, it was she who was being "probed" like an experiment.


When the "examination" was complete she slid from the exam table and quickly shuffled to Rena and sat beside her. She looked briefly towards Nana to check if she was okay and soon realized that there was no need to wonder. Nana was composed... outwardly anyway.


The thought of those proposed "warm baths, warm food and soft beds" started to mean much more to her as her tenseness slipped away, left her feeling weakened and tired.


A younger woman brought in a tray with a steaming pot, and cups. At least they knew what hospitality was. Anton had not given them any decent tea but, she forgave that since it was the woods, after all.


The exams were completed to some satisfaction she said, “I am sure you have had a long journey and there must be many questions troubling you. I doubt that Anton has been able to answer them all for you as he has been seeing to your safety. If you would like you can ask any you wish and between us we will try and answer them. When we are done a place will be found for you to rest yourselves.”


Mena gave a little cough and began to speak, "I do have a few, but I think a nice cup of tea would wash some of the dust away in our throats." Filled tea cups were passed around and Mena took a sizeable sip before going on. "What is this place? I assume from the way you are talking that we may be here a while?" She paused only seconds for another sip and went on, "I am curious as to how this"... she motioned to her eyes, "can happen to all three of us?"




  • 2 weeks later...

Miryana was more than fascinated that three siblings could possibly be Wolfkin. It was a given that she would have to spend a great deal of time with them. As if echoing her thoughts Mena asked how this could happen to all three of them. Arching an eyebrow the Sage sipped her tea and frowned.


“Light child, I am as surprised by this as you three must be. It is unprecedented to have three family members who receive the gift you have.”


A frown crossed their faces at her answer causing Miryana to chuckle deep in her throat.


“Don’t let it worry you and consider it a blessing. You three are unlike most others who must deal with this on their own. You are blessed by the light to have each other to lean on as you learn of your new way of life.”


Crossing her legs she became aware of Timewalker shifting in her chair anxious. Likely more than ready to be out of the infirmary.


“As to where this place is, this is your home now. We are in the Mountains of Mist and this is the home of the Wolfkin. It is an abandoned Ogier stedding and it shelters us as the Creator intended.”


The three newcomers listened with interest as she explained how a stedding did not allow any to channel within its boundries.


“Once you three have adjusted to your new home you will be assigned a mentor or a guide if you will. This guide will teach you much about your new gifts such as how to use your senses and how to walk in the dream safely.”

Guest Arie Ronshor

She felt okay to her, and Korrena smiled. Although fairly trustworthy, the place seemed to make her more uncomfortable than the woman did. If the woman felt okay, than she was okay, right?


"Thank you, Miryana." She smiled and jumped up, eager with the option to leave this place that just smelled foul to her. Foul and unfamilliar. "Where are our rooms? I want to seem them, if that's okay. Do I get my own room or do i share with Mena and Rena? Could I get my own room? Please??" She grinned as her bubbliness started to return as she spoke. "This place feels so different than home... very different, but i like it!"






(shorter post, but meh.. )


Anabel sat silent as she watched the sisters speaking with the Sage. Although her presence was comforting, Anabel always felt uneasy around her. In truth, the only person that knew her story and she felt close to easy around was Anton. She felt anyone else was watching for her to go mad. It didn't help that she still felt..well... wolfish sometimes and the call to join them was all too hard to resist. She could remember a time when it hadn't been, when she had been comfortable in her own skin. Still, there was more understanding from Miryana than most anyone else that knew.


So she sat quietly, drank some tea and waited for the sisters to be released and see what else she could do for them.



  • 4 weeks later...

Rena watched as woman brought some cups in and each of her sisters were looked over, she could feel the conflicting emotions coming from each of them but especially from Mena. Her emotions were much stronger in her head than Nana's. When the woman was done with each of them she turned to them and spoke, “I am sure you have had a long journey and there must be many questions troubling you. I doubt that Anton has been able to answer them all for you as he has been seeing to your safety. If you would like you can ask any you wish and between us we will try and answer them. When we are done a place will be found for you to rest yourselves.” She delved into herself and began to think about what questions she might have, at the forefront of her mind was her fear of men. Many women had been through far worse and come through it without wanting to kill every man in sight. She was shaken out of her thoughts by her sister speaking, "I do have a few, but I think a nice cup of tea would wash some of the dust away in our throats. What is this place? I assume from the way you are talking that we may be here a while? I am curious as to how this, can happen to all three of us?"


If she had had wolf ears, her ears would have been perked up and at attention. “Light child, I am as surprised by this as you three must be. It is unprecedented to have three family members who receive the gift you have.” Rena nodded and waited to see if she spoke again, “Don’t let it worry you and consider it a blessing. You three are unlike most others who must deal with this on their own. You are blessed by the light to have each other to lean on as you learn of your new way of life. As to where this place is, this is your home now. We are in the Mountains of Mist and this is the home of the Wolfkin. It is an abandoned Ogier stedding and it shelters us as the Creator intended.” Rena looked over at her sister and wondered what Mena was thinking about all of this, it was quite a shock on the system. She switched her eyes to where Nana was sitting and saw the excitement in her eyes. Her little sister wasn't scared, in fact she was excited by all of it. “Once you three have adjusted to your new home you will be assigned a mentor or a guide if you will. This guide will teach you much about your new gifts such as how to use your senses and how to walk in the dream safely.” Rena sat back in her chair and sipped the tea she had been given, her nerves were jumping all over the place and she was trying very hard to control the fear that was inside of her. "Thank you, Miryana. Where are our rooms? I want to seem them, if that's okay. Do I get my own room or do I share with Mena and Rena? Could I get my own room? Please?? This place feels so different than home... very different, but I like it!" Rena coughed and spoke finally, "Thanks you so much Miryana, I am glad to hear that we aren't the only one's confused by how this could happen to three sisters at once. I admit I am emotionally battered and I would love to rest. I would love to go to a room and get some sleep and possibly something to eat?"


Katrina Candarr


Mena listened to Miryana carefully and supposed this kind eyed woman must be comfortable with who she is. She felt a sense of calm in her presence that very much relaxed her even more. And, she was right... she, Rena and Nana were all family, going through this together and not alone. She felt a sudden, deep regret for those who had to go it alone.

Nana, ever the bravest of them expressed her liking of the place. Rena and she sipped their tea with nearly exact rythum. It didn't happen all the time but it was one of those, twin things. Finishing each other sentences, thinking the same things, looking into each other eyes and having that funny, connection; not having to say a single word and they just ... knew.


“Once you three have adjusted to your new home you will be assigned a mentor or a guide if you will. This guide will teach you much about your new gifts such as how to use your senses and how to walk in the dream safely.” said Miryana.


Although they were all dusty and dirty and more than a little tired, Mena has to ask, "I would like to know more about this dream walking once we get a chance. It feels like I've done it a few times already that at this point, it is pretty scary."


She felt herself become very tired all of a sudden and sensed it more from Rena. This bond would effect them now, even more so.


"Yes, I think a bath and bed would do us all good."


Koramena Candorr

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