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OOC Continuing fromhttp://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11149


The slash of silver cut through the air, expanding outwards until it was tall enough for a woman on horse back to ride through without having to stoop. A second one followed the first almost immediately, pushing her way in front of the other, her eyes scanning in ever direction, seemingly at once. Finally, reassured that no immediate threat existed she turned back to her companion. “How many times have I told you to let me go first Cara?” The scalding tone of Liitha’s voice made Cara feel like she was thirteen years old again and in trouble for some misdeed with her Mother. Sitting straight in her saddle, Cara let her raptor like gaze capture Liitha’s. “I am quite capable of taking care of myself Liitha, and you are not my Warder, not yet anyway.” Cara’s voice softened, this was not just anyone she was talking to, she had shared far more with Liitha than with any other person she knew, and she was only trying to look out for her lover. “I apologise my love, I know you only have my best interests at heart.” Moving her horse next to Liitha’s, Cara raised her gloved hand to Liitha’s face and gentle stroked the skin. “I promise to try and do better, precious.” Liitha’s eyebrows rose up at the sound of Cara’s pet name for her, she had not been at all happy being called that, even after Cara had explained why to her. Cara leaned closer to Liitha, her grey eyes gazing into her lover’s eyes. “But I will not allow you to needlessly throw away your life, I will burn this entire land before I allow that to happen.” The passion in Cara’s voice had grown intense, Liitha really was precious to her, and she had vowed that no one would come to hurt her, not while Cara still had breath in her body. “Come on, let’s be on our way. We have saved a lot of time, but we are still about a days ride away from the nearest habitation. I did not dare bring us any closer as I do not know the land well enough.”


Cara clicked her tongue and flicked her reins, guiding her horse out of the small clearing they were in. The trees here were sparse and the going was easy as the two women made their way out of the forest and towards the road north. This close to the Borderlands it did not pay to linger in one spot to long, nor to be out in the open after dark fell. By riding hard, and not stopping, eating and drinking in the saddle, they managed to reach the first village just as they were closing the gates. At first the gatekeeper would not grant them entry, no matter what they said and so Cara had to resort to showing her ring, confirming to the gatekeeper that she was an Aes Sedai and not some charlatan. Upon seeing the ring, the man could not get the gate open fast enough and soon his apologies began to wear thin on Cara. “It is an easy mistake to make, and your diligence is to be commended, but we really would like to be on our way. I take it there is somewhere we can stay for the night?”


“Yes Aes Sedai, there is an Inn, The Trollocs Horn, that has rooms for travellers, it is just around the corner and over to your left.”


Cara thanked the man and soon she and Liitha were stabling their horses at the Inn and making their way into the common room. Spotting who she thought was the Innkeeper, Cara headed straight for him and enquired about a room for the night. As luck would have it there were several rooms available and Cara and Liitha were able to find one to their liking. Upon entering the room, Cara threw her saddle bags down and stripped off her cloak, untying her ash blonde hair, she shook her head to free her hair, then looked to where Liitha was standing watching her intently. “I suppose we should wash the dust of the road off our skins and make our way down to the common room for some food, yes?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

Guest nephitess

IC: Darkness. Cold. Fear. Running she could barely see. Screams followed her as she ran from the shivers going up her spine. Bare feet slapping the earthy ground she fled from fear and inevitable death. Only minutes later a shadowy figure stepped in front of her. Feeling movement behind her she knew she was surrounded. Falling on her knees she started to babble and whimper, to exhausted to scream or fight. Smooth, pale finger clasped her arm and she wanted to wretch. The Fade's touch made her whole body want to revolt. Standing she let herself be lead back to the encampment. Once there she was thrown to the ground. The Fade who had lead her stood over her and grinned with blood red lips. The malice in his eyes told her what was coming. It had happened many times before.


"No, No, please......." she begged. The fade advanced.





Breathing heavily, Phinn awoke. Feeling the dirt and twigs beneath her she winced and turned over. Alone, she was in the forest with a sliver of a moon shining down on her.


"My Name is Phinnavier Tabor." She had repeated that to herself many times over the past years. it was a comfort to her. She held on to who she was with that simple phrase. Shuddering from her dream and the images it brought, she wept. the memories of the past few years extremely fresh in her mind. Her body still ached from the bonds that held her. rubbing her wrist she felt the red ridges that imprinted her flesh. her wrists were still sore but she had become accustomed to the feeling that she did not feel the pain.




Fear gripping her heart she jumped up. Phinn ran and left behind a very confused looking woodland creature.


OOC: ok i'll write more soon, this is just a start. :wink:


Liitha watched as Cara wove the gate, it was so unfamiliar to travel like this, the young horse was still tossing his head but wasnt trying to toss her anymore having give in to the fact she was a skilled rider. Then sudenly as soon as the gate was open Cara rode through, she huridly spured her horse after alert eyes as if ready to ride rigth into trouble, only when sure it was safe she turned to Cara.


“How many times have I told you to let me go first Cara?” She for once didnt shrink under that familiar Aes Sedai look, this was her job. “I am quite capable of taking care of myself Liitha, and you are not my Warder, not yet anyway.” She shook her head silently, “I apologise my love, I know you only have my best interests at heart.”


She felt the hand stroke her cheek, “I promise to try and do better, precious.” Liitha raised an eyebrow and descided to let the other subject go for the moment, she hadnt forgot it thoug. “But I will not allow you to needlessly throw away your life, I will burn this entire land before I allow that to happen.” Biting her teaths togheter she let herself embrace the flame in her head, it would still be late before reaching a place to rest for the night and she didnt want to stall them with a discusion.


“Come on, let’s be on our way. We have saved a lot of time, but we are still about a days ride away from the nearest habitation. I did not dare bring us any closer as I do not know the land well enough.” Nodding and trying on a smile she rode out taking the lead and where alert scouting, thoug leting her thougths wander as well, she really would have to talk to Cara later, she was careless.


The ride was free of events and then they reached a place where they had to hagle their way in, and only Caras ring got them in in the end. “I suppose we should wash the dust of the road off our skins and make our way down to the common room for some food, yes?” She nodded, the inn seemed to small to have private dining rooms, their talk would have to wait till after they had eaten.


She enjoyed watching Cara a while before changing herself and washing, hopefully the place still had some proper hot food avaliable, she felt for something hot, the borderlands where cooler then the rest of the lands. "If your ready lets go down and see what they have to serve tonight.." she smiled at Cara, quickly without rusing moving so she could excit first and walk down into the comon room first, making sure there was no brawls happening.


Once Cara was dressed, in breeches and loose purple silk shirt and low-heeled boots, she and Liitha made their way down to the common room of the Inn. For such a small village the Inn was a spacious building and the large common room had a fireplace to match in size. Liitha led Cara towards a table where she could observe the room, and not worry about some one behind her. Sitting down opposite her, Cara leaned closer to Liitha. “You do take this protection thing a bit far at times love. No one here will harm me, or you for that matter, you know how people from the Borderlands fell about Aes Sedai.” Lecture over, Cara reached out for Liitha’s hand and gently entwined her fingers with Liitha’s. “I don’t suppose there will be much choice on the menu, we will most probably be offered various roast mutton dishes.” Before Liitha could give her response one of the Inn’s serving girls approached them and told them what was on the menu for the night.


Liitha’s well-aimed kick to Cara’s shin stopped Cara’s giggles as the mention of the menu caused her to imagine all varieties of mutton. Rubbing her shin, Cara glared at Liitha in response to the kick, and vowed to get her vengeance later, at a more appropriate time. “I hope that has not caused a bruise, if it has I think you will be sleeping in the stables tonight.” Cara had to fight the urge to stick her tongue out at Liitha, she knew it was childish, but for some reason that was how Liitha made her feel at times. Keeping her face composed, Cara fought the urge, instead picking up her fork and pretending to study it. Fortunately the serving girl was not long in returning and they were able to start on their meal. Although it was nothing fancy it was wholesome food, and that was just what the two of them needed after a long day in the saddle. Cara washed hers down with a mug of tea and Liitha with her usual ale, which Cara thought, made her breath smell like a bar maids skirt. Fearing a fit of the giggles again, Cara quickly focused her mind on something else, and let the thoughts of Liitha in bar maids skirt, wait for a more opportune time.


With the meal over, Cara stretched in her chair, feeling the heat from the fire at her back, then looked at Liitha. “So what now, an early night, or do you want to stay around and listen to the tales these folk have to tell?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

  • 2 weeks later...

As the meal was wraped up in silenceness, with Cara beeing rigth on the menu, she swallowed the last pieces of her dinner with the ale. “So what now, an early night, or do you want to stay around and listen to the tales these folk have to tell?”


There was the talk she wanted but then again it could wait there would be plenty time on the road, and likely bether off bringing it up at her own time. She smiled, "I think some news could be usefull, get some information of anything having happened lately or such.." she looked through the room, you never knew when trolloc raids hit in, so bether hear if there had been any rumors from the areas they would be traveling.


Who knew migth be they could even pick up news of their litle longfingered friends, she would love to get Yazi back, thoug that would almost be more luck then she could count on. She saw cards beeing decked up on a table and looked back to Cara. "You play?"


Cara smiled, knowingly, at Liitha. “I have had some experience with a few card games, but I am sure I am not as skilful as you are. I suspect you have whiled away many an hour playing cards, and for money I do not doubt.”


Cara was trying not to sound smug, she had virtually been brought up on card games, and card tricks, her parents had believed it was a good way of improving her mental dexterity, but she was not about to let on to Liitha just yet. Besides that, her friend had not been herself recently, something was praying on her mind, and despite Cara giving Liitha opportunities to broach what ever was bothering her, she had not done so, yet.


“Why don’t you go and ask the Innkeeper if they have a deck of cards, or better yet a stones board?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

Guest nephitess

OOC: sorry to butt in with out a RP post...i have been tied up with school and work...i'll be here with RP post as soon as i can. maybe in a week or so. hope that is ok. :?

  • 3 weeks later...

“I have had some experience with a few card games, but I am sure I am not as skilful as you are. I suspect you have whiled away many an hour playing cards, and for money I do not doubt.” Liitha smiled, knowing the truth to be she had played very litle card games, there had been a couple ocations, but mostly she stayed away from it.


“Why don’t you go and ask the Innkeeper if they have a deck of cards, or better yet a stones board?” Nodding she rose from the chair and went over to the desk, she was happy to hear they had an old stones board. That was a game she did know, had had to learn as it was used in her path to train the brain on strategy. Seteling back at the table she helped Cara put up the game and sort through the mixed up stones, before they could start.


Meanwhile she strained her ears to try and pick up conversation among the other tables, news and tidbits from other parts of the borderlands. So far few things pointing at unsafety at the roads.

Guest nephitess

OOC: hey there *waves* sorry about being gone so long. I finished my finals and then procceded to get sick. *sighs* well i'm here now. :)


IC: Bloody footprints left a trail on the forest floor. She did not care any more to try and clean them up. The blisters had popped miles ago. Phinn was tired and wanted to rest. The only thing that kept her going was the smell of a camp fire and roasted meat. Moving slowly she crept up to the camp site and found two men sitting around the fire. They were drinking and cursing as they sloshed their ale back and forth. Listening for a while the men started to share stories about the women they had taken. They told their stories with pure disdain for the ones they had forced themselves upon. Listening made Phinn's stomach turn. These men deserved to die!


'I better remember the weaves. It's been a long time since I've channeled properly.' she thought.


Embracing the source was an intense moment. All her hurts and bruises fired up a hundred fold making it hard for her to walk. Weaving think threads of air she sent a long gust of wind into the encampment. The men started to yell and were thrown against the trees. Holding onto the source Phinn stepped into their sight. Looking at them with rage filling her eyes she was ready to damage something. Tyeing them up with flows of air she held them up by their ankles. With whip thin pieces of air she started to hit them with everything she had. Their screams could surely be heard miles away. Once she was finished with them she left them upside down and turned away. Observing the camp she found two horses with half filled packs and supplies.


In a voice that was calm and even with some jolliness to it she asked


“So Boys, do you mind if i join you for dinner?”


Her captives looked at her with wide eyes and shook their heads with grunts. Turning around she walked over to the fire and looked at what had been cooking. A thick stew with rabbit and roots. To Phinn it looked like a feast. Grabbing a tin plate she dished out some of the stew and ate. When she was finished there was none left in the pot. Smiling at the helpless ones dangling in the air she asked...


“do you have any CLEAN clothes?”

nothing put grunts were heard from the men. Sighing she got up and started to sort through the items in the saddle bags. Finding a kit with bandages and healing creams, Phinn cleaned her feet and wrapped them up. She found a pair of breeches that might work and a white cotton shirt. After a little more digging Phinn found a brown jacket. With a look at the men she tisked...


“i can't let you see me change now can I??”


weaving a thread around their heads she turned them so that her captives eyes could no longer see her. There was some whimpering and crying from the men..


“Oh be quiet, it's not like your necks are broken!”


Stripping down she changed into the clothes she found. They fit her well except for the pants, they were loose around the hips and waist. Phinn solved that problem with long piece of leather. Cleaning up and putting everything she would need into one saddle bag, Phinn saddled and loaded up the stronger Grey stallion.




“well, here is were we say goodbye. Thank you for your generosity.”

letting the weaves that held the men in the air go, both fell to the ground with a thud. Squirming in their remaining bonds they started to sweat. Grabbing a dagger from where it sat by the log seat, Phinn walked over to the frantic men.


“hold still and take this like a MAN!” she spat the last words from her mouth like bile.


Holding them still with tighter bonds of air, Phinn plunged the dagger into the older man's heart, when she was sure he was dead, she moved onto the younger man. Looking at him, she was revolted...without a second thought she stabbed him and left the dagger in his heart. Without a backward glance she jumped onto the Grey and rode for civilization.


Later that night, after they had retired to their room, Cara lay in the bed, a shaft of moonlight illuminating one small area of the room. Idly she watched the dust motes floating through the moonlight and wondered about their quest. Was this really the best way for them to spend their time, was there not something else that was more demanding and noteworthy, than what could be seen as their personnel quest.


Then, unbidden, the image of the dead bodies surfaced in Cara’s mind and she realised that this quest was a valid one and that her doubts were just the result of an over active mind that really should have been asleep. But sleep would not come, and so Cara lay there, going over the bits of gossip she and Liitha had picked up while sitting in the main room of the Inn. There had been nothing substantial that either of them had heard, but they now knew that the Shadowspawn were making more appearances and that there were rumours that Chachin had suffered some mishap. What that was Cara had been unable to find out, all she could learn was that if you did not have to go to Chachin, then stay well clear. Even if you did need to go there, it was better to postpone your trip, or abandon it altogether. This piqued Cara’s interest and she spent the remainder of the night ruminating on what could have happened to inspire such dire warnings.


Eventually the first rays of the morning sun shone through the curtains and Cara decided she had had enough of lying in bed. Quietly she slithered out of the bed, not wanting to wake Liitha just yet, and padded over to the basin and water jug. As was her practice, Cara slept nude and soon had washed off the stale sweat from the night. After she had washed her face and neck, Cara felt more refreshed, and turned to see Liitha propped up in bed, watching her with an almost predatory look in her eyes. “I love watching you Cara, even when you are doing mundane and boring things, you have such an easy grace about you.”


Smiling at he love, Cara went back over to the bed, bent down and kissed Liitha on the lips. “Well if you promise to be good today I will give you something to watch tonight, how about that for a deal, precious?” Cara could not keep the mischievous tone from her voice, and as Liitha lunged for her, Cara adroitly stepped away from her grasping hands, shaking a finger at Liitha in mock admonition. “We have no time to tarry now precious, we must be up and on our way, so get your lazy bones out of that bed and give me something to watch.”

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

  • 2 weeks later...

Liitha bit in a yawn as she woke up after far to litle sleep in her mind, then turned around and lazily watched Cara. Her eyes roaming freely and taking in the full view. After a exchange of rapid lines and a teasefull battle that Cara won she draged herself out of bed to wash up, she knew the other was rigth.

As she washed thougths flew though her mind, what would today bring, and where to go next, maybe cara knew, hopefully not to cachin though, the rumors from there where worrying, and she rather stay away from internal squirmishes or whatever was happening.


It would be safer to go somewhere else, they had enough to worry about with their own targets, not even knowing how many men they where up against.

She followed Cara down the stairs, already having their package with them so they could go straigth out to the stables after breakfast. She had yet to find a way to raise sertaint subject with Cara, and part of her didnt want to, she wasnt sure she could win the argument afterall, and she was pretty sure what Cara would say.


Silently she ate her bread and chease, then swallowed it down with some tea. "Ready to go?" she smiled at the woman oposite her, and resisted the temptation to reach out and remove a stray lock of hair from her face.





That night they slept under the stars, well away from the road, for safeties sake and were up early the next morning and on their way before the dew on the grass had had chance to dry. They were travelling through a less well travelled area of the Borderlands, and the brooding atmosphere made them ride faster than they normally would, and Cara even considered using the One Power to skim but she was concerned that any use of the Power might draw unwanted attention. As was her usual practice when away from the Tower, Cara had removed her ring, and shawl, and the only outward sign that she was Aes Sedai was the smooth unlined face, but you had to look hard to discern this.


On their fourth day of travelling they finally started to see signs of life and by midday they saw the distant walls of the capital city of Shienar. Cara was both excited and cautious at this, she had been enjoying the time alone with Liitha and camping out each night, making their own entertainment would be a memory she would treasure forever. However their idyll would be over soon and so Cara and Liitha started to talk about their reasons for being here and where they could continue their search once they were in the city.


It was fast approaching sundown when Cara and Liitha eventually found a place to stay. Much to Liitha’s annoyance Cara had insisted on staying in the best Inn they could find, no matter what the expense was. As far as Cara was concerned they deserved a decent bed to sleep in and a hot bath would also be most welcome. Once in their room, they unpacked their gear and just as they were finishing the hot water for their bath arrived. The two serving girls poured flagon after flagon of hot water into the copper tub and when they were finished Liitha thanked them and gave each a couple of coppers for their trouble.


By the time she had closed the door and the serving girls had left, Liitha turned around and saw that Cara had managed to undress herself and was immersed in the bathtub with the water up to her neck. From the smell Cara had obviously sprinkled some salts into the water. “Well are you going to get in and wash my back or must I do it myself?”


Later on, with the water still retaining some of it’s warmth, Cara lay in Liitha’s arms, the warm water soothing her aching muscles and the feel of her lovers arms around her making her feel like she was in the safest place in the world. Stirring slightly, Cara twisted her head around, as much as she could, without breaking Liitha’s embrace. “Liitha, I think I have come to know you quite well, and can read your moods and I think there is something that you have been keeping from me. Do I have to try and guess what it is that is bothering you or are you going to tell me?”

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.


“Liitha, I think I have come to know you quite well, and can read your moods and I think there is something that you have been keeping from me. Do I have to try and guess what it is that is bothering you or are you going to tell me?” So it would come to this afterall, she tilted back her head and closed her eyes, still holding the woman she had come to love in her arms. Opening them she kissed Cara in the nape of her neck, wanting to savour the moment before taking the confrontation.


"An arrow can kill you as easily as anyone else, my life will never be wasted in the duty i live and breath for, and sertainly not in exchange for that of yours. Futhermore.." she drew her breath, "...you cant bond me if you are dead anyway, and you may not be a yellow, but my skills of healing will sertainly be less of those you have even so.." she ended with a wry grin at that, "You do have your training love, but i have mine, let me know what i know how to do, dont reduce me to a puppet or plaything to be laced in silk so i wont break, its not a worthy fait of someone like me...or of my blood.." her voice trailed off as her eyes grew distant.


There was so many memories beeing here in the borderlands, and at times she couldnt help leting her eyes soar in the direction of Tarwins Gap as they rode, and it was in that direction they looked now as well, as if she could see through the walls, all the way to broken Malkieri. The Aes Sedai hadnt saved it, hadnt come, what could have been if the kin of Cara had gone to help her fathers country, would she even have been here today. So many stray treads lay the patern who wove time and story. Sudenly she shivered and noticed that the water had gone cold, lost and feeling the need to meditate she sugested they leave the bath, she was sure Cara had said something while she was gone in her thougths, but she wasnt sure what.


The room sudenly felt so small, she didnt want to hear what she was sure would be a lecture, and used the chanse to slip into her clothes while Cara still was dressing. "I'll go down and check on the horses" she needed air, her mind was to confusing at the moment.


So that is what had been annoying Liitha all this time, she thought Cara was being over protective, but what was all this about her bonding her? That is something I had not thought about, but now that I do it is not without it’s advantages.


Cara had studied the Warder bond and had often wondered what it would be like to be bonded to someone, This had been just after she had learnt about Warders from her mother and had been what had first attracted her to the Yards and why she spent so much time there. But with her growing awareness of her sexuality, the idea of bonding a man had disappeared. Cara had resigned herself to never having a Warder, and so her shock at Liitha’s words was great enough to show on her face. Thankfully, Liitha was behind her and did not notice, Cara was sure she would have taken the look of shock the wrong way.


Liitha’s sudden departure also concerned her; it felt almost like she was running away from her. Standing in the middle of the room, still dripping wet, Cara decided that it was no use going after her, she had learnt that when breaking in a new horse, you had to let them have their head every now and then, and she saw no reason why this was any different. Reaching for her towel, she quickly dried herself off, and then climbed into bed. Sleep however would not come, and so when Liitha returned Cara was ready for her, and after she had undressed and got into bed, Cara pulled Liitha into her arms, cradling her friend.


“You are a silly one, you know that? Asking me to not protect my precious one is like asking the sun to not come up in the morning. How about we agree to guard each other’s backs? I believe that as a team we would be a formidable foe, but if you keep on thinking that one of us is going to sell their lives needlessly for the other then we can go no further, not in that part of our relationship.”


Cara spoke softly, as if she was calming a startled horse. She wanted Liitha to fully understand the relationship that was going to exist between them. If they were to continue then it had to be a relationship of equals, otherwise it would never work, Cara knew that and now she hoped Liitha would to.


“So you really want to be my Warder then? You have thought this through and this is what you truly desire? And all this time here I was thinking it was my body you were after.”

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.


It had grown cold by the time she returned to the room and sliped into the blankets. She thougth Cara was asleep when she felt the arm move around her.

“You are a silly one, you know that? Asking me to not protect my precious one is like asking the sun to not come up in the morning. How about we agree to guard each other’s backs? I believe that as a team we would be a formidable foe, but if you keep on thinking that one of us is going to sell their lives needlessly for the other then we can go no further, not in that part of our relationship.” She lay silent listening to the voice of her love, her mind was still a mess.


“So you really want to be my Warder then? You have thought this through and this is what you truly desire? And all this time here I was thinking it was my body you were after.”

Liitha turned and looked into Cara's eyes, knowing her answer wouldnt be the one expected as she stroke a stray hair out of Cara's face.


But she had thougth about this a lot, and sudenly found herself questioning her place over it, she needed to understand this before she could answer the other questions. "Why didnt you help Malkier?" she knew the question was out of the setting specialy since she hadnt told the Aes Sedai of her legacy, of her father.


“Help Malkier? What by the Light do you mean by that Liitha?” All softness had left Cara’s voice, instead she now sounded like she was talking to a Novice in the Tower who had asked a question that Cara did not know the answer to. “I was only a new Accepted when Malkier fell so I do not see how I could have been of any help.” Softening her tone Cara continued. “If, however you mean why did the Tower not help, then I think that is a question best asked of the Amrylin, she and she alone, could answer that. Or you could be more specific in your question and maybe then I could help you.”


Liitha’s question had caused Cara’s mind to suddenly switch into overdrive, she was wide-awake now and could not fathom how a discussion about Warders could suddenly deteriorate into this. Although Cara knew about Liitha’s history, and that of her family, she did not think that there had been anything she could have done to help out.


“You should know there are those more senior than I in the White Tower. I am very new to the ring and the shawl as you know, and because of that I am not privy to all the history and politics that goes on in the Tower. I think you have mistaken just how much I know, and how high I stand in the White Tower.” Grabbing hold of Liitha’s chin, Cara turned Liitha’s face towards her. “Like you, my love, I am just an ordinary person who happens to have an extraordinary ability, nothing more. But I think you may be using this change in subject to avoid answering my question from earlier, you can choose not to answer it, but I would like to know your reasoning one way or the other.”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.


Liitha looked up at Cara, "I cant help think so much would have been difrent if difrent things had happened." she turned on the bed and stroke some ligth fingers over Cara's cheek, "but then again we wouldnt be here so maybe it was all for the bether...I just feel restless as if not fully belonging anywhere truly..sometimes anyhow." She hugged the other close to her, "I do know I dont ever want to loose you thoug, and regardless of what you say should it come down to it that not both can walk away from a situation, I'd rather it be me, cause I dont know I could walk away knowing you where left behind, it would tear me apart."


Tender eyes looked deep into those of the other, "I trained all my life for this, and for once it makes sence, for once it feels truly worth it...truly usefull..I came to the yard to learn and to find my purpose, I guess maybe it lay in my soul with the parents I do got. I know I like travel, and I enjoy your company..I can not see any holes in this. I belive I found my place in the grand scale of it all." she smiled, knowing as she spoke the words it was the truth she just hadnt realised it before beeing confronted with it.


Cara could not keep the smile from her face, under other circumstances and with other people it would have been easy, but not here and not with Liitha, her guard was totally down when she was with her. “I am sorry Liitha, I do not mean to belittle your words, they do mean a lot to me. But, I think you are forgetting something, Aes Sedai means Servant of All in the old tongue, and that is at the core of what I believe. We who have this power should use it to help and protect others, not to make them do our bidding without explanation. That is wrong and is not an ethos I want any part of., I will protect you and the only way you can stop me is by walking away.”


Cara suddenly grabbed Liitha’s face in her hands and dragged it closer staring deep into her eyes, her voice a husky whisper. “You and I both know that neither of us is going to walk away from this. So why don’t you just accept that? You say you could not live without me and that that is the reason I should let you sacrifice yourself if the occasion ever arose, well knowing that, how do you think I would feel if you were dead? You only see things from your perspective when it comes to matters like this, if we are to be all that we can be, we need to walk as one.”


Cara was beginning to lose patience with Liitha over this; she would not allow anyone to treat her like something delicate that had to be shielded from the world. She would not allow her parents to do that and no matter how much she loved Liitha she would not allow her to either. Still holding her lovers face, in a gentle but firm grip, Cara finished speaking. “So are we going to agree on this, or are you still going to continue to act like a petulant child? You can if you want to, but be warned I have a remedy for naughty children.” Cara winked at Liitha and her smile grew as she watched the expression on Liitha’s face change as she realised what Cara was threatening to do to her. “ I mean it Liitha, and there would be nothing you could do to stop me.”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.


Liitha assesed the other, looking long and deep then withdrew from the bed, watching the others eyes as she did. "I tend to forget who you are at times Cara, though you have a remarkable sence to remind me when I do." She looked around, found her katanas laying in cross over eachother on the floor and gathered them in her hands. "I do not understand your power or skill, these are what I understand, these are whom I learned to dance with." she turned back and placed them on the bed.


"I'll do as you bid, I'll ward your back, one condition, do not ever try to stop me from dancing the dance i do best by sacrifying yourself. I get what you say and I will respect it, but as you are a servent so am I a guard, and I'll guard your back if you grant me the rigth to be who I am..but do not ask me to change that." Her heart thundered, knowing through out years of searching for herself before finding who she was there was that one thing she never could do, she couldnt give up who she was, then she would be useless as a figther.


Finally she has come to her senses


Cara would have shouted out loud at hearing Liitha’s words, but she did not want to embarrass her, she took her word and her honour seriously and Cara would do nothing to impeach either. “I know what I can do with the Power must come as a shock to you Liitha, but it has uses that can be both amazing and terrifying.” Without any outward sign, Cara channelled and quickly bound Liitha in an embrace of air, pinning her arms and legs, Liitha started to protest, but these were cut short as Cara pressed her lips to Liitha’s. After a moment Cara broke the kiss. “See, this can be used for something other than holding a prisoner, or attacker. It can be used to allow anything I want. If I wanted I could tie these weaves off and just walk out of here. Or I could move you over to the bed and……..well I will leave that to your imagination my precious one.”


As quickly as the invisible bounds had appeared they disappeared and Liitha found she could move again. Cara moved back to the bed and waited to see what Liitha would do next.


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

  • 2 weeks later...

Liitha looked at Cara for a while, she had never thougth of it like that. "I guess I am at disadvantage then..I guess though if we dont get moving we will end up beeing a team at disadvantage in our hunt as the prey treck further and further off..." She smiled and extended a hand to Cara, "if it suits her highness we should also stock up on proviant given a chanse today.." it was said in a mock tone as a smile passed over her lips.


She kicked sand over the fire to douse the last scraps of it. The sun was already raising on the senit and it would be bether to eat from the sadle, spare the time by riding the horses slowly warm. She looked around making sure as litle sign remained of their camp as posible, then checked everything beeing fastened properly to the horses. Satisfied she mounted and smiled encurangly to Cara, "Seems to be a promising day, as long as the breeze dont leave us.."

Guest nephitess

Phinn liked the feel of the wind in her hair. The freedom it gave her was invigorating. She even whooped out loud a couple of times when she knew no one would hear her.


After a few days of travel Phinn began to see smoke. Not sure if this meant a town was near or a forest fire Phinn rode up the next hill and surveyed the area. The land flattened out and she could see a far distance. The smoke was curling up into the air from a farm house a few leagues away. Phinn could see the cattle out grazing in the pastures. The green color of vegetables growing in the fields looked plentiful and abundant. Smiling Phinn breathed in deep and continued on the road.


Looking at the farms and life around her Phinn tried to forget the dreams she had each night. Dreams of being in pain, anguish of soul and body. Fleshy hands touching her and making her sick. Each night she would wake up sweaty and with a scream ready to burst from her lips. Phinn unconscionably shuddered as memories crept through her mind. The torture and pain she had been through was enough to make any one mad. It was all the mothers fault. She had set her up to be caught. It was the only logical reason. She was not a white sister but she could think as well as them.


As she made her way into the town, Phinn put her worries away, she would finish her plotting once she was clean and looked presentable. Phinn had no money and this town was quite big. There must be a bank here. She could take out some money from the White Tower accounts that were in each bank. Riding through the streets Phinn saw people looking at her...they turned away on disgust and out rage. Scowling at the people Phinn rode on, winding through the streets looking for the banker. When she finally found the bank she tied up her tired horse and walked in. Lucky the bank was quiet and only the banker was there.


“Can i help you?” inquired the Banker as he looked at her with wide eyes.


Phinn was quickly losing her temper, she was tired of people looking at her like this. Had they never seen a poor person before?? Sighing she answered the banker.


“Yes, I would like to take out some money.”


“I'm sure you would...but might i suggest a moment to freshen up. You can use the room down the hall.”

This sounded reasonable to Her, she knew she must be dirty and the banker would feel better about doing business with her if she cleaned up at least a little.


Going into the little room indicated, she found a wash basin and pitcher full on water. Pouring water into the basin she was about to splash water on her face when her reflection caught her eye. The mirror showed her a woman with a ageless look, but the was not what startled her. Her face was covered in scars. Pock mark like scars from when her captors burned her, smooth lines from knives they used to cut her. There was one scar that ran along her throat, it was jagged and thick. The shock made her convulse and close to faint. She had not seen her face in a unknown amount of time. She had seen scars on her body but never was able to see her face. With shaking hands she touched her face. Tracing the bumps and lines that crossed her skin. Rage. Homicidal thoughts. A myriad of thing ran through her mind.


The Seat will pay for this! Ina rage she lifted her hands to smash the mirror. NO, i can't...


Breathing deeply she restrained herself. Finishing her wash up she dried her face and neck with the towel provided. Stepping back out to the bankers she faced him and explained what she wanted.


“Miss are you kidding? You do not look like an Aes Sedai to me. Can you prove it?”


“do you really want me to do that?”


“Yes i need to know if you are speaking the truth”




With a wicked smile Phinn embraced the source. She slammed the guards against the walls and left them there. She then grabbed the banker by the ankle, with a thread of air, and lifted him up and shook him. Lowering him so that he came to the same level as her face Phinn spoke in a menacing whisper...


“do i look like I'm in the mood to be tested!!! did i prove myself to you??”


The banker immediately soiled himself and shook his head in the affirmative. Satisfied, Phinn let him down. The man scurried away and brought back the sum of money Phinn had asked for. Counting out the money into a wash leather purse the man continued to quiver. Sneering at the guards, Phinn turned away. The banker handed her the purse then sat down and placed his face in his hands. As Phinn was about to walk out the door she turned and adjusted her weaves. The guards were suddenly upside down...With a sparkle in her eye Phinn turned and left. As the door shut the guards fell on there heads and were knocked unconscious.


Feeling quite accomplished, Phinn mounted her horse and went in search of a bath house. After a few minutes she spotted an inn called the “The Silk Veil”. Give the reins to her horse to the stable hand she entered the inn.


The Inn was clean and the serving girls were dressed in crisp aprons. The Inn was surprisingly quiet for the evening time. Only three tables were being used...one had a young man sitting over a meal...he looked like a lord with his black boots tooled with silver and black silk pants and jacket. The other two tables were crowded with merchants bantering over item they had for sale. Motioning to the innkeeper, a slim woman with a kind face and crisp ironed apron and clothes, Phinn told her that she wanted a bath and dinner. The woman guided her to a free room with a large bedroom and a separate bathing chamber. There was a mirror in the bedroom at the head of the bed. To the right of the bed was a large window facing the setting sun. The room was decorated with silk tooling along the ceiling and along the bed posts. Across the window was a billowing display of silk flowing over the top and sides of the window. The door to the bathing room was to the left of the room were a couple of serving girls came out from emptying their water jugs. Once the tub was full Phinn lowered herself into the hot steaming water. The feeling was wonderful, the smooth heat suffused her body and relaxed her. Using rose scented soap, Phinn scrubbed herself and removed years of grime. After her bath Phinn dried herself. Coming from the bathing chamber Phinn saw the dinning table set with food. Removing the silver cover the smells of lamb and roasted roots filled her nose. Instantly her stomach started to grumble and pain her. Being with out good food her stomach still had to adjust to the regular eating.


Thoughts of revenge and causing the most pain to the person who was responsible for her torture saturated her mind. The only one who could be responsible for this was the Amyrlin Seat. Either that or the Head of her Ajah but her orders came straight from the Seat herself. She would be the one to pay.


“you will be going to advise and help the high seat of house Nirember. You will be responsible for helping plan strategy and protecting the boarders of Arafel. The High seats lands and area of influence in right on the boarders of the blight.....”


it was then that Phinn packed up her warders and some belongings and left for the borderlands. After a few weeks of travel The small group arrived in Arafel to a bit of confusion and hostility.


“When we heard that you were on your way, we sent word to the White Tower that your services were not needed. In fact I did not request assistance Aes Sedai.”


It was a very confusing time. An investigation ensued and bad feelings brewed like old ale. Allegations flew like swift agile birds all through the manor house. Phinn remembered the investigation being a fiasco. They never did catch the ones who had set up the plans to have a Sister come to House Nirember and clam to be sent as an ambassador and assistant. The whole crazy thing was there was not evidence of it having anything to do with the lord.


As Phinn sat there she started to fall asleep...time for bed she thought.


OOC: OK i hope thi all makes sense. It is not finished yet so i'll add some soon. :)


“You know precious, the simplest thing I could do is Bond you now and meld you to my will. Would you like that precious?” Cara trailed a fingernail along Liitha’s chin, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a trail “If you know the Warder’s Bond you will know that I can do that and you would have no say.” The look of concern, and outrage, on Liitha’s face did not deter Cara. “I know what you are thinking my love, that no Aes Sedai would bond a person against their will, But who is going to know? You have no friends here and no one would take your word above an Aes Sedai of the White Tower, not here.” Cara let her words hang in the air, wanting Liitha to fully realise the inherent threat. No longer was this the person who had captured Liitha’s heart, for the first time she was seeing the Aes Sedai her lover could be.


As if she was shrinking in on herself, Cara softened her voice, and became herself again. “But that is not what I want. I have already told what I need, what I believe is the best course for me, and for you. So now it is up to you to decide what you want to do with the rest of your days. Either way my feelings for you will not change, so do not fear that.”


Cara took a light-riding cloak from the bed and swung it around her shoulders. “I am going to go and have a word with the owner of this establishment, I will arrange for him to gather some provisions for us and ensure our horses are fit and well. While I am away I suggest you use the time to think about what we have said here. You know my mind, my love, but do you know your own?”


Cara kissed Liitha on the cheek then turned towards the door, but stopped and turned back to Liitha, the woman standing there as if stunned, her fingertips of one hand brushing the spot where Cara’s lips had been. “I also need to find a dressmaker, I think it is about time you had something other than your breeches to wear.” Laughing quietly to herself, Cara left the room in search of the Innkeeper.


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.


Liitha looked at the other woman as she talked, and fully saw her for what the tower had raised her to be. The outrage she know displaying on her face was not as much for resistance of the idea, but for custom dictating it wasnt done like that. She realised the truth of it though, for all their accepting it was the Aes Sedai who placed the bond and nothing could really hinder them but custom.


Liitha listened and looked at the transformation, but no longer fooled, she had been trained bether, and too often did she forget what her love was. But what she had seen for a moment, it was the void who kept her from shruging, she realised she had often seen what she wanted to see.


Liitha looked stunned at the door, had Cara just treathened to dress her up like a doll. Frustrated she walked to the window and looked out towards the horison. What would Tanitsja have done, taken the adventure and fled the instant thougth was, but she knew it wasnt as simple as that. For what litle she had learned of her mother she got a feeling the woman had been far more complex and trustworthy then she let on outwards.


And her father he had been bonded afterall what would he say, obviously he had thougth it worth it at one point to accept it. Stray thougths went to malkieri, hadnt it been gone, had she been a boy, then she would have lived a total other life..no..she sliped a knife out of her sleve and tested the edge with her finger. No she knew it wasnt true, hadnt that happened Corwin wouldnt have gone to the yard, and none of all the small things who lead to him and Tan meeting would have happened. Maybe her mother would have been alive still, but it was unlikely she would ever have been born.


So each litle choise lead you in another direction in life, opening one door as sertainly as it closed another. She pressed her tumb against the knife, welcoming the pain as skin breached. She stood in a crossroad and had to make a choise, sheating her knife she sucked on her tumb. Restless, homeless, ever seeking, that had been her life since she was a litle girl, for once in her life she felt at piece even if it was in many ways though the craziest happenings in her life. Not a crossroad, the words spoken was true, the choise she knew when she looked into herself was already taken. She had found her home if she was welcome and quickly she had checked all her things beeing packed, before sitting back on the bed.


Should she be out there, no it was not an infant who had wandered off, and she knew for sertaint that she would have to hold to her promise of accepting that Cara could hold her own, afterall she had before they met. So she would wait, there was no other choise..she lost herself in meditation and barely heard the door open.


Crossleged on the bed with her hands resting palm up on her knees she looked up and met Cara's eyes. "Where to next Aes Sedai?"

  • 2 weeks later...

Cara did not rush what she had to do, partly because she wanted to study the people of the City, partly to help avoid being seen by anyone connected with Lord Camlon who might recognise her. So it was a couple of hours later that Cara retuned to their room to find Liitha sitting on the bed, eyes clear and a smile on her face at the sight of Cara


."Where to next Aes Sedai?"


Cara placed her parcels on the table and then removed her cloak before dragging a chair over to Liitha. Cara placed the chair directly across from Liitha and slowly sat down. “You have made your decision Liitha, you accept my terms no matter what may happen?”


There was no emotion in Cara’s voice; this time though it was nerves causing it, this was something that was very important to her. After all this time to find someone she felt comfortable with, someone who she could totally trust, it was enough to make anyone nervous.


Liitha reached out and grasped Cara’s hands in her own. Liitha bent her head in respect "I'll stand by my words Cara, as long as i am allowed to do what i know best i will follow your word" ” Suddenly a smile burst upon Liitha’s face. “So do we do it here, or is there somewhere more appropriate?”


Cara’s concerned face suddenly had a grin to match Liitha’s and for a moment Cara felt as giddy as a Novice. Calming herself, well partially, Cara thought about that and suddenly an idea occurred to her. “I know of just the place, there is an Ogier Grove about four hours ride away, do you know it Liitha?”


Liitha nodded in response and jumped out of her chair to get ready. While Liitha made her own preparations, Cara got changed into her normal riding clothes and pocketed a small parcel without Liitha noticing. When she was finished Cara and Liitha made their way out of the door and through the Inn to the stables where the stable boys almost fell over themselves to saddle the women’s horses. Once she was mounted Cara signalled for Liitha to head out of the stable yard, both still smiling at thought of what was to come.

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

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