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Brown Ajah History Week: Notable Events

Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Random side question Cindy. As cute as "Bonded, Bound, Betrothed" is, hasn't the status of that last one been upgraded slightly? :P 



I hate how options were somewhat black and white. You either go to the doctor OR call the priest. Rub the cross necklace and pray OR wear the herb mask <.< I tended to choose on the doctor side just because that would get me the good result :P 

Yeah, I think that's why I died, too. I went with the priest because I would pray before going to the doctor, and on the way to the doctor, and after leaving the doctor, but I would most definitely also go to the doctor. 

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Random side question Cindy. As cute as "Bonded, Bound, Betrothed" is, hasn't the status of that last one been upgraded slightly? :P 



I hate how options were somewhat black and white. You either go to the doctor OR call the priest. Rub the cross necklace and pray OR wear the herb mask <.< I tended to choose on the doctor side just because that would get me the good result :P


I updated it in the text under the sig but that's our engagements sig above :happy:

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I haven't taken the quizzes yet but will once I'm on my home computer and have time.


So, I have a question. Do you all remember the nursery rhyme:


Ring around the rosey,

A pocket full of posies,

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!


Yep, it supposedly goes back to the Black Death.  Some people believed that by carrying a "posey" (pocket or pouch) of flowers/herbs and breathing through it would prevent them from catching the plague. Plague victims were burned in hopes of preventing spread of the disease (ashes, ashes) . . . but MANY people died anyway (we all fall down).


At one time I was fascinated by this time period and with the plague and read several books about it. I can only remember bits and pieces, though.

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You are young Edward VI, the long-awaited male heir to Henry VIII who became King when he was nine. You’re very smart for your age (you know several languages and you love to write) and you’re not very sporty. If you’re not careful, you may miss out on something (like your childhood) so beware people telling you what to do!


The irony is, my great-great-great-grandmother was Jane Seymour. A relative, I presume. Her son, Thomas William Seymour Le Maitre, was my great-great-grandfather.

Whaaaat? That's crazy! How did you find that out?





I was an archivist for 13 years, Blank. I worked at the largest church archives in the Southern Hemisphere, the Archives of the Dutch Reformed Church (which is the largest church in South Africa). We did a lot of genealogical research, as we had so many baptism, marriage and death records. This was not only for people researching their family trees purely for "pleasure", or in order to write books, but also for medical research (family DNA). I did the research for a lot of books, and a lot of diseases ... lol


I of course did my own family tree too, but I would still love to research more further back in history.




You are young Edward VI, the long-awaited male heir to Henry VIII who became King when he was nine. You’re very smart for your age (you know several languages and you love to write) and you’re not very sporty. If you’re not careful, you may miss out on something (like your childhood) so beware people telling you what to do!


The irony is, my great-great-great-grandmother was Jane Seymour. A relative, I presume. Her son, Thomas William Seymour Le Maitre, was my great-great-grandfather.

No way! That's so cool!


Here, this is for you, then:


I tried six ways to Sunday to embed that using the embed link on YouTube, but I can't get it to work. :sad:


Wow, and then somehow it worked. :ohmy:




Why thank you, Ben *grins*

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You are young Edward VI, the long-awaited male heir to Henry VIII who became King when he was nine. You’re very smart for your age (you know several languages and you love to write) and you’re not very sporty. If you’re not careful, you may miss out on something (like your childhood) so beware people telling you what to do!



Also, I never got infected! 

"You were in the right place at the right time. Maybe you lived in one of those isolated areas in the Netherlands, or even Poland! The Kingdom of Poland refused to do trade with anyone, and being landlocked, the kingdom was able to bypass the entire pandemic as it ravaged Europe for over 300 years."
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Glad to see some of you are surviving the black death. It is interesting to consider what we may have done, especially since we are now aware of germs and are not as worried about trying to balance our humors.


Now, what other notable event from this period should we examine? Let me think...


From 1337 through 1453 there were a series of conflicts between England and France that would become known as the Hundred Years' War. The House of Plantagenet, the rulers of the Kingdom of England, and the House of Valois, the rulers of the Kingdom of France, fought over the succession to the French throne. Five generations of royals from two rival dynasties fought for the throne of the largest kingdom in Western Europe. The height and decline of chivalry were evident in this conflict. Strong national identities were developed in both countries. In the end, France was victorious, and England would go on to fight a civil war.


To see the change in English and French territory during the Hundred Years' War feel free to check out this video: LINK HERE

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That was pretty cool! I didn't realize how much territory England conquered. The visual really helps to understand. I like how the French counterattack to Henry V's invasion looks like a middle finger surging into English territory. :tongue:


The English kept trying to make that same move out of Normandy, that little curving excursion into annihilation. :unsure: Now I want to go read a little bit about it again. Mission accomplished, I suppose. :wink:

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