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Caught a kings Ransom [repost]

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Guest Arie Ronshor

"And so the one little pig said to the other little pig


how do we catch ourselves a wolf?


The one pig thought carefully in ponderous thought


one does not catch a wolf is the answer


but the little piggie smiled ever so mischieviously --giggles


Ah but you are a wrong pig and wolves make great stew


A wolfie stew is what we will have tonight


the pig said as he tied the rope carefully


and there will be no huffing tonight."



Her hands carefully tied the knot of the rope that was generally invisible in the brush. Her rhyme kept her thoughts clear from possible mind readers that may pick up on her devious mischief making just on the outskirts of the Village within the Stedding. It was a sad day when she learned that if she did not clear her thoughts, somehow, when she was up to something, EVERYONE in the village knew what she was doing. Being unable to prank was a very sad thing for Korrena and she needed to fix this.



And after no attempts of thoughts or feelings -or sounds- outside her sphere of hearing -which was getting quite large at this point, even though she dismissed it easily- she happily worked on her little traps as she spoke her silly rhymes. Although, the intentions of this latest one seriously made her giggle - internally-. But she refused to let it enter her mind, and instead thought of pigs. And if this worked as well as she hoped, then it was time to test the kitchens and sneak herself some sweets.






Stalking. Stealth. The prey is near.


Ransom didn't know where he was going, or why he was headed away from the stedding. All he knew was that there was something out there, and he was going to find it. Stalking forwards slowly, he tried to find the right direction, his new senses hindering him as much as aiding.




Oooh, a rabbit.


Ears perking, head darting to the left, Ransom leapt into the nearby bush only to have the creature scurry away from him at the last second. As he lay beneath the bush, staring up into the sky, a part of him laughed and he tried to sniff out his prey again. Picking up the scent he rolled onto his feet and began his stalking again.






His prey was happy. Suddenly the image of a... pig flashed into his mind, causing his stomach to remind him that he hadn't eaten yet today. As his mouth began to water he sniffed again. He was close to his prey now. It couldn't be more than a couple of dozen feet away. Crouching low and stalking as quietly as he could, he passed through the brush that separated him from his prey.




Springing suddenly from cover he saw that, sitting where his prey should be, was a girl. She was speaking softly to herself and tying some ropes together. As she turned to face him her words stopped and Ransom saw that she was making a trap. Having made quite a few traps in his day, he decided that it was his obligation to help her.


"You'll never catch anything like that. Here, let me show you how to do it."


Ransom Terrin

Guest Arie Ronshor

If Korrena could be startled she would have been, but even her hearing was becoming better, despite her admittance to blatenly ignore the senses that were developing at a rapid rate. She looked over at the boy with a cocked head and blue eyes. There was nothing really special of him, and he didn't smell familiar. --Smell? What in the light was that sort of thought??-- She regarded him carefully as her face stayed impassive along with her 'thoughts'.


"Show me?" she blinked for a moment as if weighing it. "Why would I bother having you show me something I already know? I've hardly completed it, so who are you to judge if I am doing it right or not?"


--bloody males...-- She felt almost wishful that she hadn't left Windy back at the village with the pack. Although Windy would have given her away, having her here to nip at the boys heals would have been far more fun.






"Who am I? I'm Ransom Terrin." He said, mistaking what she said. "And what you're doing wrong is the knot. One good twist and whatever you've snared will break free and you'll be left with nothing but a spent trap." He took a step forward to demonstrate the proper knot, but never made it where he was headed.


As the image of a pig eating stew from a spoon flashed through his head, his world was turned upside down and he found himself dangling by the ankle and staring into a pair of laughing blue eyes that were oddly familiar...


His first step made her smile for the first time since their engagment. -Wolf Stew- she thought as one of her previously laid traps was snagged and Ransom was rushed head over feet into the air. Standing up carefully and looked to him with a smug look and her hands on her hips.


"You were saying?"


The world spun slowly around and forced him to look into those blue eyes over and over again. He could see his cloak brushing the ground above him and, as the world continued to revolve, he saw that several items had fallen out. Among them were a small Kettle, a book*, and his pouch of chalk and charcoal.


As the world brought her back around to face him, he answered, "You weren't tying the other one the same way you tied this one." Pointing at his ankle and then at the rope on the ground he continued, "That one would slip right off."


She smiled carefully and walked over and picked up the charcoal, only momentarily reading the title on the book --Too boring looking!-- She looked him carefully in the eyes. She noticed that his had yet to change and were of a deep brown with the flecks of the gold crawling around the iris. She smiled and tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully but not letting her actual thoughts betray her as she held the image of a pig within them. "I know many knots, and it would have been fine. I had yet to tighen it." She paused, "Ransom.." She tested his name carefully. "I don't know you. Are you some sort of spy or a pig?"


At her question, Ransom became worried. Looking down towards the sky, he examined his stomach carefully. "What? Is there blubber? I don't recall being a pig." Looking back up at her he cocked his head to the side and smiled, albeit a little red-faced. "What about you? What's your name? Are you a pig? You don't look like a pig. A bit like a wolf, but not a pig."


"That's because I am a wolf." She retorted in a way that indicated that he was seriously stating the obvious in a very stupid way. Placing her hands on her hips she frowned at him in a no-nonsense kind of way. "What do you want? Why are you here?"


"I smelled something." Cocking his head to the other side, he looked up at her appraisingly. "Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was you."


She wrinkled her nose, - Now she looks like a rabbit. - "I almost don't want to ask what I smell like. Seems a little shifty to me." She put a hand in her pocket and watched him carefully. "But you're pretty stupid for getting caught in a trap. Considering you seem to know so much about them."


"You smell a bit like wild raspberries and ginseng... with an earthy smell I can't quite place." - Ramsons? - Eyeing her down and up he watched her for as long as he could until the world took her behind him again. He could feel that his face was becoming quite warm now and, as the world carried her back into view, he said, "I'd expect to be caught in a well made trap. However," Pointing again at the trap on the ground, "That is not a well made one."


Korrena wasn't entirly sure what to make of him. First he insults her, and then compliments her. Narrowing her eyes at him she glared. "I don't think I like you."


Ransom looked up into her golden-blue eyes and frowned. "Why not? I was only trying to help."

"No, you were going to show me how it was done because your a male and you have to always have to have the answers." She pointedly poked his head.


As she reached down to poke him, he was grabbed by a whim and reached up with both hands. Pulling her close to him with ease, he tilted his head forward and kissed her firmly on the mouth.


After several seconds he broke the kiss and smiled garishly at her. He could not remember what she had been talking about. - Something about answers. - "What was the question?"


He caught her wide mouthed open and speachless and as she pulled away there was not a thought registering. "Wa..-" She tried to say soemthing but was only recieving a grin in return as her thoughts came back down for the huge shock to her system. "Wa--" She blinked.... He ... just... .... She would have stumbled back if she knew that her legs were in existence, but the blood soon started to rush to her cheeks as her hands flew for her lips, the charcoal making a small mark on her cheek and a small cloth that must have been in her other hand also hid her lips. "bu.. -"






He continued smiling as she dangled upside down in his arms. She rubbed his charcoal and a small, dirty brown cloth on her face and then, out of nowhere, started shouting.


"Wait a second! I thought we established that neither of us were pigs!" He replied in a firm voice.


Her eyes opened wide as a stuffed pig entered her mind and she then smiled at him sweetly and pushed herself out of his grasp. Turning around she hummed carefully walking over to a sack that she had set aside with her ropes and other trinkets. it was never far from her if not always on her person. Pulling out a string of rope she turned to smile at him sweetly. "No, you are a Pig. And do you know what I do to pigs?" Her smile changed to that of an mischievious smirk.


His eye's followed her quizically as she pulled a second rope from her pack and she walked back towards him. As she called him a pig, he reached back to check his butt. - No, I didn't think I had a tail. - When she finished talking and began smiling at him in a manner he found most disconcerting, he looked up at her and frowned. "No, I can't say that I do... But somehow I get the feeling I'm about to find out."


"You have a really big mouth." She glared at him. Playing with the rope in her hands, she lasso-ed it into a circle and then tossed it around his arms with surprising speed, tightinging them instantly and knotting them before he could get loose. "And I don't like being kissed without being asked." --bloody pig stole my first kiss!!-- She scowled as she worked and proceeded to tie him up as he dangled from the tree.


He opened his mouth wide and gnawed at the air for a couple of seconds. He didn't think he had a big mouth. - Guess I'll have to ask around. - Shock echoed through him as the rope was cinched tightly around shoulders. Making a mental note of her words about asking, he looked up at her as she proceeded to tie the rope around him and knot it off.


"Now that's a good knot."

"Of course." She said simply as she finished off the knot. Taking a small step back she surveyed her handywork carefully and then pulled off her soft skin boots and then her sock, replaced the boot and then ravelled up the sock into a ball. Wrapping the cloth around the sock she smiled at him sweetly. "And there will be no huffing tonight." And then tied the sock into his mouth, despite the struggle he gave her.


As she removed her sock, he had the image of a stuffed and spitted pig flash before his eyes, and he was hit with a sudden sense of foreboding. He could smell the sock before it got near his face, and there was simply nothing pleasant about it. "Wai.. No! Not that! Anyth.... gggghhhh!" His protests were cut short as the rancid ball was tied into place. He struggled valiantly, but to little avail, and was left with the mingled flavors of sweat, dirt, and oddly enough... garlic.


She grinned as he protested against the gag as a image of a garlic clove floated to her head. --He is a weird one.-- And pulling out the charcoal from the pocket she had placed it in she took it to his forehead, scrawling "PIG". Stepping away she smiled.




"Mmmhhrmm Mmmhmm Hrmmm!" He said, eloquently as she scribbled something on his forehead. "Gmf mmm ck mmm nng!" He demanded, staring at her indignantly. As she started to walk away he added, "L.. mmmmm wnnnnnn!!!"


She turned over to look back at him and smiled sickingly sweet again. "Yes?"


"uuu Mmmm WNNN!!" He replied vehemently. Suddenly he felt waves of amusment coming from several hundred yard to the west. - Well, at least Cloud's enjoying this. -


"Forget it." She giggled. "If you want down, you figure it out." And with that she walked away singing the little piggie rhyme she had spoken what seemed like ages ago.


"..but the little piggie smiled ever so mischieviously


Ah but you are a wrong pig and wolves make great stew


A wolfie stew is what we will have tonight


the pig said as he tied the rope carefully


and there will be no.. --WA!!"


And before she could complete the rhyme her foot snagged a forgotten trap that then pulled her into the air as her cry was cut off by her bouncing in her own trap. The rush of air that sped past her made her temporarily dizzy as words couldn't quite form for the second time that day.




She scowled as she crossed her arms across her chest. "Burn me."


Ransom laughed around the salty gag as the girl was pulled up into the air by one of her own traps. A second wave of amusment flooded from Cloud and he attempted a roguish grin. Relaxing and settling in for a good long wait, he contented himself to watch the world spin it's slow course around him.


Ransom and Korrena




*Title of the book reads as follows: A Crown of Swords

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