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Cuen'd'eren Game Show Week - WoT Wheel of Fortune

Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Welcome, folks to this edition of the Wheel of Time Wheel of Fortune during Chen'd'eren Game Show Week. I am your host, Dar'Jen Ab Owain. Please use your imagination to see the ornate wheel before you, and spin it all you wish.


To simply things a bit, feel free to offer a letter. If it is present, you get a point. (One point per correct letter, so even if five A's you get 1 point total for an A being present) Guess the puzzle correctly, get three points. Points will be tallied at the end of each puzzle and will be added together at the end to determine the "points" winner.


Puzzles will have a category to help you in guessing the answer. Good luck.

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Yes, The Great Hunt of the Horn. Congrats, Ithillian Turambar


Points this puzzle:

Ithillian Turambar: 3

WolfbrotherKronos: 2

LilyElizabeth: 1

Rhea: 1

Cross: 1


Glad to see so many folks show up.


One moment for the next puzzle.

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