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Crossing to the Dark...err Org side!


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Yes, I have taken the plunge! Those on the RP side of DM will know me as the Mistress of Novices or one of my other characters, but here I'm just a shiny new novice again (or I will be after my email is looked at), ready for your chores and whippings! Just thought I'd introduce myself, and if any of you ever considered making an RP novice just give me a nudge. :wink:

[/shameless plug]


I'm an Aussie, married with a 5 month old son, and am hopelessly addicted to DM (have been for about 2 years now, RP side), hence spreading my wings and infiltrating the Org Ranks. I love to sing and play music, write and read, and am looking forward to playing with you all! :D


*loves Aussies !!!!!*


*snugglehuggletackles Kristen* ... welcome to the sane side *har har twitch* :twisted:


*looks around* ... have i actually managed to post something before anyone else ? ... wow !

*hopes Lor isn't going to spank her ... really does ... does NOT want a spanking ... really*


oh yes ... uhmmm ... *nudges Kristen*




Aha! I knew you couldn't resist! That nudge either means you're going to join the RP side...or you want a spanking....and i can go for either! :wink:


Damn, going to have to remember I'm the spankee now not the spanker....hmmm.... :twisted:


Welcome over here, Kristen... :) I used to do all the RP... a long time ago... just couldn't get back into it now... :?


Hope you have fun here... :)


Welcome, Kristen! It's great to see people make the plunge from the rp to the community. I know how scary that can be.


I'm Maria, the Keeper around these parts. I used to be in the rp many many moons ago, but after the split I realized I was much more of a community person than an rp person. Which is why I'm impressed at the people who can do both.


Anyway.. I'm rambling. I just wanted to say welcome, and don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions.


Welcome Kristen, Hope you enjoy it here as much as RP. There's not too much spanking...honest :twisted:


Oh and hope to see you in the MoNsters Lair..(wedsite can be found on Lor's intro thread at the top)


It's hard work...but very friendly *needs halo emot*


You can't call us the Dark Side! That's what we call you ;)


Anyway, welcome! I'm Nia, Blue Ajah Head and I hope you like it here. Please visit all the Ajahs including the Blues (We have muffins) and have fun!




Welcome to the Light! Er . . . I mean, welcome to the Org side! :lol:


Please do come visit the Blues! We LOVE aspies! And the Lair is lots of fun, too. Enough Aes Sedai hang around there to balance out the numbers. Besides, we like to torture . . . er, I meant to say, tutor the aspies in proper decorum. *looks shifty*


Fiendishly yours,

Guest Far Dareis Mai

Wooo! A renegade! ;)


I'm Far, Green Sister. Please do drop by and say hi at the Green boards, we looove to chat, and feed people yummy treats! ;)


Welcome, Kristen! If warmth and silliness is what you're looking for, come visit the Yellow Ajah :D If that's not what you're looking for, come visit us anyway ;)


I've never RP'ed, so I've nothing to say there. However, if you like music and writing, you should consider joining the Illuminator's Org (if you haven't already!) There's a Gleemen's Chapter House for music, and the Scribes for writers. The scribes seem very active every time I peek in there, so you may enjoy it :) Also, if you're at all interested in learning how to draw or take photographs, come give us a look in the Artist Chapter House as well!


[/shameless plug of my own]


That's in addition to the Tower, of course. ;)


And another Queenslander at that... :wink:


Thankyou all for the warm welcome! I'll be dropping by all the Ajah boards to get a feel for the one that will suit me when I've worked my way up. My two RP characters are Grays, but we'll just have to wait and see.


I'm already a member of the Illuminators guild, I have a secret obsession with photoshop and made a few siggies for the auctions. Anyways, let the madness continue! :D


*glares at Niamh Sedai*


*stamps foot*


*jumps up and down and holds her breath for good measure*


I have not been bribed ! ... Why have I not been bribed ??? (except for some Greens who tried to trick me into drinking forkroot tea) .. ?????


*throws herself down on the ground and bawls*


nobodies tried to bribe me !!! ... nobody wants me !!!



waaahhhhhhhhhhhhh :twisted:


Welcome to the Light. Why not become a Warder instead? Things are changing with us, and it's an exciting time to be one!


But whatever path you decide to take, do visit us Warders.


another reason they chose Kelly Sedai as my mentor:


i just read that as "do us warders"




*showers Elgee with blueberry muffins, chocolate, snugglehugs and pretty blue hair ribbons*


Now won't you PLEASE come visit us more often at the Blues, my fiendishly delightful friend?


*passes blueberry muffins, chocolate, snugglehugs and pretty blue hair ribbons to Kristen*


Please do come visit us! We love aspies!


now see, THAT'S how its' done !


*rushes off like a homesick angel with it's derriere feathers on fire, strait for the Blue Ajah, muffins and chocolates and ribbons threatening to spill from her arms*




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