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These were always interesting days. Days when a new eager trainee was sent Orion's way, ready to start swinging his or her blade and never seeming to be all that eager in stopping and learning how first. Of course it was also an interesting time to reflect on the irony of his everyday life here in the Yards. He had been here for so long, and only two years had he been able to see his surroundings. The day after he had recieved his red cloak that signified him as a Tower Gaurd he had been caught in a fire and blinded, and everything had changed after that.


Though now Orion stood, a small knot of emotions in his head that was Estel up in the White Tower, and preparing to teach another person how to wield the blade like the twin ones he wielded now sitting in his room. But here Orion simply held two wodden lathes that would be for later, standing in the middle of one of the less used clearings in the Warder's Yards.


Waiting for this Jaegar, his new student, he idly wondered what he would be like. He had seen a range of people, the overly eager and yes sir attitude of Mors, to the more lax and sometimes irritating one of Zee, to his two Aes Sedai students, Aramina had been his favorite student to teach so far he was sure. He chuckled at the curious sensations coming from the bond, sending over a small amount of his amusement to show nothing was wrong. So he simply wondered and waited. Meetings were always interesting.





Jeagar walked out of his room in the barracks. The room in which he now lived was at the end of the hall. The bed was better than the hard ground he was used to but it didn't help him sleep any better. Nightmares haunted him everytime he closed his eyes. Mostly of his mother, her dead body lying on the floor half exposed. Some of his father and very few of the man he killed. He had no remorse for what he had done. The Whitecloak got what was coming to him. He had some dreams of when his parents were alive but those were as bad as the nightmares. He needed something to keep his mind off of his old life as Yarim and focus on his new life as Jaegar. He hoped he didn't bring disgrace to his father's name by taking it but it was the first that came up. He exited the barracks and made his way through the Yard. His face was emotionless and his dark clothing rustled in the wind. He changed out of his Amadician clothing and into something that allowed more movement. His collar was still high and the sleeves long to cover his scar but they were loose and he donned gloves to cover the scar on his left hand. He walked to where he was supposed to meet his mentor, Orion and kept his mind on the task at hand not thinking of the past only the future. The traffic dwindled as he came near the place the directions instructed him to go. He saw a figure ahead with some wooden lathes who looked as if he was waiting... that must be Orion he thought to himself and made his way towards him.




(OOC: Could you give me a description of Orion. I read his bio but I didn't know if he had scars or something because of the fire... Thanks.)


The footsteps approaching him were light, sure if but a little anxious. If someone had asked Orion how he knew that he would never have been able to explain how he was able to tell. It took years to try and find out how to recognize these things, and it helped being force to as Orion had. But Orion was left to puzzle out why these emotions were being felt, and came up empty handed as of yet.


"If you are Jaegar than yes you have come to the right spot, and here.."Orion tossed a lathe in the direction of the steps. "You will be needing that soon. So are you my student?' Orion cocked his head a little to the side so his sightless eyes were staring at the boy. Though from anyone's angle they wouldn't be sightless. Orion looked much like he did when before the fire, if just older now. The scars that would have formed on both his face and his eyes had been healed by Aes Sedai so that his eyes were still the icy blue they always had been and his faced was as unmarred as when he obtained his Red Cloak.





Jaegar stopped walking when he was addressed. Something was strange about Orion... He couldn't pinpoint it. He caught the lathe tossed to him and at being asked if he was the new mentee he finally nodded and replied,"Yes, my name is Jaegar." He stood waiting on further instruction as he examined his mentor. The man in front of him was a shorter than himself with black hair and cold blue eyes. His eyes it was something about the eyes. He was smaller than Jaegar but there was strength in the way he held himself even if you didn't know he was a Tower Guard you would be wary of him. He seemed seriuos and no nonsense. Which was alright with Jaegar he was here with a purpose and he couldn't get close and reveal who he was or what he had done even if these people hated Whitecloaks as much as he himself did. He would learn and appreciate all the help he got but he didn't need distractions or friends. This mentallity hurt him at times when he thought of what brought him to thinking that way. A tear started forming but he stifled it back hoping Orion didn't see it and replaced it with a hard look...






This was a new first lesson that Orion had tried but he thought it would be well. He wasn't sure about this Jaegar, he didn't know anything about his past, his personality, or his work ethic. And while this little test wouldn't do anything to solve the specifics it would give him an insight as to a little bit of everything.


Without warnign Orion stepped foreward and swung the lathe he still had in his hands, held surely in a two handed grip that he wasn't used to. Orion was used to having a blade in each hand as he fought, but he was also taught as a trainee to wield one. The lathe clacked off of Jaegar's borrowed one, a thing that made Orion a little easier. "You're first lesson is to always be prepared, you never know when someone might strike at you or an Aes Sedai that you are gaurding." Orion took a small side step and pressed his attack once again.





Jaegar was startled when Orion came at him and barely deflected the lathe. The point was taken but he was startled once more when Orion came at him again. He kept up when he could lathe cracking against lathe. Sweat poured down his face this not being a sort of exercise he was used too but he kept pressing having already learned what happened when he didn't. He had a few stinging welts already placed upon his body. It was a good thing it wasn't a real blade. Left, right, up, down... he could barely see the lathe moving through the air as it came at him.. He had to take a solely defensive postion giving ground constantly. Orion looked at him with a weird glance as if he sensed him instead of seing him. That was it he was blind when he moved he didn't even need to look at him to swing. How did he do that? He got another swat. A stinging pain shot in his side. No time to think. He cleared his mind and all there was were lathes....




Enveloped in the void Orion sank into the sensation of becoming one with the world around him. Sounds became his vision as he drew the lathes of his enemy, his student, and he used that as he moved. His lathe moved through the air gracefully as the movements that had been so ingrained in his system manifested themselves.


But his movements were to judge and gauge what his student knew, not to punish or to harm. The welts and bruises he gave were to give his student a taste in what the following months and perhaps years would entail. Training to become a tower gaurd was not easy, and their was pain that went with the reward.


And almsot as quickly as he started Orion disengaged from Jaegar and took a step back. "Good, you show some hope of being a good swordsman. So to give youa break before we continue, tell me about yourself. Why do you want to become a Tower Gaurd?"




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