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Well, It's Finally Happening

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This place is about to fall apart. . . . . 

Oooo is there a leaning pillar I can knock over somewhere 


*dashes in wearing a Novice dress and carrying a basket that is chirping suspiciously*


Frogs?  Did someone say frogs?


*sees everyone looking at her*  What? I need a vacation!

DAAAR how nice of you to come!!!

Ah excellent, the frogs. Just put them over there next to those jars of paint for now :D 

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Heart is stepping down!?!


You left HER in charge!


Well I'm sure she'll do great, except with Zander lol


Wait, I need you Heart! You're supposed to help me with these, these, Aspies... left alone with them I might go insane! Oh, wait, already half there!

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*calls after Hiarth*  Hiarth!  Wait!  Hold on!


*watches Hiarth disappear around a corner*


Oh, well, I guess he'll find it when he gets there . . . I already left a basket in the Brown Ajah library just before I came here.  :biggrin:

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Mother is more like...




The Ancient One Who Sleeps. The woman you see prowling the White Tower is just the dream of a presence deep within the caverns earth. When the dreamer awakens, She Will Want Her Kaf.

She's also a spider :P

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I shall lead the Warderlings, and we shall be The Lost Warderlings!


Or you know, I can be replaced...


Or I can just ask Warders nicely to take in Warderlings....


Or you know Warderlings could just take Warderlings under their wing on their own...


Or the Warderlings could just take care of themselves...


Or the Warderlings can just wander lost


Or they will all turn into frogs!


(No really. I had a dream one time that all of the male Warders has been turned into frogs, and me and Lii were the only female Warders at the time, and in the dream Lii was off on a quest to defeat a tiger so I had to chase down all the men...)

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