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Sometimes even when you've fought your best....

Guest Wilson


It is with great sadness that I tell you that the Dragon is gone. RJ left us today at 2:45 PM. He fought a valiant fight against this most horrid disease. In the end, he left peacefully and in no pain. In the years he had fought this, he taught me much about living and about facing death. He never waivered in his faith, nor questioned our God's timing. I could not possibly be more proud of anyone. I am eternally grateful for the time that I had with him on this earth and look forward to our reunion, though as I told him this afternoon, not yet. I love you bubba.


Our beloved Harriet was at his side through the entire fight and to the end. The last words from his mouth were to tell her that he loved her.


Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support through this ordeal. He knew you were there. Harriet reminded him today that she was very proud of the many lives he had touched through his work. We've all felt the love that you've been sending my brother/cousin. Please keep it coming as our Harriet could use the support.


Jason will be posting funeral arrangements.


My sincerest thanks.


Peace and Light be with each of you,




4th of 3


To Catalyst: Never, never loose faith. RJ did not. Harriet hasn't. I haven't. Going through what we have, our faith is only strengthened. Besides, if God didn't exist, we would have never had Jim. We did. God does. Remember my Brother/Cousin, my friend, think of him fondly and glorify God's name.


Editor's Note:


The entire staff of Dragonmount.com would like to extend its most deepest sympathies to Robert Jordan's family. He touched all of our lives in some way and we wish him the rest and peace he deserves. We will be posting information in the near future about where you can send condolences. Please check the News Section for these updates.




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Guest A. Custodio


My sincerest condolences to all of his family.


Like many here, I've been reading the Wheel of Time since high school. All of us who have become a part of his world will forever miss him. I had the pleasure of meeting him once at a book signing and the event still remains in my memory.


We'll never forget him.

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Thank you sir for giving my father and I the chance to reconnect through discussions on your books and characters.


Rest in peace.

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Guest Verlaine Cutsforth


I have so enjoyed his work and am very glad to hear that he was a believer and I am sure is enjoying the glory of the palace even now. Thank you and God bless the family. Verlaine

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I am saddened to hear of RJ's passing. But I am convinced that where he is, there is no more pain. He will be telling WOT stories to the angels, until we get there to catch up with him!


To his family and friends, you remain in my prayers. Though his pain is over and he is in a better place, we must remain.


As for me, I will always be touched by him when reading one of the WOT books wether for the first or the tenth time!

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Guest James F. Beveridge


I'd like to send my deepest and sincerest condolences to to Harriet, Wilson and the rest of James' family and friends as well as the legions of those who were affected by his works.

My own work was fundamentally moved and altered by his stories and I would like to think that I'm a better artist for having attempted to portray a small portion of the panoply of personages. panoramas and events that he painted within my mind...with his prose.

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Guest Daniel R Davis


My sincerest condolences to the family. Though my busy schedule has robbed me of being able to finish reading the Wheel of Time series, it was one of my all-time favorite stories. I recently managed to read The Conan Chronicles and found it an astounding portrayal of the Conan genre.


As a writer myself, Robert Jordan was one of the authors I really respected and looked up to and I was truly sorry to hear this news today. Another legendary writer falls, but his works live on. May they continue to touch lives and inspire young writers forever.



Dan Davis

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Oh Harriet,

I'm so sorry! When I heard the news I felt as if I had been slapped in the face. I guess we all knew that this day may come but it certainly doesn't ease my heart at all. All the grief we must feel can't compare to your loss. If I could fill you will all the love that we feel for both of you to ease your pain - I would. I know he is with you - you were his soul after all....he may be with God right now eating the hottest food he can find and telling stories but I know that he has one eye on you RIGHT NOW making sure you are safe and waiting for the day when he can bring you home. I had the pleasure of meeting him a few times and there could not have been a kinder man - the first time you were with him at a book signing and I remember that he couldn't say enough wonderful things about you - he loves you so. RJ said he could only answer a few questions and then proceded to answer question after question, mine included, to his adoring fans with a grace few have. I remember my husband remarking that he seemed to be picking the pretty girls fairly frequently! :) The second time was also at a book signing - one of his last and I had my youngest son with me. He treated us with kindness and happily took a picture with me. I will remember those times forever. I only knew the writer but he must have been a wonderful man.

Please know Harriet, and Wilson, that while most of us do not know you personaly we still feel that we know you. Over the years you have opened your hearts to us and we all have come to love you. Whenever you may need it please know that you can turn to us. We will ALWAYS be here for your - today and years from now. If I could hold you both to thank you for opening yourselves to us I would. You will never be alone and our love will always be with you. He is with the Lord now as we all will be one day and I am happy that he is at peace.


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Guest Robin W.


So many have said what I am about to, but as with so many, I cannot allow this grievous event to pass unremarked.


I agree that it seems odd to have such a heavy heart for the passing of a man I never met, but as with so many others, his tales had an impact in my life. His books opened doors to many friendships just by holding them, and in some odd way - led to my marriage. His creative skill gave me hope.


Upon hearing the news I felt the sun dim. There likely will never be another author that will be able to touch me so deeply.


Once again the Wheel has Turned...and a new age is upon us.... An age without Mr. Rigney....


My prayers go out to his family, friends, and fans....


Blessed Be...

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I can't believe he is gone, I am so sorry for Harriet and RJ's family. I have been reading his series for almost 20 years now, and I am sure he will live forever through the people who will remember him.

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This news came as a physical blow to me when I heard it. I actually staggered backward a bit. I'll miss him very much and treasure the few seconds I met him in the Netherlands years ago. My deepest condolences to Harriet, Wilson and the rest of his family. The world has suddenly become a much darker place, but he was able to brighten it even more through his writing.


Thank you, RJ, for being a part of my life.

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I am deeply saddened by this. Robert Jordan was an inspiration to me, and to countless others. Thank you, and may you rest in peace. And to his family and friends, my condolences.

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Guest Dan Harvill


An inspiration in life; an inspiration in death; a continuing inspiration. These are what Robert Jordan means to me. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and my heart is gladdened by the thought that such a wonderful person could be brought into all of our lives.

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It takes great sadness to bring a tear to my eye. I cried.


Mr Jordan you will surely be missed.

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I am deeply saddened to hear of Mr. Jordan's death and I extend my deepest sympathies and condolences to his family and friends. Mr. Jordan will be greatly missed by all of us who have so enjoyed his works over the years.

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Guest Louise FitzGerald


A sad loss to the world of high fantasy and life itself.

My deepest condolences to everyone close to RJ.


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Thanks for the wonderful books, I am honored that you and your Brother/Cousin have taken the time to keep us all informed.


My condolences to Harriet and your entire family at this time of sorrow.

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Condolences to you and your family. We are all truely blessed to have been a part of his life through his wonderful imagination. God Bless. He will be missed.


Nicole, Boston

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